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This may seem like a silly question, but here goes. For a long time, since I was in high school, I've been praying for a life partner, but it still hasn't happened yet (I'm 26 now). I'm worried this might mean God doesn't have anyone planned for me to marry ever...do you think that's what it means? Or is it just not His timing yet? I'm so confused...I only want mature answers please. How do I know?

2007-02-22 05:10:20 · 49 answers · asked by sunflower 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

49 answers

I have been walking with the Lord for over 30 years. Not that that makes me an expert, but I am an older Christian and I have to say, I think it will happen in His time. He promises if you delight yourself in the Lord that He will give you the desires of your heart. I know He doesn't give us everything we ask for but each of us have that one request, that one major thing we have prayed for all of our lives and that is yours. So I think as long as your are delighting yourself in Him that He will grant your prayer but as you said, in His time.

And if I might add, I didn't meet my husband until I was 40, just when I gave up on men and had settled into the mindset that I would be alone for the rest of my life, there he came into my life. God bless.

2007-02-22 05:15:57 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

God has a different plan for everyone's life. I do not know what his plan is for yours!

Perhaps there is something He wants you to learn first, or perhaps he intends you to be with a man you have not met yet. Keep praying, but know that God loves you and will do what is best for you.

I have a brother and sister-in-law who always wanted to have a large family. But they spent many years trying unsuccesfully to have children. I always found this unfair because they would make great parents and they wanted children so much. When they became foster parents and eventually adopted three children, I understood the reason for this. If they had been able to have children on their own, my little niece and nephew would have never had the stable and loving home that they now have.

Many times I question God's decisions but a few years later, looking back, I can see why certain things happened .Even though I would never have chosen them, I am glad that they did.

2007-02-22 05:18:30 · answer #2 · answered by Laura H 5 · 0 0

No one can answer that question, but 26 is pretty young. People are getting married later and later with each generation. I am 29 and unmarried. This is normal in NYC, Chicago, or other big cities. In small towns, less so. I

I think you should just seek God's will for your life as a single person, doing things you couldn't if you were married. My sister did a lot of medical mission trips to third world countries, but that stopped when she got married. Also, read 1 Cor 7 if you get a chance.

Then, when you get married, you can change your focus.

2007-02-22 05:19:29 · answer #3 · answered by Aspurtaime Dog Sneeze 6 · 1 0

Praise God honey. I know that sometimes we can get confused and afraid, but I have this to tell you. I had to do a real heart check when I realized I still wasn't married. Yes, God has a perfect timing for us all. It is what we do in the waiting period that matters. I had been saved for ten years and not married. What was the problem? I was the problem. I wasn't ready for a husband. We must remember Jeremiah 29:11 God knows the thoughts that He thinks towards us, they are thoughts of peace and not of evil to give us an expected end. We are to pray and believe and know that God is working it out. Be anxious for nothing but all things through prayer and supplication let your request be made known. We must get to a place that we can truly say, "God if it never happens I choose and trust you." However, "I believe you for everything in my life." I would like to recommend this awesome movie that I seen last week that moved me to know end and reminded that God is in control. It is called Facing the Giants. Its only been out for a couple of weeks but it really ministered to me.

2007-02-22 05:21:39 · answer #4 · answered by afroloves1 2 · 1 0

I felt the same way when I was younger, I wanted to find someone so bad, and nothing ever worked out. I got so discouraged, and finally just gave up. Got angry with God and all that. But you know what? I met the most incredible woman when I was in my 30's. She was absolutely perfect for me, and I love her more than I could ever say! If only I had known what a blessing God had in store for me, I would never had worried for a second. Not saying you'll have to wait as long as I did, but be patient and trust Him. Believe me, to have the right person and know it is worth the wait.

2007-02-22 05:21:04 · answer #5 · answered by beach bum 3 · 0 0

What? You think God is going to drop a man in your lap, that dont happen .Yes pray for a partner but you need to do a little of the work too .God wants you to look a little.I went to church with a woman who got married ,for the first time when she was 38.. so there is some one out there ,you just gotta look.

2007-02-22 05:18:15 · answer #6 · answered by Ms Scarlet 4 · 0 0

Chances are that God does have the right person for you but at the right time. Spend your time now submitting to God's plan for your life to reduce your anxiety over this issue. Need God only and always, and the husband will just be icing on the cake. Perhaps God wants your priorities to shift even more toward Him before He directs a husband to you.

P.S. 26 isn't an old maid! ;-)

2007-02-22 05:15:30 · answer #7 · answered by chdoctor 5 · 2 0

You are only 26 years old, and that certainly is not old at all. I understand that you wish to find someone to share your experiences with (both the ups and downs), as I think that everyone has that desire, even the loner. However, some people find that life mate later on in life and some find it sooner. There are a whole bunch of people who find someone who later turns around to be the wrong one, hence the need for divorce. Just to go on a tangent, the divorce rate that the government posts is incorrect as they calculate it as the number of people getting married in a given year compared to those divorced; that skews the numbers and does not allow for an accurate calculations as more and more people are not getting married, which would push up divorce rates statistically as how they calculate it.
However, not sure if this is a problem that your God has anything to do with. I have always found that I need to make and take steps towards to goal that I want in order to get to that goal. Unfortunately I do not put faith in an outside force that will give me what I want or has plans for me. That would concern me that a God has plans for me since I would therefore have no control over my life and anything that I did could be blamed on that being since it obviously was his plan and not mine. However, what I am attempting to tell you is that you need to take the necessary steps towards finding someone that you wish to spend time with. And possibly that person that you find is going to only spend a short time touching your life or a long time or a lifetime. However live for the moment and enjoy whomever comes into your life because the person that you are is due to the many people who have touched your life (both good and bad) for your first 26 years. Try doing a sports league or any other type of hobby. There are so many different ways of meeting people. I have always found that when you are looking so hard for something, that you can never seem to find it. Relax and enjoy yourself.
Just one concern, and please do not take offense to this point. There are many people on the planet looking for that "Right" person, their life partner. Often we look for that person because we are feeling lost or that something is missing. When we find that person, everything feels perfect and that missing part in our lives is not whole. Initially all is great because we feel like we could conquer the world when around them, because we are taking their energy to make us whole. However we should never need to take their energy to make us whole. That feeling like something is missing is a problem of ourselves and we can not expect that anyone else will fix that for us. We need to find out what is missing in our lives and make ourselves whole prior to moving into any relationship. Just saying that from your statement that you have been asking for this from High School. Something for me flags that as there is something missing in your life that would make you whole and you are hoping that it will be fixed by having that life partner. Unfortunately you need to become whole first prior to the relationship, or you will drain them and they will go away. We should never look to anyone else to do that for us, that is our responsibility.

2007-02-22 05:37:25 · answer #8 · answered by corona001500 3 · 0 0

It's just not time yet. If you do it too early, you might regret it. Maybe you or whoever your partner is need to grow a little bit more so when you and he get marry, you can work with all the things that you don't like about the other. So please keep on waiting and remember: God knows exactly the right time for you and him (whoever he is) to get marry.

2007-02-22 05:24:28 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Things come to us in God's time...I know many non-Christians think that's just some excuse for not having thing happen immediately...BUT... sometimes God has to make other things happen before your prayer can be answered. For example, suppose you're praying for a big promotion at work..what is God to do if the position you want is already occupied. He has to do things (in His way) to open that slot, or perhaps a new slot will be created. Patience is the key. You have to already believe your prayer is answered and water it with faith and patience. My wife was afflicted with an incurable disease. After 3 years of praying and laying of hands, she was delivered and the disease is gone. - Patience - God Bless you.

2007-02-22 05:18:44 · answer #10 · answered by Mike R 2 · 1 0

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