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I used it in the morning as usual on my work ( a school in Japan) computer. In the afternoon the icon had disappeared from IE and Mozilla. The admin tried to find the cause and tried reinstalling, but it would not work though the passwords are still actually on the admin site locked but we are unable to access them. After an hour or two roboform disappeared from my programs list and from
the control panel and from anywhere else that I can access. Anyway it is a mystery even to the lan office folks. All attempts to reinstall are blocked. The computer security is very strong at this rather large school by the way. If anyone can solve the mystery I would be very grateful.

2007-02-21 15:52:03 · 2 answers · asked by sandon 2 in Computers & Internet Software

2 answers

Yes, that is quite a mystery.

I have roboform. The problem I had was when I switched over from IE7 to Firefox. Then my roboform seemed to have disappeared.

I just recently within the last 7 days downloaded the update with the Firefox patch. Something like that. But by good accident, I had a data save and reloaded all my passwords up. If you ever fix your problem then do a data save and you can store them on a disk just in case.

Anyway, this is what happened to me. Now, I presume you had nothing else go wrong now. Then this would preclude a virus attack because it seems your problem is specific. So see what you have done recently. Did you switch over recently to Firefox. Have you uploaded the latest Roboform? I would think that someone was cleaning the computer and saw the roboform and did not know what it was and deleted everything. I presume that we are talking about a computer on a net, and/or a computer that other people may access to or has access to the same site. You should talk to the person who handles the school computer security. To me, I would think that, being on a school net, the roboform was deleted. If you can think outstide the box now. Hmmm, trojan horse, data miner, ROBOform. I would think that roboform by name was a virus. Since it was deleted from IE and Firefox, I do not know what to say. If Roboform does not load, cuz someone put up a firewall which is a possibility. You can look at the roboform help data as to why it may not load up.

2007-02-21 16:56:18 · answer #1 · answered by Big C 6 · 0 0

alot of reasons-
1.firewall is blocking because of updates-add it to the firewall allowed list.
2.-program needs to be re downloaded due to updates from microsoft.
3.you have a trojan blocker-download spybot search and destroy and that should fix it.tell your systems admin that this is a safe program to run on the server and each pc on the network,it works and its free.
good luck

2007-02-21 15:56:53 · answer #2 · answered by WowCrafter 4 · 0 0

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