ok i really want to see me blonde and im a dark brunette but ive always wanted to see what it would look like is there a dye that all the dye will come out in one or two washes???
i dont want to look stupid
13 answers
asked by
Beauty & Style
➔ Hair
ok im 13 and i have died my hair to many time its staring to go back to the natural color and i have tried blonde red blue streaks before but do you know a good hair color site that shows darker hair with highlight i have two professional hairstylists both are my moms friend but and if i do dye my hair blonde is dove a good shampoo and conditioner to use on my hair ? thx
09:56:27 ·
update #1
i know that there are many of those semi permanant dies that work well to get light hair dark for a very temporary time..but it would be hard to find something temporary that could make dark hair light...hmm..i am not sure because in order to get it light u need to strip it of its color which you need to use dyes with bleach and or peroxide to obtain that color..i do remember seeing those dyes that arent rele dyes that wash out tin like 3 or 4 washes..i think that loreal made them?...not sure..hope this helps and good luck !
P.S...i wud go gradual..maybe slowly put in lighter highlights and continue to gradualy go lighter and lighter...for two reasons.1. you might hate it if one day u are dark brown and suddenly are bright blond..the shock will scare u trust me
2. its better for ur hair to do it gradualy..going lighter is hard on ur hair and it will dry it out..u dont want straw like hair...also..you may find that u like one of the in between colors like light carmel brown or dark blond..who knows! good luck hun
2007-02-21 14:35:16
answer #1
answered by *Mariah* 3
If you are dark haired you can't dye your hair blonde. You can only dye your hair darker. This is because you first have to remove the colour then add in the blonde. I say go get it professionally done. Doing this also makes your hair rather dry so be sure to take care of it and use a mousturising shampoo and conditioner.
2007-02-21 14:46:16
answer #2
answered by B 4
Nope, your best bet would be to get a blond wig.
Just a suggestion, though... recently I had a hair dye fiasco and let's just say I wish i never started dyeing my hair... I was blond for a bit and it isn't worth it. Your hair will become impossible to comb, it won't be as shiny, and dark brunette means nasty roots.
If you must go blond, I have to advise DON'T TRY IT YOURSELF or you will be crying and paying a couple hundred to get it fixed at the salon (been there done that). Be careful. Typically your natural color looks best, anyway. Try highlights... going blond right away is too damaging!
2007-02-21 14:35:16
answer #3
answered by Principessa 5
Yes there are dyes that last only a few washes, but you can only go darker. They just coat your hair. Permanent dyes, which is what you would have to do to go lighter, tend to bleach the hair first to remove color, then replace it with the color you are dying it.
2007-02-21 14:33:17
answer #4
answered by ikikochan 2
In order to go lighter you need to use something permanent. Any of the rinses or semi permanents(28 shampoos) can only deposit color, they cannot lift. Try some highlights, that may brighten it up enough for you, if you like that..get more, and gradually go all over blonde with highlights.
2007-02-21 15:18:33
answer #5
answered by bluemoonharmony 2
this is very traumatic for your hair-make sure you try on a wig first to see if you like blonde hair on you. when you have naturally dark hair, you must first remove your natural pigment then tone the hair to a blonde shade. you can get these supplies at sally's, but this is very stressful to your hair and i would not recommend doing this at home. worst case-you risk it falling out if not done precisely. plus toning to the exact shade of blonde you want is very hard for us non-professionals to do. i would recommend going to a professional-you'll probably spend less in the long run!
2007-02-21 15:28:12
answer #6
answered by ? 2
Just get yourself a wig. Let your hair be natural for it a while. Coloring hair does a lot of damage.
2007-02-27 11:20:23
answer #7
answered by I Know, I Know 4
Not that I am aware of, but there are 28 shampoos, I've used them a few times, they're easy for a short change.
2007-02-21 14:38:11
answer #8
answered by spynmepynk 2
Yes, they have hair colors that last through 24 shampoos. You can buy at any drug store. I've used them they work great.
2007-02-21 14:32:37
answer #9
answered by Ms Tracey Lyn 2
yeah there is theres a temporary dye. you should try dying the bottom and see if you like that part try putting that part against you face and skin tone.
2007-02-21 14:58:38
answer #10
answered by Anonymous