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I had to do a PC restore (from an old CPU), and put my outlook info. in 2 a backup DVD & have copied files to a new computer (w/Windows Vista) in 2 the outlook folder. I know how to import, but what I'm trying to import are not .pst files. (?) I have 3 diff. Outlook email accounts, & I'm trying to import contacts from one of them. What I see are .srs and .nk2 and .dat files (in Outlook folder etc.). I tried converting the .srs or office data file in 2 a .pst file, by renaming it, but when I import, it's still telling me that it's not a personal file folder. I'm sure I'm missing something, or doing something wrong. I understand that the .srs file is a 'Send Receive Settings' and that .Nk2 file is a 'Nickname' file. But other than that...no idea. I tried looking this up on microsoft.com, but not really seeing anything 2 help me with. I figured I should explain what I've been doing, so you don't think I haven't tried, or so u can understand my problem. I hope.

Pls Help. Thanx!

2007-02-21 14:24:54 · 2 answers · asked by I'dlike2know 2 in Computers & Internet Software

By the way, I had some Best Buy/Geek Squad guy do all the back up for me.

Just in case you wanted to know if I did the back-up myself.

2007-02-21 14:36:22 · update #1

2 answers

I sure hope you have all the .pst files otherwise your Geek was a fraud.

The outlook.srs is created when outlook first runs and it stores all the configuration. However, you CANNOT take a .srs and use it on another computer.

So, from here you should open Outlook and set up your mail profile again. Tools > Email Accounts. Then simply open your PST files fia File > Open > Outlook Data file.

Hollar if you have questions

2007-02-22 11:09:02 · answer #1 · answered by blndchik 5 · 0 0

You should of saved or exported them as CSV ( Comma Separated Values ) this way any OS will recognize them and import them...

2007-02-21 14:30:29 · answer #2 · answered by Devil Dog 6 · 0 0

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