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What are some of your techniques, or do's and do nots?

2007-02-22 04:25:53 · 28 answers · asked by ♫O Praise Him♫ 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

28 answers

Lead by example, words can be hollow, actions prove your words.

2007-02-22 04:29:09 · answer #1 · answered by Tracy K 3 · 7 1

Live by example. I have learned a long time ago that pushing beliefs has the opposite effect. Going door-to-door or handing out God-loves-you pamphlets leaves people feeling annoyed and further assured that Christians are just nut cases and who would want to join the nut cases?
I keep to myself. I go about my life and go to church. When people are ready, they come to me with questions. I also listen to what they have to say and refrain from cutting down their beliefs when they differ from mine. They may be ready to commit and they may not, but any attempt to push them faster than they are ready will guarantee to cause them to back away and possibly never return.

If you truly have the need to evangelize aggressively, be prepared to nourish their Christian walk down the road and not just to reel them in. So many people are sucked into Christianity, treated special as the New Christian for a year, and then forgotten, leaving them lost, bitter, and believing in God less than before you reeled them in.
Evangelizing is not a quick fix to get people into heaven. It's a lifetime thing that grows, changes, and evolves during the course of people's lives. Are you prepared to help nourish someone else's spiritual walk on a long-term basis? If, in honesty, you don't know if you can answer that positively, help fellow Christians with the spiritual walk that they are on now. They may be some of many who are no longer the New Christian and finding growth and change to be major stumbling blocks. Reeling in more New Christians and forgetting the others could leave a lot of bitterness and lost feelings around you.

2007-02-22 12:54:53 · answer #2 · answered by thezaylady 7 · 1 0

By far the best way is getting to know people personally. Invite neighbors to dinner, help your neighbors out, etc. Talk about Christ, but don't be pushy. Read how others respond to what you're saying, and if they act uncomfortable, that means don't push it. Show love, let them know you care about them. Invite them to church with you. Sometimes do the low key activities before the Sunday. However, just invite them to church, too. Do not push your beliefs onto them, and accept them even if they don't want to listen or go. But most of the time, even if they say "no," they will appreciate that you offered without pushing and they would be more likely to say "yes" in the future. If you get to know them well enough, you may both be able to talk about your beliefs with respect for each others' beliefs anyway. So above all, be an example of a good Christian. I know this is a long way to do it, but it is by far the most effective. It is not only effective in bringing people to Christ, but it is more effective in helping their faith to be built on a more solid foundation with a lot of support and so in keeping them having a testimony.

2007-02-22 12:33:31 · answer #3 · answered by Laurel W 4 · 3 1

Pray. Pray hard to make your body a vessel for him. Pray that you are an example of Christ to others.

I heard a quote one time, I have no clue what the reference is, but someone once told me, "You may be the only Christ a person sees." This means befriend people. Tell them if they ever need to talk, they're welcome to. And more than anything, tell them you will be praying for them.

If you are a member of a church, it might help you to talk to the Evangelism board, if there is one, and they might have some upcoming projects you can help with. Another thing that could be good is to talk to the Missions board (this board is sometimes combined with the Evangelism board). Both of these boards may have some projects that they are doing that you can participate in. I'm on both of these boards at my church and I know we are constantly looking for help to work with these projects, and a lot of them involve going out and just trying to get in touch with people. it's like on-the-job training, evangelism style. It'll teach you a lot about how to evangelize.

Your pastor/preacher/priest/whatever also probably had to go through some evangelism classes in seminary or his theology school. He/she would be a great person to talk to about effective evangelism.

The number one rule is not to beat someone up over the issue, verbally (or physically :-P) You want to approach people with love.

A good place to start is with your non-Christian friends. It can be as simple as talking to someone and letting them know you care, or even just saying, "Hey, I'm going to church on Sunday, would you like to come?" If at all possible, offer your friend a ride (this is not a good idea to do with strangers, but it would be a good plan to offer them directions). Also remember that it's not just success when you get them to come to your church, it's a success if they decide to go to church at all.

One final note: even if you don't feel like you are getting results, keep trying, with the same person, or with different people. Sometimes, you can't see the seed that is planted in the soil, until it sprouts in it's season. You may be planting a seed that is going to sprout later, even if it seems discouraging at the time.

God Bless!

2007-02-22 12:50:36 · answer #4 · answered by eastbaywhatsername 3 · 0 0

NEVER thrust your beliefs down someone's throat...or preach to them...telling them all their doing "wrong"...
I believe that God is a Loving God, and he would want us to evangalize through deeds..through the way we live our lives..that is the best way to "show" someone...through example...through helping others...letting them see the "light" in our eyes and feel it from our hearts..
Some people purport to be Christians..when in reality, they are looking for someone or something to bring about their own agendas...not God's..."Arm Chair" Christians do as much good as "Arm Chair Quarterbacks"....they raise a lot of noise, but can't back it up....

2007-02-22 12:35:18 · answer #5 · answered by Toots 6 · 2 0

DON'T tell people they are going to Hell if they don't believe in your religion. If they don't believe in your religion to begin with, they probably don't believe in Hell either.

DON'T point out people's specific faults or sins. This is countereffective and will turn people away from the church.

DON'T preach or continue to preach to people who are clearly not interested. This is a waste of time. Jesus tried to preach the the scribes and the pharisees, but they weren't interested and walked away. If Jesus, the Son of God, can't change people's minds, then we can't, either.

DO lead a good example by living a good Christian life. Spend time ministering to people who are less fortunate than you; and use your gifts and talents to love and serve other people.

DO minister to people before they have converted and not after. People should convert because they truly believe the faith, not because they are coerced into it. Also, once people realize what good, loving, and charitable people Christians are, they will be more likely to convert.

DO tell people about the positive experiences you have had at church and how being a Christian has made your life better. Tell them what you specifically like about being a Christian.

DO be subtle in the way you evangelize. Don't just come right out to everyone and tell them they should go to church, pray, or read the Bible. Wait for religion to come up in the conversation; and then use it as an opportunity to talk about your faith. For instance, one of my co-workers recently said that she would like to go to church because she likes the community, but has trouble finding a church that meets her spiritual needs. I took this opportunity to tell her about my church and how we accept all believers. She genuinely seemed intrigued and wants to check my church out.

DO minister to all people; even those who your religion considers to be sinners, including but not limited to: homosexuals, women who have had abortions, criminals, single parents, drug addicts, alcholics, and people with HIV. Jesus hung out with tax scammers and prostitutes because he said, "Those who are sick don't need a doctor."

2007-02-22 12:56:02 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The Word of God should ONLY be used for guidance and defence. NEVER for attack.

When someone is lost and seeking... help them.
When someone's life is going down the drain... Offer help.
When someone is attacking you... Use the word of God as your defense (know the context of the scriptures as well as the scriptures themselves)

Going out and envangelizing is something for those who are called to do it. If God calls you to do so, let him lead your path and your words. Control your emotions because Satan will test and tempt you. If you find yourself stuck, call on God. Don't be like Eve and try to fight evil by yourself.


2007-02-22 12:35:40 · answer #7 · answered by se-ke 3 · 1 0

#1 survey answer is. Allow the Holy Spirit to lead.

#2 Follow the unctioning of the Holy Spirit.

#3 Study the Word of GOD to show yourself approved by GOD for the job he set before you.

2007-02-22 12:34:26 · answer #8 · answered by Tribble Macher 6 · 0 0

To quote a song
"And they will know we are christians by our love"

I work in a hospital and there was a girl who had a horrible accident. Her family was always visiting, and although they did not go around preaching, everybody noticed that they were christian from their strength and peace and walk of life.

2007-02-22 13:37:53 · answer #9 · answered by Laura H 5 · 1 0

Agree with Tracy. By being a witness of Christ's love.

I agree with Firefly, but a caveat that there are also many pretenders out there that coerce for their cults. As you can see from several of the answers here, the true Christian witnesses via example, not by berating or browbeating.

2007-02-22 12:29:15 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Using God's Law, just as Jesus did- That is why the law is useful, because it is there as a mirror to show people they have sinned against God, just as Romans 3:23 says.
So I ask them first if they believe in God, then go from there to ask if they have broken any of His commandments, because according to God's standards ( His commandments) we have all sinned and broken at least one. And one sin will keep you out of heaven, separated from God. Once they answer, I explain what Christ did ( His death and resurrection)- and how that is the only way to be set free from sin and hell, by putting our faith in Him and repenting of sin-- Using Romans 6:23 and Romans 5:8-9 I also use Romans 3:10 to show them that even I am not good- and not better than them and I too have sinned. You should check out www.wayofthemaster.com --good evangelical ministry there and very effective because it is biblical and reaches the conscious of a person--by using God's law, so they can better understand God's grace! (Ephesians 2:8) -And I explain also that it is only by HIS grace we are saved- nothing we do can get us to heaven or with Him- nothing else can save us but the Blood of Christ- our redemption is only through Him.
Romans 3:20
For by works of the law no human being will be justified in his sight, since through the law comes knowledge of sin.

2007-02-22 12:32:10 · answer #11 · answered by Mandolyn Monkey Munch 6 · 2 2

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