Pastors need money just like everybody else. Scripture says "The worker is worth his wage" Usually I find that people who complain about giving the Church money are tight wads about everything. They do not know that you cannot out give God and everything we have came from him to start with. He could dump $100.00 bills on a Church non stop if he wanted to but, he is giving us the grace to be generous.
2007-02-21 13:58:06
answer #1
answered by Midge 7
Because my dad used to be a minister before he retired, let me explain my thoughts on this.
Offerings and tithes are good things to do, especially when the money is going to real ministries. And I do believe that a pastor should live at the MEDIAN level of his congregation.
However, where the hypocrisy comes into play is when a well-known minister lives a lavish lifestyle claiming prosperity and it is done at the expense of poor people giving financially when they cannot afford to do so. To me, a look at the New Testament shows that very few New Testament believers were well off. God tells us that the love of money is evil. When we become obsessed with money and it becomes more important than God, then it's wrong. For this reason, I do not support television ministries. It's hard for me to relate to anyone who wears an expensive outfit on a lavish stage.
2007-02-21 13:46:07
answer #2
answered by Searcher 7
yes you r on the right road, mal 3:15 is good 4 the offering and tithe, but there is a scripture 4 pastors. its 2kings but b4 we get to that. this what pastors are suppose to do wit the monies from the people. check 2 kings 12;1-15. if you know your pastor is doing this then cool u continue to gave to him.don't let your friends-family-the devil- your mind distract you from giving. now as for pastors getting an offering check 2-king 12:16. so that tells us that pastor are suppose to be getting something. after him he pay the church bills replenish what ever the church is out of e.c.t then God might tell him that he can have the rest. don't muzzle the ox that tread the corn (Paul) 1
2007-02-21 14:04:36
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Young Brownie,
The Old Testament was for the Israelites and required them to tithe or give 10% of their earnings. We are told to "give as we have been prospered". We have never been told to tithe in the BIBLE. Those who talk the loudest are generally those who are non-Christians in my opinion and have no reason to be concerned with it. At our Church Building the expenses are always posted so that everyone has access to the monthly spendings, account balance, and money that has been taken in. I have never heard anyone complain about the use or abuse of money where we attend. MOST of the money is spent on evangelism as it should be. I hope that this question does not have negative connotations. Christians certainly have heard enough of that. Have a great week.
2007-02-21 14:02:15
answer #4
answered by Eds 7
Tithes to the Temple are defined in the Law known as the Mizvoht, 613 commandments of God in Exodus, Leviticus, Deuteronomy and Numbers. This is where people are commanded not to eat pork or shrimp, stuff like that.
When Jesus was crucified he became the New Covenant of the Forgiveness of Sins for all men and God's word was spread among all the nations.
When Judaism rejected the Messiah, as was foretold, the old covenant with the Jewish people was broken by the people. This is why Jesus told the people that he did not come to change the law until it was finished and why his last words were, "it is finished".
In this way we were released from the Mizvoht, tithing was no longer required, we can eat shrimp, our bodies became the Temple where we worship 24/7, etc.
That said, if you belong to a church you should support it and you are welcome to give to any group you want to.
Any one who tells you that you have to give or you go to hell is kind of right/wrong. If you give from your heart God blesses you. If you give to buy your way into heaven you end up in hell.
The objection is the idea about giving that a lot of preachers give people, that you can "buy" your way into heaven.
2007-02-21 13:51:01
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
The bible says God loves a willing giver.
The key is WILLING. If you're not willing, God does not force you, and neither can the pastor ask you for it.
Actually, your church should put a free-will offering box at the back of the hall and label it. From time to time conduct sermons on tithing if the funds are low. But STOP passing the purse around harassing people to put money. If the members will contribute, they will WALK up to the box and put their money in, you don't have to keep asking.
Also, put upt accounting books for it. Show the salaries and expenses and perform annual general meetings.
Offerings must be given freely and happily. Remember, let not your right hand know what your left hand had contributed that God may reward you.
2007-02-21 13:43:25
answer #6
answered by Lion Killer 1
You know that it's correct to give to the church? And sounds like you picked that up from the Bible.. So why does the Pastor have to become a beggar in the house of God? Don't get me wrong I think offering time has a place in the service. Giving is part of worship and can be as moving as a good sermon. I don't think knowing the money issues of the church is the business of the teaching elder, That is responsibilities of the deacons...
2007-02-21 14:14:30
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Tithing is 10% / the only reason the Lord put a % on it was because people who really have a love for the Lord gave 100% and the Lord wanted us to be able to use the other 90 to bless other people outside of the church ,
2007-02-21 13:49:01
answer #8
answered by Terry S 5
I agree. However, tithing has to be administered correctly, and people need to be sure that their offerings are being given to God's work, not the pockets of a scam artist. Satan copies everything God does in an attempt to lead us away. Unfortunately, people even use religion to scam money out of others. Luckily most religious preachers aren't that way.
2007-02-21 13:44:33
answer #9
answered by moonman 6
My thoughts on tithes and offerings are that what you give is between you and God alone.
If you title out of a sense of duty, not joyfulness and you're giving grudingly you're better off keeping it.
God does not bless any of us with prosperity for our own sake. Everything! Everything we receive is to be of benefit to others to give glory and honor to God and I'm not just talking about money here. Our gifts and talents are to glorify God, not us.
I do know when I tithe, even when it's a hurt to do, no matter what, I always seem to be provided for.
2007-02-21 13:55:26
answer #10
answered by Anonymous