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I prayed years ago that God would send a spouse.I have noticed something happen that makes me wonder about the whole dating thing. A man approached me and basically claimed that God sent him to me.I didn't even have an interest in being his friend. I was told that I was in pride for not acceping his belief. I got angry because I felt this was a manipulating situation and left the church because he rallied his friends around me to make me feel bad about myself. I did not take the matter to the pastor . Later on I felt I made a mistake leaving over him so I went back and admitted to the pastor that I left over an offense. Now I am sensing the same thing happening again with a differnt man. The pastor teaches the scripture that states If you have faith when you pray, you'll recieve what your believing for based on faith.I think it is in Matthew.I feel that these men are manipulating this scipture to try to get to my conscience.I have kids and need to be picky not prideful. Any advice?

2007-02-22 01:04:38 · 16 answers · asked by java348 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

16 answers

God is deaf...you need to use sign language...look up to the sky and raise your middle finger....and think for yourself. People treat this god like santa claus...both are fantasy figures...just go out and meet men and find one you like..no big problem...believe in yourself.

2007-02-22 01:54:21 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

1. Watch what you are praying for. . .
2.Let say you received a wrong gift. What do you do if you got too small clothes, for example? Do you suppose to wear them? No!
3. You thank the giver and you ask for an exchange!
If you truly believe God is your friend that you can trust, I would suggest you pray again, thank God for the gift and ask for an exchange, or for a confirmation that this man is the best for you and your children now. Promise yourself that you'll accept the guy--if he's the one, but if he is not the one--ask God for someone more suitable-more (. . .), or less (...)-- make a list of the desired attributes, or ask God to give you the best mate for yours and your children's lasting well being.
4. Pray and believe that you''ll receive the answer--a confirmation that this is the best man or an exchange--someone new--the right gift--the right man.
Believe that God wants you to be happy, God wants your children to be happy. God wants the guy to be happy too. The limitations are put by men, not by God, at least not by my God and I believe there is only One--the one that promised,"Ask and you shall receive". Be well, be happy and . . . watch what you are praying for. . may all your dreams come true.

2007-02-22 03:02:51 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

God is not a wishing well. If he does exist, he would not bring things into existance for you. He has given you the ability to find yourself a proper spouse, i'd suggest doing that and forgetting about faith, and everyone at your church who if you ask me are exploiting their religion to get laid. Keep in mind i'm not trying to offend you when i say this... you have kids, and no father figure for them which you are searching for. Men pick up on this especially in a church type environment. They know that you'd be willing to give to carnal needs to verrify where things may go with a relationship, or lack thereof. Maybe if you didn't change religions but changed churches things would work out better for you. Especially if you'd like to be with a church going fella such as yourself. Do not expect divine intervention for anything, take action yourself. Start dating, stop having sex, and see where that goes. You will find that the men who only want sex will stop calling and the word will get out that you aren't there for their pleasure but for a future then the right type of men will eventually start taking interest in you.

2007-02-22 01:20:53 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

You are right. Even though you have prayed to God for a Godly man to come into your life, Satan is still at work. Do NOT be fooled by these church men's statements. And, do not make the mistake of putting your faith in your pastor. Although, I would suggest to continue to tell the pastor what these men are doing. Tell these men that you do not fell led by God to accept the offer given and stick with that. Tell them that they are not acting as God would have them act, by making you feel bad about yourself. Hold them accountable for their actions.

Pray for God to give you the wisdom to discern the difference between a true Godly man and one who is just "putting on an act." Pray for strenght to hold out for that special man that God has for you.

Sometimes things seem to get worse just before God blesses you. So hold fast (as the song by Mercy Me says)--help is on the way.

God Bless you with strength, wisdom, and patience.

2007-02-22 01:16:26 · answer #4 · answered by Christian93 5 · 1 0

God isn't sending them to you. They are attracted to you for other reasons. I don't believe in god, but I do wonder...if he existed, why would he send these guys? The next time someone tells you that they were sent to you by god, ask them how they know that, because whether there is a god or not, they're either lying or mistaken.

If they're being manipulative, tell them politely but firmly that you are not looking for a man to tell you what to believe or criticize you, and get on with your life. If you don't want to leave the church, don't leave it. Stand your ground and deal with it.

2007-02-22 01:13:22 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I have kids and need to be picky not prideful.

Did you ask God to pick your mate, or do you still insist on picking your own mate?

I have noticed that certain women will give something to God and then try to work it out on their own. I bet that is your situation. In your mind God needs a little help from you. If that is the case, why did you ask Him to send someone to you?

When someone comes to you and says God sent me, at least take the time to get to know them. Maybe he is a liar, maybe he is not.


2007-02-22 01:17:19 · answer #6 · answered by Theophilus 6 · 0 0

I prayed for years for my wife, even though I didn't know who she was, God did. I too had people come and tell me that "God" had revealed to them that I was to marry them. You can simply tell those people that claim that God sent them that God hasn't mentioned anything to you about it, so they had better pray that if it really is God's will, that He mentions it to you.

Don't ever feel like you have to accept a man because of pressure or because of manipulation. If God reveals to you who it is, and then they come and say something, it is a confirmation, but if God isn't confirming it with you, tell them to bug off. Our church, even though we believe in the prophetic, prohibits prophecies and words of knowledge about marriage, because of the high likelyhood of abuse in that area.

Follow your own heart. I almost fell to a woman that was intent on changing my mind, in getting me to give up dreams of becoming a missionary. But it was when I went to the mission field that I met the woman of my dreams. After almost fourteen years of marriage, I am so glad that I listened to God, and not to that selfish, manipulative woman who would have destroyed my life.

In the end, you and your children will have to live with the decision, so make sure it is the right one, that you are happy with, and that you feel God is revealing to you, because the wrong choice can be devastating. I lived through an abusive stepdad, that manipulated my mom into marrying him, and it made our life a living hell for years. Better no husband than the wrong one.

Wait on the Lord, and He will reward you in due time.

Lord, lead her in making the right decisions, help her to see with unclouded eyes, and protect her from temptation.

2007-02-22 01:43:29 · answer #7 · answered by HolyLamb 4 · 0 0

Here's my story. I love God , I was married to man for 11yrs. Who was a drunk, beat me and he hated God. About 4 yrs ago, I saw some preacher on T.V. and he said, Write a list of what I wanted in a man . So ,I did and prayed,eveyday ,I thought the God would Stop and change my husband. He got worse. I thew him out many times, to see what would change. I was tried and thinking God didn't care about me. The last time ,he was out( b/c he had been trying to cheat w/ my friend for 10yrs.) A month later, a preacher came to our church. The man said to Sow a Precious Seed, I gave him 10 bucks. God said No, Sow the ring, I said , What ring,the most expensive one. God said No. Your wedding ring. So I did. I cried, But that's what God said. Husband came back ,We tried ,again. He came home drunk ,again. We fought, I won , but cut my ear on the nightstand. A week later he went to work in another state. I told him and God ,I done. So where is the man for me? I was bought a computer for $100. I hadn't ever been on a one before. The week (a month after husband done and gone) Yahoo personal. I looked at 2 men and the one sounded to good to be true for me. His profile was what i want. talked to him and met him .i knew he was the man on my list. My the way ,I have 6 kids. They love him. ( Ages 18yrs. to twins 3.) Married again . I love him.Sowed and got my reward.
The man for you ,you will feel It in your belly and peace. Ask God out loud "Is he the right one. " If you have asick feeling ,he 's not the one. Thank you for letting me answer this question. I have more detail for you. email me. I want you to get what you really want.

2007-02-22 01:59:08 · answer #8 · answered by TCC Revolution 6 · 1 0

i understand you cuz am into the same situation that your going through. but believe God will bring the right man for you just wait and yes have faith in anything that ask for, that man will come to you and you will feel from God that he is the 1 for you. but most of ous keep seeking for God. he got you back. Bless you.

2007-02-22 01:18:01 · answer #9 · answered by RED ROSE 5 · 1 0

DO NOT listen to these guys!!!
God knows the number of hairs on your head! So he knows what you like and what you don't like in a mate. If you don't like him he's not from God!!!
That "gut" feeling is a good thing to listen to, many times it's the holy spirit.
I was praying and my husband to be was praying for a mate when we met-it was love at first site!!! And I'm NOT a romantic but very level headed.
God bless and don't give up.
God has plans for you.

2007-02-22 01:14:40 · answer #10 · answered by Jeanmarie 7 · 2 0

HOLD YOUR GROUND! I don't know if you believe in the Holy Spirit but if you do listen to IT! Your Holy Spirit is GOD talking to you. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to you if this person is for you or not. Continue to pray and meditate on the Word of GOD and the LORD will make things clear to you.

2007-02-22 01:12:12 · answer #11 · answered by 2 of a kind 1 · 2 0

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