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Christians..Catholics..and many others..

some say Jesus is son of god, some say he is not he's the second god..some were saying there are 3 in 1 god..and bla..bla..bla..
why is this happening? isnt it shows that you people are not really sure which one to believe on..and still use the same corrupted Bible..so many style of teaching..so many style of Bible to follow..
it looks like you all need to change and corrupt the Bible again to suit your life style..

so some were saying Jesus was god's son..God is Holy..Mary the Human is a sinner ( according to someone claims he's a christian )..God cant look on sinner..so LOGICLY..how come God can send Jesus (your so called God's son) spirit into Mary..?? Holy mix a sinner?? weird?!

In Islam, we believe that Allah sent Jesus spirit into Mary ( a holy virgin without a SIN ) and born into the world with miracles.. the miracles was actually to show humans that Allah is present and exist and Jesus was one of His many miracles..

2007-02-22 04:00:37 · 17 answers · asked by MissChievous 6 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

as Jesus grows older..he went on preaching the words of Allah, which is the Bible. the Pharoah ( who claims they are Superior than any god) hated Jesus so much and wanted to end his preachings and ordered to kill him. But Allah is Merciful, he transformed a slave's face with Jesus's and Jesus soul was resurrected to Heaven.
And there will be a time when Judgement day nears.jesus will reappear and only calls the people who follows and submit to Allah..

think? so many sect in the church..but in Islam even though some may not agree in some hadith..they still believe in 2 things that is Allah is One and Only God..and Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was His last Messenger...Amin

yep, i do agree about the shiate, sunnis fighting and etc..but one thing for sure they all believe in ONE GOD that is ALLAH and His Messenger is Prophet Muhammad..every Muslims does believe on this..

2007-02-22 04:02:59 · update #1

but the christians..some of them does not even sure who is the real God or God's son or was he then second God..explain..??

2007-02-22 04:04:13 · update #2

17 answers

There are many different sects of christians because not every sect believes the same about how to worship God. Yes, Jesus is the Son of God. Mary, who was his mother is thought to be a sinner by some because she was human, and all humans sin. But she was a righteous woman before the Lord, that's why he picked her. It was a miracle that Christ was born where and how he was born. Think about the circumstances he was born into. He was born in a stable, where they keep animals. He was born in what most would call very bad circumstances. He wasn't born like a king. He grew as all children grow. He had to learn what every child has to learn. I'm sure that he knew somethings that we don't as children, but all in all, he was raised as all children back then would have been.

I believe the Bible, as far as it is translated correctly. There have been changes to the bible, all by men. You are right about the different versions of the bible. I use the King James version because it is the most accurately translated from the Greek and Hebrew it was first written in. People say that bible is never wrong, that changes haven't been made to it, but look at all the different versions and then tell me it hasn't been changed.

I don't believe in the Trinity, which is 3 Gods in one. I believe in the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. They are 3 seperate personages. They have bodies-except the Holy Spirit who is without a body, just like we do. We know this from Christs resurrection. He showed his body to his disciples and others with them. He even ate with them. He isn't the same as God, the Father. He couldn't be God's Son if they were of the same being. He was with God when he formed the earth and the universe. He learned from watching His Father. The trinity belief came about with a commitee of men sitting around talking about the nature of God. They couldn't understand it, so they made up a creed that explains who and what God is. If they were to use the bible to make their decision, they may have discovered that there was something wrong with the creed. Look up the Athanasian Creed, it explains what most Christian sects believe.

Now to be fair, I'm not saying that the belief in the trinity is wrong, you can believe what you want to. I'm just pointing out the differences in some sects. So don't get all upset with me for saying that I don't believe it.

Also, because I don't believe in the Trinity, people say I'm not christian. Or because we have other books other then the bible to refer to for words of scripture, and from other prophets that we aren't Christian. But if that were true, then most of the early christians wouldn't have been christian either. The new testiment wasn't finished until well after the original apostles were dead, so the christians back then would have had to except new scripture. Because I don't believe in the trinity, doesn't mean I'm not christian. I believe in Christ and in his Grace. But I beleive a little differently then most sects. So what? We all have the right to believe what we will. Lets all just learn to agree to disagree and just realize that there is good in everyone.

2007-02-22 04:24:20 · answer #1 · answered by odd duck 6 · 1 0

The Christian church has always had believers who held to traditional beliefs, and others who had their own interpretation. The history of the early Church is a history of many heresies. The big split came around a thousand years ago, between the Orthodox Church and the Catholic Church.

Over the last five hundred years, various Protestant groups continued to break off for various reasons. Henry VIII for political reasons, Luther originally called attention to corruption within the Church, then decided to found his own church.

The lesson learned is, when people interpret scripture, rather than the Church, the result is many different churches.

Islam lacks a central authority, like the Pope. It is established along the congregational model, individual Muslims following the teachings of various religious scholars. So, Muslims are in a similar situation.

I read somewhere that Islam was originally considered a Christian heresy. This is because Christianity and Islam have a lot more in common, than they have in what divides them.

2007-02-22 04:20:14 · answer #2 · answered by iraqisax 6 · 0 0

Good question. Best way I can answer this is simple 2 words. "Fails Teachings" You may here many talk about Jesus and many different way but those people went away from the bible and created there OWN bible. Its a sad world we live in where people will make up there own bible for there benefit. There smiler to the True Holy Bible but differ in small ways. But these smalls ways change everything to become something totally different.

2007-02-22 04:08:47 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

How can there be one God of Abraham and 3 different religions all together? (Judaism, Islam, and Christianity). People take things litteraly, figuratively, poetically, There will always be division
You're belief is your belief, mine is mine, I've studied as many religions I could in order to come to my belief, and I do not degrade or shun anyone else's beliefs. There are some muslims that kill in the name of Allah, other's believe they are wrong. There are some Jews who believe in changing the laws with the times, others do not. There are some Christians who believe Jesus was God, and others do not.

2007-02-22 04:10:21 · answer #4 · answered by ♫O Praise Him♫ 5 · 0 0

The Islamic answer is an abomination to the truth. The suggestion made by Islamists is that Allah was or is God. Sorry, but the attributes ascribed to Mohammed and Jesus would suggest a schizophrenic God. Jesus, being led by the Holy Spirit said "love your enemies". Mohammed allowed enemies to be killed or converted by the sword. The Apostle Paul said that Satan can appear as an" Angel of light", giving the appearance of Godliness but being in fact evil. Yes, I know about the Crusades, it only proves one more thing, Catholicism is not Christian, at least it wasn t. The root of the tree was rotten and corrupt, can the fruit be good? or, is it Satan continuing his long deception. When those who walked with Christ never killed anyone to force them to accept, when they said that God was Love, when they said that God almighty desires only the best for you, how does that square with the demands and punishments of Islam? It does not, it cannot. To do so makes God look like a madman. Making up revisionist histories, false timelines, etc, only makes a false religion. Islam in it s very founding s was suspect. Gabriel supposedly seized Mohammad by the neck and demanded that he recite or remember his words . In contrast, almost all Angelic visitation in even the Old Testament was preceded by the greeting, Fear Not. In other words, the being that seized Mohammed was not from God at all, it was a demon disguised as an Angel. Tradition holds that Mohammed even sensed this initial truth but was persuaded by his wife and uncle to accept the visitation as genuine. Wow, what a pretext to base a faith on.

2015-11-15 01:12:17 · answer #5 · answered by Harbinger 1 · 0 0

Why are there so many sects of Islam? Is it because you use the corrupt Qur'an? According to your logic, it is.

And the the apostle Paul said that a person was to "work out [his] own salvation", meaning that Christianity allows some room for individuality. A person is encouraged, within reason, to find his own relationship with Jesus. So not all Christians are exactly the same.

2007-02-22 04:05:30 · answer #6 · answered by Randy G 7 · 1 0

You should not have entered into discussion on this forum. Highly sensitive matters should never be subject matter of blog.
Religion teaches us morale values. Therefore, we should held in high respect all religions. Always talk about love and peace. All humans are equal. Only piety is criteria for judging a person.

2007-02-22 04:33:14 · answer #7 · answered by snashraf 5 · 0 0

Because everyone interprets the Bible as it seems them best. This is also true for every religion in the world, not just Christianity. Honestly, the important thing is to do good onto others, regardless of what you believe in and no matter under what name you call God.

It is pointless to be religious, if religion is meant for churches to be for hurting others or trying to force others to believe in what they believe.

2007-02-22 04:10:33 · answer #8 · answered by David G 6 · 1 0

The basic answer is sin. Afterall, Jesus prayed that we would all be one. We continue to pray and act towards that goal. As far as those who do not believe that Jesus is God, well it is hardly possible to truly claim them as Christian.

2007-02-22 04:19:32 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

you are wrong islam also divided in so many section for example
* 1 Major Branches
o 1.1 Sunni
o 1.2 Shi`a
o 1.3 Sufi
* 2 Sunni schools of thought
o 2.1 Hanafi
o 2.2 Hanbali
o 2.3 Maliki
o 2.4 Shafi'i
* 3 Shi'a Sects
o 3.1 Jafari
o 3.2 Ismailiyah
o 3.3 Zaiddiyah
o 3.4 Alawi
o 3.5 Alevi
o 3.6 Bohras
* 4 Sufi Orders
o 4.1 Bektashi
o 4.2 Chishti
o 4.3 Naqshbandi
o 4.4 Oveyssi
o 4.5 Qadiri
o 4.6 Suhrawardiyya
* 5 Kharijite Sects
o 5.1 Ibadi
o 5.2 Sufri
* 6 Kalam Schools
o 6.1 Ash'ari
o 6.2 Maturidi
o 6.3 Murjite
o 6.4 Mu'tazili
* 7 Movements within sects
o 7.1 Barelwi
o 7.2 Deobandi
o 7.3 Salafism
o 7.4 Wahhabism
o 7.5 Liberals
o 7.6 Islamism
o 7.7 Tablighi Jama'at
* 8 Other sects
o 8.1 Zikri
o 8.2 Ahmadiyya
o 8.3 Moorish Science
o 8.4 Nation of Islam
* 9 Related Faiths
o 9.1 Yazidi
o 9.2 Druze
o 9.3 Bábism
o 9.4 Bahá'í
o 9.5 Sikhism
o 9.6 Submitters
o 9.7 Five Percenter although Christian are divided in many section but they did not quarell with each other like the muslim

The Ahmadi follower consider themself Muslim although they do not beleive that Muhammad was a prophet

GOD reveal himself throughis Jesus in flesh form not sprit form to experince the suffering of dying for human sins. a scarife for human as a spiritual nourishment

Muhammad coming is not foretold in the Holy Bible and yet the coming of other prophet is clearly foretold

2007-02-22 04:09:03 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

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