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I have tried time outs, taking things away, and even spanking. He thinks the spankings are funny. No matter which way I choose, he just does it again and again. One good example is he will walk past his 2 year old sister (who is minding her own business) and slam her in the floor, causing her to cry. He is otherwise a normal little boy. He is also very smart for his age...maybe he is bored and trying to get attention? He is also the only boy out of 4 kids. Maybe all the estrogen is making him crazy...LOL. Please if there is anyone who can give me some sound advice and save me from certain insanity I will be eternally grateful.

2007-02-22 00:31:17 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Toddler & Preschooler

13 answers

I would definitely stick with one disciplining method. I very much like the super nanny way of the naughty step. As many minutes as the child had years of age on the step or stool whenever he is really naughty, after a warning from you not to slam his sis into the ground...And keep putting him back there if he gets off, until he had done a complete four minutes.
Keep at it and reward positive behavior at the same time. Make a chart for him, get him nice stickers, deserts, new things.... explain that he can/may help mommy by helping his sis... etc. But most of all, you are the boss and you must keep at it. Just don't give up!!

2007-02-22 00:40:22 · answer #1 · answered by freebird31wizard 6 · 0 0

Everything you are doing to him give him the attention he needs off you. you are feeding him everything he needs.

Don't spank him. You don't need to.

Just pick him up forward facing so he doesn't see you and sit him on the stairs - or a naughty chair in a blank queit corner. Tell him why he is there, and that he must stay there for 4 minutes (a minute for each year) If he attempts to escaope. simply put him back. Sooner or later he will realise it's no fun sitting in the quiet.

You can also take away some of his favourite toys, for a week or so till he is kinder to his sister and his parents. You will have to make sure you hide them well.

Plus make him a reward chart. get him to help you make it.Then if he is good for the week he will get a reward. this could be an outing, or one of his toys back.

If he is begging you for something, you must ignore him at all costs till he stops. Whatever you do at this time, don't look at him. Don't give him any of your attention. then when he stops, you must reward him for doing so.

Reward him whenever he is good, even for the slightest thing, like finishing his dinner. Children thrive on praise.

Read hima couple of stories every night, children love this time with their parents.

Please Give it time. Practise practise practise.

2007-02-22 01:50:14 · answer #2 · answered by midnightfolkuk 4 · 0 0

It sounds like your son might ADD. If the doctor says no, then, he's just a little *sshole. As harsh as that may sound, it happens. My brother was the same way. Talk to your husband about the situation. He feels it's okay to act out when Dadd'y not home. Mommy is a pushover. Therefore, Mom, YOU have to get TOUGH. Spankings. When he misbehaves, wop his rear end. THEN send him to time out. And report each incident to his father, who will then WOP him again when he gets home. Make sure he KNOWS he's going to get wopped again when Daddy gets home too. Pain is the QUICKEST teacher in the world. Unless you have yourself a little sado-masochist. I never repeated the same mistake 2x when I was growing up. I've never been arrested or stolen anything. A liberal spanking NEVER did me any permanent harm, and taught me that there are CONSEQUENCES to improper actions. If parents disciplined their children today, we would not have HAD Columbine or other school tragedies. The children would have KNOWN better. "Spare the rod, Spoil the child."

2016-05-23 22:44:01 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Last night my son was misbehaving in church. (He'll be four next month.) I took him out, but he still seemed to think it was funny. I held him right in my face, made him look at me, and quietly explained what he'd done wrong. Then I made him sit down by the wall. When he watched all the other kids going to class, he thought he was going to miss out, and hated it. I did let him go to class, but he didn't cross me again.

He's an active little guy, and time-outs (in a chair, with nothing at all to do) hurt him far more than a spanking does.

2007-02-22 00:54:08 · answer #4 · answered by Amanda M 4 · 0 0

The key to discipline is to find what works. Time outs are only effective if they make him FEEL it. My daughter in law had a lot of trouble with her oldest and found that the only TIme out which worked was to put him on a stool facing the corner. Each offence meant longer and longer in the time out, until she finally began to see the difference.

I beleive in spankings but not for such a young child.
I would also check with your doctor about having him tested for ADHD. Some of what you describe falls into this realm.

2007-02-22 00:40:28 · answer #5 · answered by Marvinator 7 · 0 1

silver.. same thing here.. my now three year old slapped me one day when he was about 1/2 -2 yrs.. I yelled "no' and he did it again laughing.. I slapped him back and he laughed more and slapped me back.. I slapped him one good one and its never happend again..

He is acting out for attention... that is a drawback on big families.. When I have one who acts out like that I usually take them out for some one on one time.. I also make a "my day".. they get to choose what we have for meals, they pick a movie we can watch etc... put them in the spotlight for a day and you will see a change..

when it comes to discipline be consistant.. sometimes we make threats we cant keep or dont follow thru with.. then they think they bahavior is acceptable since there was no consequence... If he is hitting, then decide a punsihment for that and use it everytime.. making it a bit harsher if the behavioir continues.. ex.. first time out is 3 min, next one is 5 min and so on..

2007-02-22 00:45:59 · answer #6 · answered by TheyCallMeMom 3 · 0 1

I personally would smack him for hurting his 2 year old sister. And like the other Mom said he wouldnt laugh at me the second time. If no other punishment works make him clean the grout on the bathroom tiles with a toothbrush until clean!!!!I once made my son wash all the floorboards in the kitchen with a toothbrush and soapy water. He minded much better afterward.

2007-02-22 01:51:37 · answer #7 · answered by elaeblue 7 · 0 1

I would HIGHLY recommend that you gp and pick up the book "1-2-3 Magic" I can't remember the author, but it is a very well known series.

The other recommendation is to go to your library and rent the video "How to Win at Parentling without beating your kids" by Barbara Coloroso. (Not beating as in physical, but in terms of power struggles.) She is a wise and compassionate woman, and her tips are effective!

2007-02-22 01:22:30 · answer #8 · answered by theShinning 2 · 0 0

You have to find SOMETHING that he cares about so you can take it away.

I remember my son acting this way when he was just about three. Everything was funny and I couldn’t find anything that he cared about.

Maybe now you can make him sit in time out until he doesn’t think it’s funny anymore. I mean like, half hour time outs until this faze passes.

2007-02-22 01:15:40 · answer #9 · answered by babypocket2005 4 · 0 0

Corner, 5 minutes to start and add 5 for every sound or looking away, ect. It sounds pretty harsh but mine have learned using this method.

2007-02-22 23:30:56 · answer #10 · answered by LAC_27 2 · 0 0

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