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1. Do you believe abortion is immorral?

2. Do you believe abortion should made illegal by the government?

3. Do you believe when two people of the same sex (homosexual) are together in sexual situations that this is immorral?

4. Do you believe government should protect what homosexuals do when they are in their residence?

5. Do you believe government should allow people of the same sex to get a marriage liscense?

6. Do you believe the Death Penalty is immorral?

7. If you are for the Death Penalty, under what circumstance?

8. Are you for an immediate troop withdraw from Iraq?

9. What is your age?
10. What is your religious preference?
11. What is your sex?
12. What is your sexual orientation?

13. Do you believe that macro-evolution, an undirected process, random even - is the scientific explanation for the Origin of the Species - human being.

2007-02-22 01:25:26 · 49 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

49 answers

See! You were right! You can ask everything under the sun as long as the headline is benign.

2007-02-22 01:27:55 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

1. Do you believe abortion is immoral?
I think that abortion is not the best birth control choice. Abortion DOES cause the death of something that could go on to become a living human being. It isn't something to take lightly. It is, however, sometimes a necessary option to end some pregnancies. It shouldn't be anyone's first choice as a method of birth control. Morality is usually a personal decision. Our government does not have the right to make personal morality decisions for us.

2. Do you believe abortion should made illegal by the government?

3. Do you believe when two people of the same sex (homosexual) are together in sexual situations that this is immorral?
Homosexuality is not a choice I would make for myself, but other people are free to choose their own sex partners, as long as all parties concerned are of legal age of consent.

4. Do you believe government should protect what homosexuals do when they are in their residence?
To the extent that the government protects all citizens in their residences, yes.

5. Do you believe government should allow people of the same sex to get a marriage liscense?
I don't believe that marriage licenses are rightfully any of the federal government's business. Don't they have national security to look after?

6. Do you believe the Death Penalty is immorral?
I believe that it is wrong for one human being to kill another. Our government is a representative government "of, by and for the people" therefore our government should not give itself rights that its citizens do not have. So much for the moral part of this question.

7. If you are for the Death Penalty, under what circumstance?
Most days, I'm glad that I am not the person who has to decide these issues. Other days, I realize that as a voter, I AM charged with this duty. If we know that a murderer is a danger to society, I believe that we have a responsibility to each other to protect ourselves against that person. I do not favor the death penalty except for un-reformable murderers. I do favor the law of the old west. All adult men should have the right and the means to protect themselves.

8. Are you for an immediate troop withdraw from Iraq?
No. I opposed going into Iraq, but we took their government infrastructure apart and now we have to stay until we put it back together.

9. What is your age?
10. What is your religious preference?
None, but thanks for offering.
11. What is your sex?
12. What is your sexual orientation?
I like it, but don't get enough. If I ever have sex again, I want it to be with a woman.

13. Do you believe that macro-evolution, an undirected process, random even - is the scientific explanation for the Origin of the Species - human being.
No. I believe that evolution is directed by survival advantages and is not really undirected or random at all. Life does what life needs to do to survive.

I appreciate your questions, but spell-check will display your intellect in a more positive light.

2007-02-22 02:58:45 · answer #2 · answered by anyone 5 · 0 0

1. Do you believe abortion is immorral? No

2. Do you believe abortion should made illegal by the government? No

3. Do you believe when two people of the same sex (homosexual) are together in sexual situations that this is immorral? No

4. Do you believe government should protect what homosexuals do when they are in their residence?
Protect it? They shouldn't legislate it, if that's what you mean.

5. Do you believe government should allow people of the same sex to get a marriage liscense? Yes

6. Do you believe the Death Penalty is immorral? Yes

7. If you are for the Death Penalty, under what circumstance? Not for it.

8. Are you for an immediate troop withdraw from Iraq? Yes

9. What is your age? 39
10. What is your religious preference? Atheist
11. What is your sex? Female
12. What is your sexual orientation? Heterosexual

13. Do you believe that macro-evolution, an undirected process, random even - is the scientific explanation for the Origin of the Species - human being.

2007-02-22 02:00:53 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

1. Do you believe abortion is immorral?...no. It's a personal choice, therefore, nobody's business.

2. Do you believe abortion should made illegal by the government?...no. Why would we wish to see the return of back alley abortionists and the deaths of women because of them.

3. Do you believe when two people of the same sex (homosexual) are together in sexual situations that this is immorral?...no. Loving someone is beautiful.

4. Do you believe government should protect what homosexuals do when they are in their residence?...yes.

5. Do you believe government should allow people of the same sex to get a marriage liscense?...absolutely.

6. Do you believe the Death Penalty is immorral?...absolutely. No one has the right to take the life of another living human being. That may go against the abortion logic, so be it.

7. If you are for the Death Penalty, under what circumstance?
Completely against it.

8. Are you for an immediate troop withdraw from Iraq?...as this point, yes.

9. What is your age?...42
10. What is your religious preference?...none
11. What is your sex?...female
12. What is your sexual orientation?...straight

13. Do you believe that macro-evolution, an undirected process, random even - is the scientific explanation for the Origin of the Species - human being.....yes

2007-02-22 01:41:18 · answer #4 · answered by iamnoone 7 · 0 1

1. Do you believe abortion is immorral? I don't believe it should be used as a form of birth control....but I still believe its the woman's choice.

2. Do you believe abortion should made illegal by the government? No

3. Do you believe when two people of the same sex (homosexual) are together in sexual situations that this is immorral? No

4. Do you believe government should protect what homosexuals do when they are in their residence? Yes

5. Do you believe government should allow people of the same sex to get a marriage liscense? Yes

6. Do you believe the Death Penalty is immorral? No, but I think they should bring back corporal punishment.

7. If you are for the Death Penalty, under what circumstance? "Do unto others...."

8. Are you for an immediate troop withdraw from Iraq? Yes

9. What is your age? 21
10. What is your religious preference? atheist
11. What is your sex? female
12. What is your sexual orientation? straight

13. Do you believe that macro-evolution, an undirected process, random even - is the scientific explanation for the Origin of the Species - human being. I'm not sure because I have not studied it in great detail so I couldn't give you an answer, at least not one supported with a reason.

2007-02-22 01:32:17 · answer #5 · answered by Abby C 5 · 0 1

1. Do you believe abortion is immorral?

2. Do you believe abortion should made illegal by the government?
no way

3. Do you believe when two people of the same sex (homosexual) are together in sexual situations that this is immorral?

4. Do you believe government should protect what homosexuals do when they are in their residence?
like leave them alone? yes

5. Do you believe government should allow people of the same sex to get a marriage liscense?
sure, doesn't bother me

6. Do you believe the Death Penalty is immorral?

7. If you are for the Death Penalty, under what circumstance?
murder, treason (jk)

8. Are you for an immediate troop withdraw from Iraq?

9. What is your age?

10. What is your religious preference?

11. What is your sex?

12. What is your sexual orientation?

13. Do you believe that macro-evolution, an undirected process, random even - is the scientific explanation for the Origin of the Species - human being.

2007-02-22 01:32:51 · answer #6 · answered by hot carl sagan: ninja for hire 5 · 1 1

1. No. It's very bad news for the mother but no woman has an abortion lightly.
2. No.
3. No.
4. To the same extent that they protect the rights of heterosexuals, yes.
5. If that's what they want.
6. Yes.
7. N/a.
8. No. They should never have been sent and they should be withdrawn as soon as possible, but to leave "immediately" would be to leave others to sort out the mess the US created. The US should fund the rebuilding of Iraq's infrastructure until it is in the condition they found it.
9. 42.
10. Atheist.
11. Male.
12. Het.
13. There is no such distinction that can be called macro-evolution. Evolution is the only explanation for the development of life on Earth.

2007-02-22 02:05:34 · answer #7 · answered by Bad Liberal 7 · 0 0

Jim - where's the hat?

1) I believe abortion is a sin. So is speeding.

2) I do not believe government should be involved in spiritual or moral matters. So no, abortion should not be illegal.

3. I believe any sexual encounter outside marriage (gender irrelevant) is sin. Homsexual practice is seen as sin. So is gossip.

4. Everyone should be free to do as they wish in private. This includes homo, hetero, bi and asexuals. Mankind canot judge.

5. Government should allow some form of civil union for any couple that desires to do so. Call it marriage if you wish. Why stop at couples and humans? Government has no place in the bedrooms of the people.

6. The death penalty used by a government is a way to protect the rest of society. Personally, I think it is immoral for man to condemn another to death. However, I can see times when it becomes logically the thing to do - see next question.

7. I am against the death penalty, however I can see it being used in cases of mass murder, or where a representative of an agency designated to protect us has been murdered. (ie: police killer) by someone who wil, in our estimation, repeat the act. It becomes a logical balance sheet - do we allow the continued existence of one person while knowing others will die, or do we allow one to die knowing others can live... ah, the quandry,

It can never be used where circumstanial evidence is the only evidence. But, personally, I'd send them to the far north, the moon, or put them in close orbit around the sun....

8. The US must stay in Iraq to fix the mess they created. A troop withdrawal is running away. The US needs to realize there are implications of their actions. Staying the course to fix a mess is one of them. Maybe if wars were still fought by the leaders, there would be less interest in starting them.

9. I am 46 years old.

10. I have christian tendencies, but abhor what church has done in North America.

11. Gender - male.

12. What is your sexual orientation? Monogamous heterosexual

13. Macro-evolution is a theory apparently indicated by some observation, extrapolated from micro-evolution and supported by some other scientific research that can explain the appearance of life forms. As such is it one scientific explanation. There are other theories which can also claim the same scientific support.

2007-02-22 01:47:40 · answer #8 · answered by awayforabit 5 · 0 0

1) I believe that abortion is immoral when one uses it as a form of birth control. However, when someone is in grave danger, then it becomes a medical option, not a way out of giving birth. I do not believe that it should be taken lightly, however.

2) I believe that partial-birth abortion should be illegal. I do not think that abortion should be so readily avaliable. No matter if you view the life of the child as a life already or a life that has a chance, you are ending a life or stopping one from happening. It's not something that should be taken lightly and used as an option of an unwanted pregnancy. There are millions of couples that cannot have children for one reason or another. I do believe adoptation is a better option. However, with that said, I don't think it should be illegal, but I do think it should be restricted to medical uses when the woman's life is in danger or the child's life is in danger. Or, when someone truly believes they cannot give birth easily or to a healthy child and believes that is their only option. I do think someone should be counseled before and afterwards.

3) No, I do not. Of course, I also do not think that having a sexual orientation is all about sex either. Just as every straight couple isn't out having sex like bunnies, the same is said for gay couples. To say that a man cannot love another man in a romantic way or a woman love another woman in a romantic way is silly. I do think some people CHOOSE to be homosexual. I think that some of it is linked to the relationship that person has with the same sex parent. I think that people in prison that claim to be in homosexual relationships do it for protection and to have allies. I do believe that SOME people are born with it.

4) Protect what homosexuals do? I am not sure what you mean by that. But, I do not think the government should interfer either way. They shouldn't say what anyone can do behind their own bedroom doors, no matter what sexual orientation they are.

5) Some people do not agree with gay civil unions or gay marriage because it isn't supported by scripture. That is true. However, because the government does something does not mean the church has to support it. There are churches to do not recognize divorced couples as eligible for marriage. The government doesn't have a problem with divorce. The government is secular and it shouldn't use one religion's beliefs to base laws on. That's unfair to push one religion when we are given the freedom to believe and practice as we choose. Even though some don't agree with it, it's wrong for them to push it on another person. It is their choice and I think they should be given that right.

6) Yes, I think the death penalty is immoral and completely unneeded in today's world. What good does it do to tell someone "okay, you murdered someone, so we are going to murder you." Parents tell children not to hit someone back because we are told to just walk away from the fight and tell an adult. Yet, the government doesn't follow that. Isn't that slightly confusing?

7) N/A

8) You'd have to define immediate. I don't think that's an easy thing to do. I think there should be a plan where we get out all the troops within a short amount of time. I am talking a month here. We shouldn't have been in iraq in the first place. We have absolutely NO business being there, and we are in the middle of someone else's civil war. We need to get the hey out of there.

9) 23

10) Christianity -- United Methodist to be church specific

11) Female

12) Bisexual

13) Yes and no. The evidence of evolution is astounding. However, I believe in more of a theistic approach to it. Yes, I believe that it is real and that it is proven time and time again, however, I don't think it's undirected or random. I think there was a creator that put the process in motion. Scripture's creation stories (yes there are two) do not give a process in which creation happened. Both of them differ with the sequence of events, and they were written by two different authors for two different reasons. The first one (the younger of the two) was written after the exile when the Jews felt out of control in and a world of chaos. For them chaos was represented by two things -- darkness and water. That is what existed in the world because God came in and created in the first story. The point is that God can make something that is in order out of chaos. They needed to be reminded of that at that time. The second is a metaphor for marriage and teaches the consequences of sinful behavior (seperation from God). It doesn't say that evolution DIDN'T happen, and I refuse to try to MAKE it say that. So, yes i think it's the scientific explanation for the origin of species, but I don't think that's all. I do think God started it.

godsindigobutterfly@yahoo.com or adreamingfreespirit@gmail.com

2007-02-22 01:57:39 · answer #9 · answered by One Odd Duck 6 · 0 0

1. Nope. 2. Nope. 3. As long as they are consenting adults I reserve judgment. 4. Nope. 5. Yes. 6. Yes, given that the punishment involves a crime. 7. The death penalty should be administered under martial law for whatever crimes the tribunal sees fit to punish. The death penalty should be enforced during peace when a conviction of murder is obtained and to clear the prison population of all violent offenders, current and retroactively. 8. Under no circumstances. It would allow a rouge nation filled with hate inspired militants to begin earnestly attacking western society with the United States of America and Her citizens a preferred target. The region must be forcibly pacified. 9. I'm forty five. 10. I'm a Piegan*. 11. I'm Male. 12. I'm heterosexual. 13. Yes, I do believe that the development of the species is a random and undirected event, I believe that the evolution of the species is continuing at this time and will continue to our inevitable extinction.

2007-02-22 01:51:20 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

1.not in all cases 2.no i don,t because there would be to many women dieing trying to get an abortion any where. 3.yes 4.no. 5.no it is imposable for two people of the same sex to get married because the institution of marriage was set up by God to be between a man and a woman. 6.no 7.When a person kills another person and it,s not in self defense if a person rapes a woman or a child or and old person or if a person is involved in the extinction of any animal 8 yes 9. 50 10. Christan 11. male 12.heterosexual 13. not sure about the question never heard of any thing you said but I don,t believe in in evolution I know that God made man

2007-02-22 01:50:34 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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