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I hear a lot of people saying that they don't want Christians forcing their "jargon" down their throats and they don't want people telling them what to do, but if Christians are told to tell people about God, what right do you have to tell them not to tell you? Have you been commanded to tell Christians not to talk to you? And if you don't like hearing what Christians have to say, why do you think that is? Do you feel guilty? Just wondering...

2007-02-22 03:37:43 · 31 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

31 answers

Didn't Jesus tell you people to pray in the closet?

Maybe that's why I'm gay. I came out ;-)

2007-02-22 03:46:55 · answer #1 · answered by ? 2 · 2 0

I don't think its Christian Hating to make the point that Merry Christmas is specific to one religion, and happy holidays is a way to celebrate all religions and there various celebrations around that type of year. In addition to that though, while a devout atheist I am, I dont have a problem with Merry Christmas, for my family, of which none of us is religious, Christmas has become a time to come together and celebrate the family that we love.

I think freedom of speech is a wonderful thing, being able to talk about God, or any other subject is awesome, what I object to is a missionary at my door, or a loud talking "Spiritual Leader" yelling to people as they walk through a public space. On my University campus, once a week a "spiritual leader" (I wont call him a priest, father, or any of that, cause I honestly dont know his title) Starts a sermon and proceeds to tell everyone in ear-shot that if we dont believe what he believes, were all horrible people who will rot in hell. My beliefs are my beliefs, his are his, and yours are yours. If I expressed an interest in hearing your thoughts, by coming to your place of worship, then I could understand the sermon. But I didnt, and I dont think I should have to listen to it. But, its a free speech country, and he has the right to speak, and I have the right to walk away.

I dont like hearing what Christians have to say, I have heard it, I have read the bible, book of mormon, the Koran (a translated version) and many other books for religious faiths. So no, I dont feel guilty, I have taken what I have learned from Christians, Mormons, Budhists, Muslims, Hindus and more and taken it upon myself to fashion my own faith that suits me. If it doesnt suit you, so what, at least I am not out in a square knocking your beliefs in favor of my own. Come to me and ask me to tell you about my beliefs, and I will have a discussion, with input from you that is useful, not a one sided lecture that insults anyone with a different belief.

Cheers, thats the best example of what I can give you.

So in summary:
1) I dont, but they don't have a right to force it down my throat.
2) No
3) because
4) No

2007-02-22 03:56:13 · answer #2 · answered by Adam W 2 · 0 0

I haven't been "commanded" to tell anyone anything. That's one of the perks of being an atheist. I think for myself.

In this site's community guidelines, proselytizing is prohibited.

I don't like hearing what Christians have to say because I've heard it before, for about twenty years I heard it every day. And no, I don't feel guilty at all. Your rights end where mine begin. I'm just toeing the line.

2007-02-22 03:52:25 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I can answer this question in so many ways - but why would anyone feel guilty because they don't want to listen to another beliefs?

If someone doesn't believe in the Christian God then why would they care about what someone who believes in that Christian God has commanded them to do?

Sorry but just because some insane person believes they were commanded by some deity I don't believe in to preach to me about their insane beliefs does not men I have to like it and it sure as hell doesn't mean I have to listen to it!

Quit forcing your beliefs on others and claiming GOD told you to do so, worse yet that He Commanded you to do so. Why can't you be an example of Christ?

My God has commanded me to be loving and forgiving of others, and compassionate to weird creatures like you.

2007-02-22 04:17:17 · answer #4 · answered by Unity 4 · 0 0

Just because you believe you are on a divine mission doesn't mean you can harass people who tell you that they don't want to hear about your religion. If someone is not interested, let it go dude. If you keep trying to preach to someone who has already told you that they do not want to hear about it, all you are doing is making them dislike your religion more. How come that is so hard for you to understand?

What right do I have to tell Christians not to try an convert me? Let's see, could it be my constitutional and civil rights not to be harassed?

Why don't I like listening to Christians drone on and on about their religion? Same reason I don't like hearing anyone drone on and on about one topic day after day, year after year...because it gets old and boring and I have heard it all before! You flatter yourself if you think the reason is that the person is feeling guilty or "convicted"; no, they are just bored and disgusted at your lack of respect.

2007-02-22 04:02:28 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

God didn't write the constitution.
Sorry about your luck, but I've got just as many rights as you do! Deal with it!

Oh! - and no, no guilt.

Oh! - and I don't like hearing it for the same reason i don't like hearing the same over-rated tired song on the radio every 15 minutes. It's exactly the same concept.

P.S. I don't even hate Christians and I STILL feel this way.

2007-02-22 03:58:22 · answer #6 · answered by blahblah 3 · 1 0

The same people who say Christians are intolerant are actually intolerant of Christians beliefs themselves. It's not only Christians that have these moral beliefs...because for some reason they seem to get blamed. Listen, Protestants, Catholics, Mormons, Jehovah's Witness, Orthodox Jews, Muslims..they all agree on a lot of moral issues. And there atheists that don't think abortion or gay marriage are right either. So to blame it all as if one religion is being enforced..nonsense.

2007-02-22 03:42:38 · answer #7 · answered by ace 3 · 1 1

As Christians, we are suppose to tell people about God, about right and wrong, and love and justice. But we aren't suppose to "force" them into anything, or try to drag non believers kicking and screaming to the Altar for Baptism. God wants us to love and follow Him, but He wants us to do it of our own Free Will. All we can do is tell them.....if they choose not to accept the Truth, there's not much we can do. At that point all we are suppose to do is love them, and tolerate their differences. We can share our faith best by showing them Christ's Love because He loves all His children, believers or not.
I think "Christian Haters" have just been mixing it up with all the wrong people.....people who ARE trying to force them to be Christian. That's not going to work, and only defeats Gods purpose of Free Will.

2007-02-22 04:05:24 · answer #8 · answered by kj 7 · 1 0

I'm an agnostic (think there could be a god but knows there's no way to prove it) catholic. If I ever have a kid, I'll write to his/her headmaster at school and requested he/she will be taken out of religeon classes. Then I will tell him about Christianity, and other religeons and say, this is what some think., it may or may not be true, when he/she is old enough to understad and not accept it immediatly. I'll show evidence of it being true and not being true. Then the kid can go over it in his mind and choose what to belive.

2007-02-22 03:46:04 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I have the right not to listen to their tripe. I have no guilt in not believing in a guy in whose very earthly existence cannot be proven historically, nor do I feel guilty for realizing the absolute lunacy that is brought about by the disease known as christianity.
Just wondering, how many times have you read the bible cover to cover? It's a command in Timothy that you study to show yourself approved. Just wondering.

2007-02-22 03:42:53 · answer #10 · answered by Kallan 7 · 1 1

Who told christian to tell people about God?
Not God!

"religion is Spiritual fraud" - Jesus Christ
"religion is the Worse invention of humanity" - Jesus Christ

Create a private, personal, direct, divine relationship with Our Creator and save your Soul
from religion.

Only with Our Creator's Love and Peace will we be Truely Free!

Without God, there is No Love; Without religion, there are No Wars!

2007-02-22 03:41:41 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

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