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Eventhough I have a new girlfriend now My new girl
feels its too soon for us to be intimate sexually. Am I
wrong to continue with my ex until my girlfriend is
ready ? I have no idea how long that might be and my
ex is a great lover.
What should I do ??

2007-02-22 04:48:47 · 23 answers · asked by Michael 1 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

23 answers

It sounds like all you're interested in is sex. Why would you start dating someone else if you're not through with your ex? If you cared about your new girlfriend, you wouldn't be cheating on her.

2007-02-22 04:53:20 · answer #1 · answered by Creampoof737 3 · 1 0

Boy, you're having your cake & eating it too aren't you? It seems as though your present g/f is the only smart one of the three of you. How can you face your g/f when you've been to bed with your ex g/f? Sex isn't everything in a relationship, but apparently, it is to you, so do the right thing, be a real man, tell your current g/f what you've been up to with the ex & let her decide what she wants to do. Your ex g/f may be a great lover but how many other men think so? Food for thought!!!!

2007-02-22 05:04:52 · answer #2 · answered by Shortstuff13 7 · 1 0

Yes you are wrong for that, but you can stop it. How would you like if the shoe were on the other foot? If you really like or love your new girlfriend, then stop having sex with your ex. I'm not going to bash you like some others, but your new girlfriend deserves better than that. It's not wrong to be wrong, it's wrong to stay wrong. Those are the words a very wise man told me once (he's also a marriage counselor). You are wrong, don't stay wrong. Good luck.

2007-02-22 04:58:43 · answer #3 · answered by Steel 3 · 0 0

Ouch, well it sounds like you already know the answer otherwise i am not sure you would be asking it on here? My advice, if you want tobe single and date around? then hell yeah keep sleeping with your ex that way your not sleeping with every girl that comes your way, BUT if you are in a relationship with a new girl that has no clue you are doing that, well, its called cheating and its just wrong. How would you feel if she wasnt sleeping with you but sleeping around with a guy behind your back?
Or better yet, what if your ex gives you an STD? and then you give it to your new girl?
My advice pick one and stay with that one, dont be permiscuouse with girls. You will always get caught and its not cool to destroy soemones trust like that...no wonder your new girl doesnt want tobe intimate yet, cuz of guys like you!

2007-02-22 04:55:54 · answer #4 · answered by nikel 2 · 0 0

Delete the naked pictures. If he has the nerve to ask you about it, tell him you don't know what he's talking about. I'm not sure that I'd worry too much about the locked file cabinet. Its not like he's keeping hookers in there.

2016-03-29 07:15:34 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There's a reson why they are called EXES.... things didn't work out right. So it makes perfectly good sesnse to you to CHEAT on the new girl by having sex with the old one (using the old one) What if the new girl finds out? Why can't you wait til she's ready? Why are you being so selfish? is the new girl NOT worth the wait?

you are too immature to know how to handle relationships. Only babies demand instant gratification, not men.

Apparently you've never loved or had your heart broken, lucky you.

2007-02-22 04:56:01 · answer #6 · answered by grldragon101 4 · 1 0

If its not too late, talk your new GF into liking the idea. I assume she's pretty new anyway so hopefully it isnt too far into it. If your Ex doesnt mine, and you dont mind theres really only one other person left out. Try a sample question and use a ficticious friend or make up a news article that you might have read. Heck, blame it on me and say you saw someone ask it on here and see what she says about it. Also be careful though, she might be smart and check your yahoo ID if you chat on messenger for questions like this posted here. Also be careful of how you phrase the hypothetic situation, women are much better.. no wait, way too good at reading between the lines and figuring out motives behind questions.

Maybe you could have one of those shows on HBO about cat houses or a documentry involving sex of some sort, maybe youre just watching a movie with her. Find out what she thinks about other girls by saying, "I think that girl is kind of cute". If she agree's thats the opener to find out how much she likes other women and this is the KEY. A girl that is going to be ok with you being with another girl or *grins* a 3 way with you and the ex is very likely going to have the "like other girls" attribute in her personality. But if she doesnt, dont give up, it is possible she could be ok with it and still not like girls in that way.

You have to guage how receptive she is about things. If she's very and says hey that girl is really nice! Ask if she's ever kissed a girl then move on from there.. If she mildly agrees she could still like them but doesnt want to dump her purse out and show you everything she's got yet. If she has a filthy disguested look on her face, you're going to have to go slow at your questioning.

The most important thing here is to figure out your current GF's stand on the idea of being 'open', because it is possible to make it work for 2 at the same time, its a much better and less boring situation to be in.

If it looks like it would never work and she's gotta have you all to herself, you need to find out what kind of appetite she is going to have and if she is going to be able to fill your needs in bed. If it is questionable and maybe she's a once a week missionary only type girl then you will have too keep your ex-gf for her superior skillset. Face it, the new GF without that part of the relationship being good, is never going to be the best girl in your life so you cant bet all your chips on that hand.

Honesty is the best policy IF and only if the recipient of the honest information is going to be able to handle it all at once. You want to work towards the state of honesty at some point. Its important to never lie about it though. If in the middle of all of this it comes up and you are asked directly if you are doing something with another girl. Tell her and tell her the absolute truth about how you feel about her (feel free to embarass yourself by sharing emotional thoughts at this point) and that the ex is only a sexual relationship and you know that the two of you can only be friends on the emotional level.

Most girls are going to have a difficult time separating sex and the emotion part. It sounds like the ex is fine with it, make sure you dont lead her on to think that you are "getting back together".

Dont be scared my friend. Embrace the situation you have. If you dont agree with the structure of the traditional relationship then dont live by it. Enjoy what you have and do your best to make it work and create open lines of communication with both girls.

2007-02-22 05:22:25 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It's okay dude, you're just a little confused. But one thing is for sure, the new girl you're with, you don't really like her enough. You know when you really like someone, you'd never want to hurt them, physically and EMOTIONALLY. Everything you do, you'd do it in regards of their feelings. But hey, if the intimacy is something you can't let go, then stay single. Seriously, you're new gf is innoncent, no need to hurt her for your sexual needs. You gotta balance what you give and what you take. Ya heard?

2007-02-22 04:59:01 · answer #8 · answered by iQuestions 2 · 0 0

You should GROW UP! Evidently you think that your 'sexual satisfaction' means more than your emotional relationship with either 'girl' ... but what you are 'doing' by having sex with your ex because your 'new' isn't ready is damaging BOTH relationships, and is showing you to be 'shallow' and 'hormonally challenged' and not a 'grown up' who can 'choose' to wait when the time for waiting it the 'right' answer.

2007-02-22 04:53:07 · answer #9 · answered by Kris L 7 · 1 0

That is wrong...you are cheating on her!!! You either need to break up with your current girlfriend, and then you can continue sleeping with your ex...or you need to STOP sleeping with you ex and have a real relationship with your girlfriend!!! You cann't have your cake and eat it too ~ as the saying goes :)

2007-02-22 04:55:07 · answer #10 · answered by southernbell 2 · 1 0

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