Microprocessors typically have non-volatile memory blocks which retain stored info when power is off. These memory blocks are arrays of some types of thin silicon-oxide (porous glass) double-gated transistor arrays. A programming voltage (30V or higher) applied on the top gate implants or extracts electrons on the second gate to program or erease the transistor cell. An operating voltage (5V or lower) can read the cell to indicate a 1 or a 0 info bit, but cannot alter the trapped charges. The same trapping retains when power is off, and the info is perserved without power.
The gurus make a distinction between two types of non-volatile memory: EEPROM (electrically eraseable programmable read only memory), and Flash. The latter is fundamentally the same as the former but comes in larger sizes and lower cost by using less silicon area for less "address" lines so that it must be erased by a whole larger sector in one "flash."
MRAM (magnetic random access memory), silicon technology of the year 2006, is a new non-volatile memory technology. This one uses high-hyteresis magnetic spins, and not trapped charges, to store the bits. It is basically a non-spinning hard drive. It presently is more costly, but the advantages compared to EEPROM and Flash are a faster programming time (micro seconds) and an infinite erase cycle count. EEPROM and Flash take few miliseconds to erase or program and can only take at most about 100,000 erase cycles before the thin glass layer becomes so damaged that it can no longer trap the electrons reliably.
By the way, to be technically "correct" one needs to make a distinction between a microprocessor and a microcontroller. The latter is the former plus many of the common peripheral devices including EEPROM and Flash. In some sense, therefore, it may be "correct" to say that a microprocessor has no non-volatile memory.
2007-02-21 22:02:00
answer #1
answered by sciquest 4
Micro processor doesn't store any information when the power is cut.
BIOS chip can store information all the time even your PC is off is because there's a backup battery in the mainboard.
2007-02-21 21:04:17
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
ok first of all i intend to make one project clean. computers keep guidance interior the kind of 0's and a million's yet we human beings save guidance interior the kind of electric powered pulses interior the recommendations. a working laptop or workstation is often fragmented until you defragment it yet our brains are already defragmented by using fact we keep guidance as we advance up and the coolest purchase of the recommendations has a function and a storage. So needless to say that is already defragmented.
2017-01-03 07:36:36
answer #3
answered by ? 3
Microprocessors will not store anything on it. Just it will sends the signals according the input signals. And it will be nill when it is powered off...
2007-02-21 21:41:49
answer #4
answered by selva m 1