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Why do you mothers with toddlers, let them waddle carelessly into the paths of walking people?. When i collide and injure your child, who will you blame?

Why do mothers with prams trying to get on buses, get on, regardless of the 3 mothers and their prams already on there?

All you will contribute to is, people taking a decade to get off & people can't get on and find a suitable place to stand or sit. While this commotion is going on, your perfect child is screaming its head off and annoying the hell out of me

Also mothers with multiple children on buses, why do you let your children run riot around the bus? Surely you must know that you are p*ss*ng passengers off? Is so hard to keep your child with you at all times? If the yes is yes, maybe you should quit with the baby making

2007-02-22 05:11:56 · 53 answers · asked by Blackout 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Parenting

If the answers is yes, maybe you should quit with the baby making

There is this woman and her 8 kids, who get on my single Decker bus all the time. The fact that the bus is already packed and her and her 8 products of her lust try to push on is enough to annoy anyone, but then she lets her ill mannered children go
Nuts and terrorise the passengers who have actually have paid £2 to get on the bus. I

Now I love kids as much as the next person, but when someone else’s offspring’s starts to affect my quality of living, im going to have a bit of a problem with it.

Mothers, why do you do these things?


2007-02-22 05:13:13 · update #1

If the answers is yes, maybe you should quit with the baby making

There is this woman and her 8 kids, who get on my single Decker bus all the time. The fact that the bus is already packed and her and her 8 products of her lust try to push on is enough to annoy anyone, but then she lets her ill mannered children go
Nuts and terrorise the passengers who have actually have paid £2 to get on the bus. I

Now I love kids as much as the next person, but when someone else’s offspring’s starts to affect my quality of living, im going to have a bit of a problem with it.

Mothers, why do you do these things?


2007-02-22 05:13:18 · update #2

The majority of you mothers are very violent, agressive and very inconsiderate,

2007-02-22 06:34:50 · update #3

53 answers

OMG! I SO AGREE! I have children and I would never let my kids act like savages running wild. But it seems like I am quite often the person being violated by someone else's children. It must be upbringing, on the other hand though being a mother we have the ability to tune out alot of what are children do, it's like we become immune to the noise, and sometimes are just happy that they are leaving us alone. Mothers PLEASE do not be offended by these comments, and if you are one of these mothers take this as a corrective critisism and work on managing your children. They can run wild at HOME!

2007-02-22 05:23:02 · answer #1 · answered by susan 3 · 4 3

It is really hard to get around on busses etc with even one small child, my son is 3 months old, and I usually take him in a sling, cos I don't want to annoy people by trying to get on the bus with his pram, which wouldn't fit very well. I TRY at all times to be considerate to the other passengers, and I try and make sure I can keep him at least "babbling" and not crying, by talking to him etc. But I can't ALWAYS succeed, if the bus is late and he is really hungry etc, then I do get really stressed and upset because I know I am annoying the other passengers, but my son doesn't know that, he just knows he's hungry.
Not all mothers are inconsiderate, and many would appreciate the consideration of others. I have paid as much bus fare as the next person, and would never expect an elderly or disabled person to stand for me, but it would be nice if the young adults would give up their seat for me when I have the baby in the sling and my shopping. it's harder for me to stand as my centre of gravity is shifted being attached to the baby (who i carry so as not to use up pram space).
YES mothers should be considerate and control their children, but they also deserve consideration too!

2007-02-22 21:28:48 · answer #2 · answered by jop291106 3 · 0 0

Ahhh. I've answered the rather more delicate version of this question first.

Let's address it point by point shall we?

Mothers (and I have taken note that you don't appear to have a problem with Fathers) who let their toddlers wander around loose at any time while in a public space-be it the bus or a shopping centre-need their heads examined. My eldest had reigns, my current toddler has reigns and when my youngest is toddling he'll have reigns too. They are for my child's safety and my peace of mind and are invaluable.

Mothers with prams try to get on buses because they have somewhere to go, it's too far to walk and they don't have access to a car. Hardly rocket science.

If your problem is that there is not sufficient room for said Mother, pram and children then perhaps your concerns might find a more practical solution in the hands of the bus companies-who, after all are supposed to be offering a service that is accessible to all.

I am quite sure however that if, instead of sitting tutting you were to offer to assist said Mother with her hands well and truly full she could then deal with her 'screaming child' in a more efficient manner-thus resolving the noise issue and setting an admiral example to the other 'gentlemen' on the bus.

The subject of screaming, unruly children running riot is one close to my heart and in essence you are correct-children should be kept under some semblence of control while in a public space or in the company of others using a facility(whatever that may be). This may not be sat in silence, hands folded in laps as you would no doubt like-but they should at least be sat firmly in seats with their volume level to a minimum.

If, however you continue to find yourself in the untenable position of having your 'quality of life' spoilt on a daily basis then might one suggest a bicycle or car sharing as alternative methods of transport.

2007-02-23 00:49:43 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Sounds to me like the milk on your cereal was chunky this morning. Kids will be kids. Some of their problem may be their upbringing, but at times you just don't know what your own child is capable of. I have no children of my own, but I take care of many other people's children and I can tell between upbringings. The problem is that people are so afraid to discipline their children anymore, that many children are out of their parents control. I know a mother that has no control over her kids for the simple fact that she has not grown up herself and has no clue as to how to be a parent. As a result, her kids have absolutely no respect for her. The kids run wild for her and are the best little 3 and 4 year olds for me. If it bothers you that much and you need that public transportation, I would confront the mother and ask her if she needs you to hold her baby while she gains control of her other children. Remember most people only have two hands!!!!

2007-02-22 06:55:33 · answer #4 · answered by sabuilder 1 · 0 0

Well, I can see where you're coming from. I believe it has a lot to do with your part of town. Lower income families or poverse areas tend to have mothers who really don't care about their children. But you can't take it out on all mothers. Raising children is a really hard job. It teaches you things about yourself that you can't learn anywhere else, like PATIENTS!! When you're on the bus just close your eyes and be grateful you don't have to take these children home. I used to work at wal-mart (big store in the U.S.) and mothers would just let their children run through the store while they shopped then when they were done had us help look for them and chase them down. I swear this happened EVERY DAY! It's the reason I quit. One lady, probably a lot like your friend on the bus, had 4 children but forgot one at the store. She didn't notice her child was missing until an HOUR later. But as for me, I'm a mother of a 2yr old boy with lots of energy and when I'm in public I make sure he behaves. I don't think it's fair to others unless we are at a place that is family friendly. Please be nice to the mothers out there, we have the hardest job in the world.

2007-02-22 05:36:33 · answer #5 · answered by simplelife 2 · 1 0

How about a different question like "How do parents effectively control their children on buses?" Or, "What can a person do when someone else's children are creating a riot" When you insult parents, you're not going to get any real help with the problem. You know there are parents out there that are control their children. How about throwing them a compliment rather than generalizing that mothers all do these things. By the way, all of us have bad days (you're obviously having one) even children. Have a little compassion for other humans.

2007-02-22 05:29:04 · answer #6 · answered by bibliobethica 4 · 5 0

I think you are aiming this question at the MINORITY of parents who behave irresponsibly with their children. I have a two year old and yes she's not perfect and she has her moments of unruly behaviour, for which she is punished. But, I do not let her run riot on buses and I certainly don't let her walk in the way of other people who happen to be passing. She knows to say excuse me if someone is in her way and she knows to say thank you when they move. You also have to look at it from most parents point of view. Why do some people leave you to struggle through doors when you have a pushchair? If I'm going through a door and there is someone behind me I will hold it open for them!! Why do some people think it's ok to knock a little person over who is in their way because they are in a hurry? It works both ways and when a child/children are brought up with manners and respect they do not run riot and know how to behave.

So all in all I find that your question genralises every child and every parent with multiple children when this is clearly not the case!!!

2007-02-22 05:38:25 · answer #7 · answered by niccog26 3 · 1 1

Quite honestly, some of this is somewhat unavoidable. I am specifically referring to the moms getting on with prams. They need them, and they can't exactly control how many other mothers have already boarded prior to them. On that note, you're going to have to be more patient with them. It's like getting mad at people in wheelchairs or who use walkers.

HOWEVER, I agree that parents need to have better control over their children, wherever they are in public. I can't BELIEVE the parents who let their children run amok in stores, restaurants, museums, etc. Yes, if I go to Chuck E. Cheese, I'm asking for it. But, if I'm at a nice restaurant, enjoying my nice meal, having paid for a nice babysitter to watch my child, I DON"T WANT YOUR THREE YEAR OLD CHILD FLINGING FOOD AT ME.

Guess what? I have a baby! It cries sometimes, at inopportune moments, like, say, in a restaurant. So, I understand that sometimes, no matter what, the baby won't stop crying. Know what I do? I leave. Other people need to learn to do this. Because every other person in the restaurant is paying for a PLEASURABLE experience.

I've had one of the children I nannied throw a temper tantrum in the middle of the library. Boom! Within three minutes, he (5 yrs) and his two younger sisters (3 and 16 mos) were OUT THE DOOR (I had to get the kids in jackets and what not). If your child isn't behaving, get them out of the situation. On a bus, I understand you can't just leave. Dole out some consequences, and stick to them. Next time, they just might behave.

It's called parenting. If you've had a child, you might want to try it.

2007-02-22 12:36:51 · answer #8 · answered by katheek77 4 · 0 0

Isn't it the bus drivers decision to let a mother, or father, on a bus with a buggy? So if it's packed should you take your concerns up with him/her?

Children are children what about teens (and even adults) they behave far worse, for some reason it's OK to play music on their phones out loud because of course we all want to hear it and it's OK to taunt people.

I'd rather be around a child on a bus than a teen any day.

2007-02-22 10:54:49 · answer #9 · answered by Bugs 3 · 0 0

well i don't do this at all and i have a 2 year old daughter and triplets on the way....when i go to the store my daughter behaves fine she tells what she wants and i get it for her, nor does she cry in a res. or a store or for the matter a bus i haven't taken her on a bus though. my daughter knows if she doesn't behave then she 'll have 2 chocies either keep up the issue and have no playmate or toys for 1 day or start behaving and maybe she can get something.I WOULD NEVER DO THIS , becasue not only is it rude to others but it could lead to injury ect. i am a very excelling mother ,mothers even came up to me a few times and said how do you do it? i am what they call a good mom!

2007-02-22 08:28:46 · answer #10 · answered by collegemommy101 1 · 0 0

If you dont like it get off the bloomin bus, Child hater! Why do ppl winge about children who are defenceless and blame their mothers who are doing an incredible yet difficult job. Do childless women realise what a difficult time consuming job we have it is not intentional that we upset these ppl but they must try and be patient and realise that being a mother although rewarding is not a straight forward task. I suggest you save your critism for when you have children and see if you still feel the same way!
Being a mother is sometimes an isolating experience and maybe a a trip on a bus to town to do something 'normal' is the only way a a mother can feel normal - get a bike , car or use your legs and can i suggest you take a freakin chill pill!

2007-02-22 05:43:15 · answer #11 · answered by carlyjayne 2 · 2 2

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