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How do I see the size of folders in Windows Exploerer in Windows XP? In Windows Expolorer there's a column for size. It shows the size of each file, but for folder's it's just blank. That's really annoying because today I was trying to copy 10GB of folders to 2GB USB thumb drives. Is there a way to make Windows Explorer show the size of each folder? I know a real file manager like Directory Opus can do it but I was on a work computer where I'm not allowed to install software. I DO NOT WANT TO RIGHT CLICK ON EACH FOLDER ONE AT A TIME AND SELECT PROPERTIES! I'm talking about dozens of folders.

2007-02-21 15:11:06 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Computers & Internet Software

5 answers

You can hold the Shift key while selecting a range of folders, or the Ctrl key while clicking multiple individual folders. Then once you have them all selected, right-click and choose Properties.

2007-02-21 15:15:00 · answer #1 · answered by cs_gmlynarczyk 5 · 0 0

Be careful what you wish for ... ... ...


Setting it up

1. First, make sure you're running Windows 2000, XP, or newer. But not those fancy 64-bit versions, cause it doesn't work. I'd love to make it work - just send me your spare 64-bit PC!

2. Download the installer (http://foldersize.sourceforge.net/using.html)

3. Run the downloaded file to start the install wizard. It has boring template text, so just keep clicking Next.

4. Now the Folder Size column is available to Explorer, but Explorer isn't displaying it yet. Open an Explorer window in Details view.

5. Right click on the column headers to see a list of columns you can add. Choose Folder Size.

6. Now we can replace the existing Size column with the new Folder Size column. Right click on the column headers and uncheck the Size column. Drag the Folder Size column header to where Size used to be.

7. Make this the default view for all folders. Go to Folder Options from the Tools menu. In the View tab, click Apply to All Folders.

Changing settings

Look in the Windows Control Panels to find the Folder Size control panel. If you're in the confusing Category View in XP, where it says Pick a category, click on Switch to Classic View in the left-hand pane. And then view as Icons. Isn't that better?

Use the control panel to change the way sizes are displayed. Also stop the service to stop any background activity.


So it crashes every once in a while, and slows down your computer. That's no reason to uninstall it. Well, if you really want to, use the Add/Remove Programs control panel. You'll have to manually fix the columns in Explorer too.

2007-02-22 00:52:22 · answer #2 · answered by TheHumbleOne 7 · 0 1

Select all the folder you want then right click on the small folder icon, go to properties, half way down it will say the whole size.

2007-02-21 23:14:33 · answer #3 · answered by RandomMan 4 · 1 0

You can't without installing an additional program. I personally use this free application. Works very well and is quicker than others that I have tested.

I mean you can't in the default view of Windows Exporer, without having to select the folders you want to view and right click and view properties.

2007-02-21 23:14:03 · answer #4 · answered by nos8wire 2 · 0 1

all you have to do is right click on the start button...select OPEN, then click on TOOLS (in the tool bar) and go to "arrange by" and select "size". Then, whenever...just put your mouse over the folders and it will give you the size.
I hope this helped. :)

2007-02-21 23:26:39 · answer #5 · answered by Sandra Dee 5 · 0 0

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