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why can't they just leave everyone alone?

2007-02-22 02:29:13 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

23 answers

Because silence is disobedience.....

If you knew that someone was going to get hit by a bus and you could warn them....wouldn't you?

Same principle with us.

2007-02-22 02:32:06 · answer #1 · answered by primoa1970 7 · 0 2

They really don't mean any harm by it. It's something about their conscious....like...they can't rest knowing that you might go to hell. Never mind the fact that you don't believe in heaven or hell, or even God(s). THEY believe in Heaven and Hell, and God, so they think that you'll suffer total damnation, and that it's their job to stop you.

Some just think that if they warn you about hell, that is enough to make you rethink your life, not realizing that it comes off as a threat more than a warning, and that they sound like arrogant biggits as well.

Some think that if they keep bringing up verses to point out that God does exsist, that they'll except him as their savior, but the only thing that does is make the people they're trying to convert even more annoyed.

Their heart's in the right place, most of the time, its just...sometimes they can be annoying. If you tell them that you don't wish to hear it, why do they keep on bellowing out the "Word of God?"

They should just move along to the next person, if you ask me. After all, you can't "save" everyone.

2007-02-22 10:43:47 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

cause jesus commanded them to in three of the four gospels to share their gospel.

Please read the rest. Thank You.

when they ask someone once if they want jesus in their heart, and the person says no thx,
that person's Free Will shoud be respected.
And that is often the problem. Not just christians, but people of many other relgions (it is not necessary to name them all) should respect the free will of others.
The philosophy of life which I follow brings me much peace of mind, and happiness. It teaches not to convert others, but answer questions to the best of my ability for others, IF they ask for help. If one does not ask for help, then the person should be left alone. We practice patience, loving-kindness, compassion and tolerance toward all people & all religions.
Hey but everyone needs to find a way of life that works best for them - bringing them the most peace of mind, and happiness. Many find this through atheism, and humanism (and many of other religions unfortunately think this does not bring them peace and happiness, when it does), many have a philosophy of life they follow, many choose a religion to give them some purpose in life & happiness.

Respecting the Free Will of others is what opens the lines of excellent communication with others in relationships, and we know that life is based on some sort of relationship with humanity.

Thanks for your Question.

2007-02-22 12:37:46 · answer #3 · answered by Thomas 6 · 0 0

Most Christians are not as much trying to "convert" everyone as much as simply tell them about the greatness of the gift of salvation. As a Christian, I love everybody enough to put myself on the firing line for them. If they don't like it or don't believe, that's up to them. I still care about them but can't "convert" them so I just continue to tell them about how great the gift is. If they didn't want to know about it, they wouldn't be asking me questions! I don't really go out looking for people to "convert", but will answer questions if asked!

Be blessed!

2007-02-22 10:35:08 · answer #4 · answered by Cool Dad 3 · 1 0

Before Christ left us and ascended into heaven, he gave us what is called the Great Commission. He told us to go to all the corners of the earth telling the news of the gospel. It is a Christian's duty to tell about Christ. It is not our responsibility to convert someone. We are not in the business of saving, and we shouldn't try to make someone believe. It is our business to tell someone about Christ. We simply aren't responsible for the choice that person makes, though, many people think they are and that is when you get the ones that will NOT leave you alone.


2007-02-22 10:34:12 · answer #5 · answered by One Odd Duck 6 · 1 0

Why do "Christians" want to convert everyone? your wrong in your assertion that all christians are after this goal. Im a christian, and my Goal is not to convert anyone. your stement shows your ignorance of Christianity as a whole, it also shows your ignorance of the Bibles teachings. The Bible says that as Christians we are to spread the good news, tell the wordl about salvation, then leave them to make there own decisison, never in the BIble will you read about Christians standing over someone beating them andmaking them convert. However such occured during nazism and other facist reigns. I preach the good news and then I let the person decide what his/her decisison will be.

This is an example of how i wittness to someone...............


2007-02-22 10:39:09 · answer #6 · answered by Rated J for Jesus 2 · 0 2

Not everyone does that...
It is wrong for some to get up in other peoples face and try to convert them.. I, myself, would not tolerate that.
You cannot judge all Christians by the behavior of extremist Christians.
Yes, we are to witness to others but not in that way..
People ask me questions about the God, we talk calmly. I had a person call me one day and she said, "You really got me to thinking about Jesus by saying God Bless You when I sneezed"... So see, a seed was planted that day and all I did was say 2 words... We talked after that and she is now a devout Christian...
You never know what words you speak will truly touch someones heart....

2007-02-22 10:35:54 · answer #7 · answered by karen_03625 5 · 1 2

I know this sounds corny. But the real reason is we want to stop people from ending up going to hell but to go to heaven. We want everyone to experience the amazing love that God has to offer. We want everyone to feel the happiness and joy we experience. Our job is to spread the world to all nations, not to force it on people. The holy spirit will draw people to change. Not humans.

2007-02-22 14:46:10 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Thank you!! I have always thought that it was the rudest thing to do. When you go to someones land and try to convert them or just stay in America and constantly keep telling them that their beliefs are wrong. It seriously hits some nerves. Mostly when it happens to me.

2007-02-22 10:35:22 · answer #9 · answered by honeyluvsyou2004 2 · 1 1

Because their bible tells them too, unfortunately many of them don't even know how the bible was put together and think it's the complete truth. Nevermind that it's common knowledge that it's been rewritten throughout the years.

2007-02-22 10:32:29 · answer #10 · answered by janicajayne 7 · 0 1

Christians believe that those who aren't Christian when they die will go to Hell. Christians try and convert everyone because they don't want anyone to go to Hell. They know the horror and pain that will be in Hell and they don't want anyone to suffer that fate.

2007-02-22 10:34:33 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

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