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I'm not saying that is applicable generally, however i find it increasingly rare that people go an extra yard, even for a total stranger. Please restore my waining faith :-)

2007-02-22 03:40:20 · 7 answers · asked by michael j 3 in Society & Culture Etiquette

7 answers

Sadly I think this is the case. Our society is too harsh and too cold and it sets the tone for everyone else.

Acts of the caring usually go unnoticed, but acts of the mean do. We see reports of shootings, robberies, etc., all the time on the news. I hardly see reports of homes finished by Habitat, a status report of how many pets at the Humane Society went to homes, and how many still need to, or news reports on the local soup kitchen.

Everyone has this "every person for himself" attitude. Divorce has run rampant. People just don't care about anyone else but themselves.

Then the kids see the parents bickering, and being mean to each other. Plus, I see a lot of parents letting their kids give them sass. And all those pre-teen shows have the kids in control, giving adults attutude and sassing their parents. So, why should kids respect their parents? There's no general push in society that says they must.

This country is in a very sad and sorry state. :( Courtesy, kindness and respect are dying species.

Thank you for your question, it shows that there's at least a few people out there, like you and I, who are concerned about this. And I think you'll see right here in Yahoo! Answers that there are people who will go the extra yard for a total stranger.

After all, we don't have to answer these questions to try to help others, but we do.

2007-02-22 04:38:37 · answer #1 · answered by Your Highness 2 · 0 0

Sorry I can't restore your waning faith - I noticed as well over the last few months how rude and moody people are when you pass them in the street, when shopping etc. I called up to make a dentists appointment and the receptionist today was really rude as well. It's nothing to just smile or be polite. I have a young daughter (20 months old) and very often we are pushed to the roadside with half of the buggy on the road and half on the kerb because people will not move over just a bit and will still walk 3 across if they are talking. One guy revved his engine and SPEEDED UP even when I was crossing the road the other day. He was miles away when we started (quickly) crossing and you could clearly hear the engine rev. Obviously he was trying to make a point or had had a bad day but come on, we're all trying to get somewhere, we can at least do it nicely! Group hug, anyone?

2007-02-22 03:49:10 · answer #2 · answered by JoJi 4 · 0 0

Just roam around Yahoo Answers & you'll find how much time people spend for each other till date.
I don't think immorality is the norm of the day. Although the standards and models of 'morality' differ between different times, places and societies, in general people are caring even today. It's just that life is increasingly becoming so fast, they don't have the time to exhibit their caring attitude much.

2007-02-22 03:50:02 · answer #3 · answered by Sabya 3 · 0 0


(ANS) If you are asking do I think our society has become more selfish, do I think our society has become less caring, do I think there has been a coursening of behavoiur amongst some people including some young people, do I think people in the UK have become more self centred & egotistical then my answer you have to be YES! to all of those things.

**I think Margeret Thatcher & the Tories, & Thatchers period in office as the first female prime minister. This period laid down the seeds of making the values of selfishness & greed FAR more acceptible in society than ever before. Following on from this Tony Blair only compounded the problem further because he has been so disingenuous in every way, how can you respect a prime minister that is so two faced, a prime minsiter who is so self concerned, who wouldnt even listen to the general public when we objected to going to war in Iraq,etc.

**You cannot of course taint ALL people, and ALL young people with the same disrespectfull brush strokes. Because there are ALOT of very wonderful people who also live here in the UK.

**The problem is that the good actions, the everyday kindness's that ordinary people to for others goes unreported, goes unheard of. Good deeds, and deep kindness doesnt cyncally sell news papers or make the evening or sky news headlines.

**Many people doent see how much pleasure giving to others can bring, being of service to others can be a wonderfull thing. To just stop thinking about Me!Me!Me!! for once in your life, or for once in your day, to think about others NOT yourself for a change can be so rewarding.

**The real plague I see is the promotion of the Me! Me! culture, & its effects are quite sad really IMHO. Think about others for a change NOT yourself?


2007-02-22 04:09:58 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Studies have been made with overcrowding rats with dismal results.

Too many people in one place seems to bring out the worst in humanity as well. Look at the large cities, NYC, CAL, Toronto.

I think that people were not meant to be crowded in to mega high rise developments, or high density cities.

I lived in a large city for many years and moved to the country. I feel a sense of relief and freedom. When I travel to the city - I get tense and on my guard.

2007-02-22 03:47:43 · answer #5 · answered by Pacifica 6 · 0 0

Dear Michael j, Morality and respect for fellow human beings will never go out of style in my book. Children do not seem to be taught respect and manners in the home these days. With divorce and single parenthood children seem to be raising themselves.

2007-02-22 04:04:34 · answer #6 · answered by B"Quotes 6 · 0 0

It may be so, but I haven't lived long enough to make sure it is that much different.
What I do think is that we live in a more compact world, far more than just ten years ago, so there are more, we are closer to, and thus we notice more self-centred gits and prats.

--That Cheeky Lad

2007-02-22 05:11:36 · answer #7 · answered by Charles-CeeJay_UK_ USA/CheekyLad 7 · 0 0

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