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We have JRT puppies that are 4 1/2 weeeks old . Last saturday we took them to our vet to get wormed. Since then they have lost their desire to eat, they shake, we are having to feed them with a syringe. Two of them are doing better, one is getting worse and one has died. The vet can't see us for 2 days. What could possibly be wrong ? The only thing that we have found to help is egg and crushed aspirin. Thanks for any help!!!!!!! WORRIED SICK!!!!!!!!

2007-02-22 03:22:35 · 12 answers · asked by BABYDOLL 3 in Pets Dogs

12 answers

Your going to have to keep them warm and hydrated as possible until you can get to the vet. You will have to give them liquid as often as they were feeding from their mother or else their condition can worsen. Seems like something wasn't right with the worming. You might want to find another vet immediantly the puppies have a weak immune system and it will only get weaker the longer they wait the less likley they are to survive. Take them somewhere else and if something shows up that the other vet did if you want to you can sue them. Regular aspirin is not good for dogs. It hurts their liver and is not easy to digest. The only kind dogs can have is ascripton and even then it is only for severe pains and infections. What you can do is get uppy milk mix and feed it to them through a siringe. The milk will give them more nutrients and help them survive until medical care is given. Puppies are succeptable to many a disease and can be hard to treat. Egg may not be the best thing to give them either it's helping though because it has protein but it can also give them worms which can make the condition worse. Stick with wet puppy food through the siringe and puppy milk. Also watch them all day long and keep their temperature around 75 degrees in blankets. Rub them so to keep the circulation flowing too. Your going to have to make sure they get at least 100 calories of some kind of food for every pound they weigh or at least get close to it. There is no telling how much longer they can keep going on and this should help their condition. I have used this method before with an older puppy when he became ill and he survived. On the wormer part. As a breeder use a wormer from the tractor supply company or your nearest store that carries them. Puppies at 4 weeks are too young to be exposed to bacteria that lingers in vet clinics from other sick pets. Wormers are usually given in a siringe and are yellow with flavoring for the pup. I have used them many times and have yet to have a dog with worms. Also they are given at a steady pace and not all at once. Usually once every week or every two weeks depending on the brand. I hope I helped you out.

2007-02-22 03:54:34 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Next time you have a litter you won't be going to the vet with them at 4 and a half weeks, for worming. instead you will buy a wormer like Nemex and do that at home according to directions without exposing the puppies to all the air born things that can be floating around where other dogs have been. Right? For now, lets not give them any more worming medication (which should only have been one dose and then a waiting period) So lets assume that they are not strong enough to re-dose them with wormer, as doing that may not be a good idea. There is a magnitude of possibilities going on with your puppies and trying to guess would be impossible, this could be related to the wormer, something they picked up, or not related at all and related to their development age wise. If it were me I would seek another vet and I would only take the puppy that is not doing well to that appointment, if the other two are thriving and eating now than there is not reason to put them under the stress of an appointment, should the other puppies develop a problem they can be brought in then. Either way, if it were me I would seek another vet for several reasons, but truthfully if your vet knows you have 4 and a half week olds that seem ill, there should not be a wait. Meanwhile, at 4 and a half weeks egg yoke, cottage cheese, milk, etc and you can even start with some ground up chicken that young and see if that gets them to eat.

2007-02-22 03:43:39 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

To the UK responder, in the USA, our over the counter dewomers do not get rid of ALL types of worm, only the vet can give certain meds.

To the original poster, is there an emergency vet around? We have one up the street that is open 24/7 and takes walk-ins. Some problems need immediate treatment. At the least, you can call almost ANY vet and talk to someone on the phone, explain the problem and they might be able to give you some advice. If you need, call 10 different places and get lots of opinions, and I'm sure there is someone around that can get you in for an appointment, even if it's not your usual vet.

I'm not sure what JRT is, but this does sound like a serious problem, and you don't want to lose any more pups.

2007-02-22 03:34:44 · answer #3 · answered by lizwatson109 4 · 0 0

firstly do not give the puppies aspirin in any form. the dosage will prob be wrong and cause serious effects from its use. it is always advised not to self medicate any animal...they are different to us and do not tolerate certain drugs.
you should of contacted the vet immediately after undesirable effects were being seem from the wormer. this could of been prevented.
ring the vet and get an emergency appointment they can not say no.

qualified veterinary nurse UK

2007-02-22 03:37:35 · answer #4 · answered by narnolls vn 3 · 0 0

You need to find another vet fast and please do not self medicate. These puppies are far too young to be taking human medicine. You need to ensure that they have as much fluid as possible. Buy a puppy formula milk and a new born baby bottle and try getting them to suckle as much as possible. Puppies this young can dehydrate very quickly. It could be the wormer, I'm not sure why you needed to take the pups to the vet, in the UK we buy the wormer and dose the puppies at home ourselves. You need to find out what wormer was used, some vets use sheep wormer on dogs but it really isn't suitable. Please find another vet fast.
edited to add, we buy the wormer from the vet!

2007-02-22 03:28:42 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I would really search for a new vet, because if these pups are dieing, they need to be looked at. If you have an emergency vet around in the mean time get to it as fast as you can. I think any vet should lake the time to look at pups that are dieing. That
is really poor judgement on the vets part

2007-02-22 03:36:14 · answer #6 · answered by janet 3 · 1 0

Your vet won't see you for 2 days? Find a vet that will. If one has already died, get them into a vet immediately. Tell them it is an emergency and you need to be worked in TODAY!

2007-02-22 03:29:05 · answer #7 · answered by Pam 6 · 1 0

I hate to say this but you have a very incompetent and irresponsible vet. Find a new one fast and take the pups there for a thorough examination. You also have a potential suit. Check with your lawyer as well.

2007-02-22 03:34:03 · answer #8 · answered by pepper 6 · 0 0

Call your vet. Maybe the worming stuff is not agreeing with it. The vet would know for sure.

2007-02-22 03:30:52 · answer #9 · answered by Veneta T 5 · 0 0

This seems to me like an emergency and if your vet can't make time, go somewhere else. Puppies this age can't wait 2 days!

2007-02-22 03:27:48 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

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