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today is my birthday,my bf wished me at 12o,clock night.he had told that he will meet me only in my home if my mother permits us to meet.he cannot meet me outside as his mother has told him like that & whenever we go outside we argue. my mother did not give me permission to meet at my home and he did not come to meet me outside.i am feeling so upset that i can't tolerate. i told him y he did not come to meet me outside but he told me clearcut that he won't meet me outside &,he can meet only ay my home .i am feeling like a looser in love,really i cannot stand my bf.i am loosing my self respect as i go and asked y he did not come to meet & cannot tolerate his too much practicality.i am feeling that i lost my whole life's happyness. i am not able to express my anger as ,if i get angry then he gets angry ,& he may misunderstand me that i only think about me & not about his studies .this has happend before and we had lot of problem in our life.i love him a lot & scared of loosing him

2007-02-22 02:05:44 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Weddings

15 answers

This is not the relationship for you. You obviously arent happy.

Start off a new year in your life fresh. End it today and finally have a HAPPY BIRTHDAY.

Good luck!

2007-02-22 02:12:28 · answer #1 · answered by kateqd30 6 · 1 0

First of all, the way your respective mothers are controlling your lives, it appears that both of you are minors. Without trying to undervalue love at any stage of your lives, I think this age is more appropriate for concentrating on studies and building a solid base on which to construct your future. It is also an age when parent's wishes should be respected. Your boyfriend has realised this and so should you. About not meeting you outside, don't you think that he should be equally respectful to his mother's wishes as you are to yours? Love is sweet as long as it takes practical considerations into account. Ignoring practicality will lead to love ending in misery. Too bad that you had a bad birthday, which could have been easily avoided if you had been a little more thoughtful. You had put a lot at stake for love. And that's not wise. Meanwhile happy birthday to you.

2007-02-22 10:49:17 · answer #2 · answered by Modest 6 · 0 0

Look sweety don't worry there are many was of looking at this. One way could be when a girl goes out with a boy that is not a member of her family, people start to talk. Maybe he doesn't want people to say bad things about you. On the other hand may be he has another girlfriend or his mum is stopping him. Or may be he cannot afford to take you out. Or may be he just wants to use you. I understand what you are going through when other couples go out you want to do the same and enjoy your life but you cannot without him.

Try talking to him. If he doesn't listen, I know it will be very hard on you then you have 3 options. First would be stop wanting going out with him, which is not possible. Second would be go out with family and friends instead, try to enjoy yourself with them, but someday or another you will miss him. The third, last, final and hardest option will be to leave him, it will be better in the long run, because you would not have to compromise your self then you will be allot happier who knows if you dump him he might change and come back to you and treat you better. Find some one better for your self. For you birthday I wish you courage and Luck! Courage so you can talk to him, If it doesn't work out to dump him. and Luck so it does, but if it doesn't so you can find some one much better.

2007-02-23 08:45:14 · answer #3 · answered by Sheetal 1 · 0 0

Belated happy Birthday
And Cheer up!!!!!!
I think you are really in love with him but he????
its doubtful! If both of you are in love with each other you shouldn't have this hard feelings in your heart. If he cant come out for on your birthday which is suppose to be a special day for him then i'm afraid..... Dont tell me that he is a very good boy to his parents thats why he never does anything wrong... what will you do if his parents fixes his marriage with someone else.. will he still say that his mother asked him so he does it.... Thats not fair yaar... you need to think if you cant find any happiness in this relationship just decide whether you need to continue in this relationship... make a decision before you get married to him... its going to be an life time agreement... think and act... dont regret latter

2007-02-23 01:15:37 · answer #4 · answered by Raj 2 · 0 0

First of all let me wish you a very happy belated birthday...

Secondly if he cannot pay attention to his studies for you, that's his weakness. You are not to be blamed for that.

Third, You both wanted to be together on that special occasion but your way round. Nobody compromised, and both are not happy about that. Tell him that just the way he respects his parents you respect yours, and both of you need to give each other some personal space. If he still doesn't agree to it, then I'm afraid it's not gonna work out for long. This would just develop frustaion within yourself.

Fourth, you don't have to feel like a loser. In fact it's good this happenned as this way you can realise his selfish nature. He wants you to go against your parents while he would still be an adorable son for his parents...

2007-02-22 16:41:38 · answer #5 · answered by plato's ghost 5 · 0 0

Happy Birthday! Well if u really love him, shouldn't u try to understand his situation? and him vice versa? im sure if there's love between u two..then u can overcome anything, it may seem like a very broad generalization, but its true. if u both love each other as much as u think u do, then these type of things won't bother u. maybe u need to find a way to handle all this. talk to him abt it, and discuss how u felt when he didn't come to meet u - in a calm tone ofcourse. then see where things go frm there.

2007-02-22 11:35:13 · answer #6 · answered by ayesha 2 · 0 0

wish u prospers ahead and a happy b day n i thk ur bf is taking u lightly now at this stage if u both r having prob then it is better to say bye n look ahead in life n if u carry on lik this than u wl only land up spoiling ur heath n mental peace

2007-02-22 10:21:21 · answer #7 · answered by kabeerkaif 2 · 0 0

kick him out of your life and try another good boy ( like me )

2007-02-22 10:47:16 · answer #8 · answered by mast_kumar2007 2 · 0 0

break up. believe me u should break up. this is not the one for u. u r sad by this relationship. just break up and find a new bf.

2007-02-22 10:16:08 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Talk to her bf reg. this with cool mind. offcourse u luv him no doubt he also luv u. Trying to understand his thinking than make any decision....................... Happy birthday to u

2007-02-22 10:23:13 · answer #10 · answered by Amit K 3 · 0 0

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