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Is it possible that a person...a human also be an Angel ? An Angel living life as a human experience.

If answer is ' no ' ...than that is that.

If answer is ' yes ' . . . than how could you recognize those ' human Angels ' ? And...why would an Angel be living as a human ? Why would there be ' unseen ' Angels and also ' human Angels ? Why the difference...IF there are human Angels. IF there are human Angels...do those people know that they are an Angel ? If so, how ?

2007-02-22 02:01:09 · 28 answers · asked by onelight 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

28 answers

It is not possible for human to be an Angel. But we can be like them in the sense that we can inherit thier qualities as servant of the most high God. As the scripotures says "we will be like angels" having glorified bodies and immortality, the gift of life in christ.

Angels are spiritual beings created by God to serve Him, though created higher than man. Some, the good angels, have remained obedient to Him and carry out His will, while others, fallen angels, disobeyed, fell from their holy position, and now stand in active opposition to the work and plan of God. The holy angels are messengers of God, serving Him and doing His bidding. The fallen angels serve Satan, the god of this world

Though they are never spoken of as created in the image of God, they may also be called "sons of God" because they possess personality like God. The Old Testament speaks about angels just over 100 times, while the New Testament mentions them about 165 times.

Angels are mentioned throughout the Bible. The truth about them is not confined to one period of history or one part of the Scriptures or a few writers. Their existence is mentioned in thirty-four books of the Bible from the earliest (whether Genesis or Job) to the last. The teaching of our Lord includes a number of references to angels as real beings. So to deny their existence is to cast doubt on His veracity.

Angels sometimes interfere in humans affair, such as in the old testament example, Abrahma was visited by 3 Angel, and abraham recognizes their presence. We too in this material world can recognized their presence if they will allow us to see them. In the 34 occurrences of the word in the Mosaic writings, angels always appear as real creatures who do specific things in character with their service as messengers

In the record of the Book of Acts angels were involved in helping God's servants, opening prison doors for the apostles, directing Philip and Cornelius in ministry,and encouraging Paul during the storm on his voyage to Rome.

Angels are creatures, not the Creator. Yet they are a separate order of creatures, distinct, for example, from human beings (1 Corinthians 6:3; Hebrews 1:14). As creatures they are limited in power, knowledge, and activity (1 Peter 1:11-12; Revelation 7:1). Like all responsible creatures, angels will be subject to judgment (1 Corinthians 6:3; Matthew 25:41).Perhaps we could compare total number of angels with the total number of humans in all history (as might be indicated in Matthew 18:10). The number of angels might be compared with the number of stars in the heaven, for angels are associated with the stars (Job 38:7; Psalm 148:1-3; Revelation 9:1-2; 12:3-4, 7-9). If so, their number would exceed that of stars visible to the human eye - about six thousand during a year. Some scientists estimate that the total number of stars in the galaxies may run into the billions.

The apostle John saw in a vision an exceedingly great number of angels: "ten thousand times ten thousand, and thousands of thousands" (Revelation 5:11). Taken literally, this equals 100 trillion.

Angel Can Appear in Different Forms

The word "angel" in Scripture occurs in the masculine gender. Though gender does not necessarily signify a given sex, the angels at the tomb of the Lord were identified as men (Luke 24:4). A young man was sitting in the tomb (Mark 16:5).

1. They usually appear as males (Mark 16:5; Luke 24:4) but some appear as females (possibly the women of Zechariah 5:9 are angels).
2. They usually appear in human form, but some appear as bright and shining beings (Ezekiel 1:7; Daniel 10:6; Luke 24:4; Revelation 10:1-3; 15:6; 18:1).
3. They have often revealed themselves in bodily form (Genesis 18:1-19:28; Luke 1:26; John 20:12; Hebrews 13:2).
4. They can wash (Genesis 19:2), eat (Genesis 19:3) and sleep (Genesis 19:4).
5. Some of them have wings (Isaiah 6:2, 6; Ezekiel 1:5-8).
6. They have appeared in dreams and visions (Matthew 1:20; Isaiah 6:1-8).
7. They can appear to people in special unveiling of their presence (2 Kings 6:17).
8. They can appear to people in a normal, conscious and waking state (Genesis 19:1-8; Mark 16:5; Luke 2:13).

Can we see angels? Not normally. Colossians 1:16 speaks of Christ as the Creator of all things in heaven and on earth, visible or invisible. We cannot see the spiritual realm with our eyes. Neither Moses nor the Israelites saw the Law and Order Angels who brought destruction to Egypt. No one saw the angel who struck Herod. When Elisha was protected by an army of angels, he had to pray that his servant's eyes would be opened before the servant was able to see the mountainside filled by a fiery angelic army, which stood between the prophet and the enemy (2 Kings 6:17). Even though angels are normally invisible to us, they are present.

Artists portray angels, both good and evil, as beings with two feathered wings. But do angels really have wings? Three special classes of angels are described as winged:

1. The four living beings (Revelation 4:6-8);
2. The cherubim (Ezekiel 1:5-8; 10:15-20); and
3. The seraphim (Isaiah 6:2, 6).

Although other angels are said to "fly" (Daniel 9:21; Revelation 14:6-7), C. Fred Dickason notes that "they do not have material wings, for wings are for planing or flapping in flight for bodies with weight. Since angels are spirits, they have no weight. They certainly could move without physical wings" (C. Fred Dickason, Angels: Elect & Evil, Moody Press, 1995 Edition, p. 42). As we know that physical wings are useless for travelling in the outer space (i.e. the stellar heaven) because there is no air, therefore angels certainly could move without physical wings.
Their wings, when pictured, may symbolize the reality of their swiftness to execute God's wishes, just as wind and fire symbolize their fast and fervent service (Hebrews 1:7). It may be that the wings of the seraphim in Isaiah 6:2, which cover their feet and faces, symbolize their reverence of God's presence. Surely this is not the commonly conceived use of wings. Wings, then, may be pictures of angels' genuine complete swift obedience and service.

Angels are spoken of as hosts, but not as a race (Psalm 148:2). Because the angels are a company and not a race, they sinned individually, and not in some federal head of the race. Unlike Eve who was deceived by Satan, they sinned consciously and voluntarily. It may be that because of this, God made no provision of Salvation for the fallen angels. Scripture does say, "For assuredly He does not give help to angels, but He gives help to the seed of Abraham" (Hebrews 2:16).

Angels are spoken of as hosts, but not as a race (Psalm 148:2). Because the angels are a company and not a race, they sinned individually, and not in some federal head of the race. Unlike Eve who was deceived by Satan, they sinned consciously and voluntarily. It may be that because of this, God made no provision of Salvation for the fallen angels. Scripture does say, "For assuredly He does not give help to angels, but He gives help to the seed of Abraham" (Hebrews 2:16).

Angels are apparently without sex. We may say "apparently" because we are limited to human concepts of sex and its powers. It is obvious from Matthew 22:28-30 that angels do not procreate and are not a race. So they are without sex in the normal sense of the word. Genetic procreation belongs to the material realm. Perhaps due to the limitations of human language (though neuter expressions were available), angels are generally referred to as masculine.

They are sometimes described as men, and the masculine pronoun is used of them (cf. Mark 16:5-6; Luke 24:4). When they appear, they generally take on the form of a man (cf. Genesis 18:2, 22; 19:1, 5; Daniel 10:18). The only exception may be in Zechariah 5:9, where angels may be represented as women. angels can appear in different forms, they may appear as a man or a woman, or sexless or bi-sexual. Therefore, it is not correct to say that all angels are absolutely males or females or sexless.

The number of angels is and always will be the same. They are called "sons of God" in the Old Testament (Job 1:6; 2:1; 38:7; cf. Genesis 6:2, 4), but never do we read of the sons of angels. They neither marry nor are they given in marriage (Luke 20:34-36). The Lord Jesus Christ taught that holy angels do not propagate baby angels (Matthew 22:30). Please note that the Lord Jesus did not taught that wicked angels do not participate in sinful sexual activities with human beings. However, the wicked angels will be punished in a place of separation from God (Matthew 25:41; Luke 8:31).

2007-02-22 02:50:35 · answer #1 · answered by NIGHT_WATCH 4 · 0 0

I don't think humans become angels and I don't think Angels can become human.

However, I think maybe Angels can take the form of humans in order to fulfill whatever act of mercy they are called to do.

I'm reminded of the story where a young woman is walking home alone at night in a dangerous part of town. On her way, she sees up ahead a dangerous looking man but she still must walk through that section and the whole way she prays that no harm will come to her. She makes it home safely.

The next day she finds out that a young woman was raped [or murdered, depending on the version] that same night at the same place and time where she was at the night before. She figures it must be the same guy she called so she goes to the Police Department to tell her story.

The man has already been arrested and when she asks him why he didn't harm HER, he replied something in the lines of "Because you had a very large man walking with you"

Of course she was walking alone but realizes that the "large man" was her guardian angel and thanks God.

Now that story has been told many times [sorry if I got it wrong because I typed it all from memory] and I don't know if the exact story is true, but I personally believe a story like that can happen and does happen to people will faith every day.

2007-02-22 10:13:47 · answer #2 · answered by kingmustang 2 · 0 0

Angels are personal spiritual beings, having aspects of intelligence, emotions, and will. This is true of both the good and evil angels. Angels possess intelligence (Matthew 8:29; 2 Corinthians 11:3; 1 Peter 1:12), show emotions (Luke 2:13; James 2:19; Revelation 12:17), and demonstrate that they have wills (Luke 8:28-31: 2 Timothy 2:26; Jude 6). Angels are spirit beings (Hebrews 1:14), with no true physical body. The fact that they do not have bodies does not affect their being personalities (any more than it does with God).

The knowledge angels possess is limited by their being created beings. This means they do not know all things as God does (Matthew 24:36). They do seem to have greater knowledge than humans, however. This may be due to three causes. (1) Angles were created as a higher order of creatures in the universe than humans are. Therefore, innately they possess greater knowledge. (2) Angels study the Bible and the world more thoroughly than humans do and gain knowledge from it (James 2:19; Revelation 12:12). (3) Angels gain knowledge through long observation of human activities. Unlike humans, angels do not have to study the past; they have experienced it. Therefore, they know how others have acted and reacted in situations and can predict with a greater degree of accuracy how we may act in similar circumstances.

Though they have wills, the angels are, like all creatures, subject to the will of God. Good angels are sent by God to help believers (Hebrews 1:14). Here are some activities the Bible ascribes to angels:

A. They praise God (Psalm 148:1,2; Isaiah 6:3).

B. They worship God (Hebrews 1:6; Revelation 5:8-13).

C. They rejoice in what God does (Job 38:6-7).

D. They serve God (Psalm 103:20; Revelation 22:9).

E. They appear before God (Job 1:6; 2:1).

F. They are instruments of God's judgments (Revelation 7:1; 8:2).

G. They bring answers to prayer (Acts 12:5-10).

H. They aid in winning people to Christ (Acts 8:26; 10:3).

I. They observe Christian order, work, and suffering (1 Corinthians 4:9; 11:10; Ephesians 3:10; 1 Peter 1:12).

J. They encourage in times of danger (Acts 27:23,24).

K. They care for the righteous at the time of death (Luke 16:22).

Angels are entirely a different order of being than humans. Human beings do not become angels after they die. Angels will never become, and never were, human beings. God created the angels, just as He created humanity. The Bible nowhere states that angels are created in the image and likeness of God, as humans are (Genesis 1:26). Angels are spiritual beings that can, to a certain degree, take on physical form. Humans are primarily physical beings, but with a spiritual aspect. The greatest thing we can learn from the angels is their instant, unquestioning obedience to God’s commands.

2007-02-22 16:16:29 · answer #3 · answered by Freedom 7 · 0 0

All of the Angels ever created had been created at the beginning. Some people think that when a person dies they become an angel to watch over them but that is not from the Bible. That is just a feel good answer.

2007-02-22 10:04:24 · answer #4 · answered by gtahvfaith 5 · 0 0


If you consider the word angel means messenger.
A person that says something to you that strikes you in you mind or soul in a very powerful way. You yourself could be that messenger. You yourself could be an angel.

If you are thinking of the spiritual being that is another kind of messenger.
Not all have wings however.
Sometimes they take on human form.
Sometimes they take over a persons mentality for a short time in order to express what has to be said to you.

2007-02-22 10:10:39 · answer #5 · answered by chris p 6 · 1 0

The word of GOD clearly and concisely, says that angels are angels and men are men. Angels are in spirit form and men earthly, which one you were created as, that's what u r.
Angels have taken earthly form, Satan & his demons, or to have sex w/ earthly women (b-4 the flood) or b-cuz GOD had sent that angel to do something, here on earth. The Word of GOD does tell of times when angels were here on earth to do a specific task, that you may be entertaining angels and not even know it. Also that angels fly @ midheaven, between Heaven & earth.
A person you know could just be the person he/she is,helpin' u out w/ something, doing the will of GOD; you could say "you're an angel". Not an angel of Heaven, but doing a loving and caring thing...as an angel of GOD, i.e. "you're an angel".

2007-02-22 10:08:07 · answer #6 · answered by BamCaliFlaVa 1 · 1 0

the Bodazepha is a Sanskrit term about an Angel in Human form to walk the earth with human kind until the end of days. He'll be the last one to leave with the lights go out.

2007-02-22 10:06:16 · answer #7 · answered by Laughing Man Copycat 5 · 1 0

No, both are created beings by God.

Only the Lord God has become both man and God through Jesus Christ.

Both the Lord and angels can, and have, assumed human form on earth.

The Cherubim - an order of angels meant to guard the holiness of God - have four faces, one of which is like a man.

Both Ezekiel and John have seen the Almighty on His throne, and is described as having the likeness in form of man.

However, God is not created by man; rather, man - and angels -are created by God for His glory.

2007-02-22 10:16:35 · answer #8 · answered by BowtiePasta 6 · 0 0

No,the King James Bible makes this very clear,in many places!It says that man was created IN THE IMAGE OF GOD! Angels are not!
It says man was created a little lower then angels for awhile,but eventually if we get into heaven,angels will serve us,and not only that,humans are to eventually judge evil angels-meaning demons for all they ever did to humans! It also says each human has a personal recording angel,writing down every thought,action,and word done while on earth for jugdement day,if that person stands before the white thrown of God,which is the sinner's thrown of judgement!It also says each person has a personal guardian angel keeping one safe,till God decides otherwise in His wisdom!Also people have for divine perpose's seen angels,which look,alot of the the time, just like humans,and yes,in most case's the Lord gives a special awareness to the person being visited that they are angels.There's a bible verse that goe's,becareful to entertain strangers,for thereby some have entertained angels unaware!
It means,sometimes God sends an angel to visit a person to give them a test of their compassion in helping their fellowman,and there are times that Jesus,who is THE ANGEL OF THE LORD,-in old testament,comes himself disguised,as He was on the road in the bible,to give the test,and for other possble reason's Himself.Many Christian's have seen Him as Himself, as many did after the cross as He said they would,if they obeyed Him,and strived for holyness to be like Him! I wish you all the best in further knowlege about the Lord Jesus Christ who is God!

2007-02-22 10:36:14 · answer #9 · answered by Wellll... hello then! 1 · 0 0

No this is not possible or true,Angels and Human beings are two very disticint creations, Angels do not have physical bodies as we do and we are not spirit beings only as Angels are.
The only cases of Angels being seen as similar to us is when God sends them to the Human race for a particular purpose and so as to relate better their message they may appear more human, other than this the Devil and the fallen Angels can take the appearance of dead people so as to appear human.

2007-02-22 10:03:43 · answer #10 · answered by Sentinel 7 · 0 1

NO we as humans are not angels although angels can take on human form

Hebrews 1:4 states that angels are ministering agents sent to serve those whoe will inherit salvation
Angels are here to serve humans
Also treat each other well you never know if you are talking to one
Gods angels on this earth our for our behalf and I do not need to explain what if you see an angel in spiritual form because you will know it if you see it.

2007-02-22 10:12:45 · answer #11 · answered by Nate_777 2 · 0 1

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