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More Americans killed by illegal aliens than Iraq war, study says
By Jim Brown
February 22, 2007

(AgapePress) -- Illegal aliens are killing more Americans than the Iraq war, says a new report from Family Security Matters that estimates some 2,158 murders are committed every year by illegal aliens in the U.S. The group says that number is more than 15 percent of all the murders reported by the Federal Bureau of Investigation in the U.S. and about three times the representation of illegal aliens in the general population.

Mike Cutler, a former senior special agent with the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service (the former INS), is a fellow at the Center for Immigration Studies and an advisor to Family Security Matters (FSM). He says the high number of Americans being killed by illegal aliens is just part of the collateral damage that comes with tolerating illegal immigration.

"The military actually called for the BORTAC team, ... the elite unit of the Border Patrol, to be detailed to Iraq to help to secure the Iraqi border," Cutler notes. "Now, if our military can understand that Iraq's security depends in measure on the ability to protect its border against insurgents and terrorists, then why isn't our country similarly protecting our own borders?" he asks.

"We are not five and a half years, nearly, after 9/11, and yet our borders remain open," the Center for Immigration Studies fellow observes. "We have National Guardsmen assigned on the border, but it turns out they are unarmed," he points out. "Their rules of engagement are very simple: if armed intruders head your way, run in the other direction."

This situation would "almost be comical if it wasn't so tragic," Cutler asserts. "If our borders are wide open, this means that drugs, criminals, and terrorists are entering our country just as easily as the dishwashers," he says.

The report from FSM estimates that the 267,000 illegal aliens currently incarcerated in the nation are responsible for nearly 1,300,000 crimes, ranging from drug arrests to rape and murder. Such statistics, Cutler contends, debunk the claim that illegal immigration is a victimless crime. "Then we even have another problem," he adds, "and that's the Visa Waiver Program."

The federal government's Visa Waiver Program enables nationals of certain countries to travel to the United States for tourism or business for stays of 90 days or less without obtaining a visa. According to the U.S. State Department website, the waiver program was established in 1986 with the objective of "eliminating unnecessary barriers to travel," stimulating America's tourism industry, and allowing the government to focus consular resources in other areas.

Cutler says the U.S. retains the Visa Waiver Program because the nation's travel, tourism, and hospitality industries want America's borders wide open. In other words, the former INS official contends, the nation's security is being compromised in the name of trade.

Copyright © 2007 AgapePress -- All rights reserved.

2007-02-22 04:27:06 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Immigration

10 answers

I am glad to see your post as it sheds the light on the real issue of illegal immigration. I don't see why you aimed you question at the liberals (of which I am not) though because I think this is one issue that as a whole we are together on. It is our politicians from both sides that need to be enlightened on the issue and the fact that we are not going to continue to accept their dereliction of duty much more. In the interest of anti terrorism, public safety, anti violence, anti drugs, and the retention of our way of life we must stop the invasion. The facts speak for themselves and there is no logical way to deny the dangers of our open borders.

The number of deaths due to our poor border control is much larger than this story tells. A very large % of gangs are illegals and the most dangerous of those gangs (MS13) is almost completely made of illegal immigrants. The drugs being brought across our borders play a large part in murders and armed robberies and also DUI deaths. Human trafficking kills countless people and it is not always the ones who are breaking the law that get caught in the crossfire.

2007-02-22 05:05:48 · answer #1 · answered by joevette 6 · 6 0

I still love the fact that you cannot pose a question like this without those idiots on the left going to the lowest common denominator and claiming RACISM. When did speaking the truth become racist, illegal aliens are a strain on our society. And no they are not doing the jobs American won't do, they are just doing them cheaper with the help of their law breaking employers. You want to come to this country, do it legally. And if you do come here be ready to become an American and embrace our way of life, our culture, and the way we do things. You don't come here and demand services from us, or tell us how you are going to do things. Assimilate, learn, work, pay taxes like the rest of us, and no not SALES TAXES. Just b/c you purchase a good or service and pay a federal sales tax does not mean you are doing your part. If you don't want to come here and become part of the great experiment known as the United States of America stay in your country and change things, others far better than you in worse circumstances have done it before. The United States and her people have always and will always continue to welcome immigrants and their cultures to find a new life here for them and their families, but only those who understand that here in the U.S. the Rule of Law is how we govern our lives, not just doing what feels right at the time, or taking the easy way out of things. Go through the process, work hard, set goals for your family so that your children and your children's children will tell stories for generations to come about how their grandparents immigrated legally to this country and lived the AMERICAN DREAM!

2007-02-22 06:15:24 · answer #2 · answered by t_zoid52 2 · 3 1

I believe that the problem of illegal immigration is the most important issue of our time. We will win the War against Islamic Jihadists, but I fear the we will lose the War with Mexico. Mexico is invading our country and few of our leaders are doing anything about it. Mexico is actively waging a war called the Reconquista with the US, and folks, they are winning! Forget the Democrat candidates for President; they are all for open borders and amnesty for illegal aliens. Vote in the Republican primary elections next year for either Duncan Hunter or Tom Tancredo.

Some good sources of info about this problem are: www.grassfire.org, www.numbersusa.com, and www.protectourborder.net which has a yahoo group.

2007-02-22 05:17:32 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

OMG, illegals killing Americans, that is so--so--RACIST! It's so racist for Americans to recognize the problems with the illegal invasion. The racism is so obvious there, you know it, I know it, Martin Luther King knows it! Even black-murdering illegal Mexican gang members know it! Illegals have the right to invade and kill Americans, it's on the Statue of Liberty, it's in the American constitution. To think otherwise is --(drum roll) racist!
*smirk* I can't stand liberal-traitors.

2007-02-22 06:46:22 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

That number does not include deaths to American citizens by illegals who drive drunk. So it's closer to 9,000 deaths PER YEAR from illegals.

I hope the people complaining about 3,000+ American military deaths over 6 years are listening.

2007-02-22 05:02:04 · answer #5 · answered by Hammer 2 · 7 0

Yeah, like anyone with half a brain and a thinking mind would take anything seriously from this fundamentalist extremely right-wing christian anti-everything rag they call a newspaper.

You need to find another source for your information....this outfit is simply laughable.

2007-02-22 07:02:17 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Man, They will just accuse you of racism. Thats the thing they ll do if they have no answer. Been there

2007-02-22 04:48:59 · answer #7 · answered by type2negative 4 · 4 0

This is crap. The Mexican boarder isn't wide open, the Canadian boarder is but no one seems to care about that.

2007-02-22 05:18:35 · answer #8 · answered by Saturn16 2 · 0 6

Why are we spending $700,000,000,000 in Iraq?

2007-02-22 05:26:31 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 5

Doesn't change my position, which is that illegal aliens who have not committed a crime (including murder) should be able to apply for permanent residence.

2007-02-22 05:03:26 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 11

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