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Im looking for audio of prank calls, not 2 way conversations but just one way if you get what i mean, so i can phone someone and play it.... like an angry man or a sexy girl. Know any sites. Thanks for your help

2007-02-21 13:13:55 · 4 answers · asked by somebodysfool316 2 in Entertainment & Music Jokes & Riddles

4 answers


ive nvr actually tried it, but it probably works

2007-02-21 13:19:15 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I have one prank which works every time.
You simply call someone late at night (example a Mr John) and asked for Mr Smith. Mr John would be slightly angry and said that there is no Mr Smith.
Wait for about 30 minutes and called again and asked for Mr Smith, this time Mr John will be very angry and may shout over the telephone that there is no such person.
Wait for another 30 minutes and called again but this time you said that you are Mr Smith and inquire whether there was any call for you. Can you imagine how Mr John would feel?
Well, this is about the only prank that works all the time.

Good Luck

2007-02-21 21:41:12 · answer #2 · answered by sonisunny 3 · 0 1

Very simple you already have it on your computer. Click start, control panel, then sound speech and audio devices. Then click on speech. You can use Miscrosoft sam's voice to prank whoever you want. The best thing to do is make it like a formal message. I pranked my sister to make her believe she won a fake lotto. She totally bought it. Be creative.

2007-02-21 21:20:29 · answer #3 · answered by dodgedifferent01 3 · 0 1


ive done tons from there

2007-02-21 21:19:36 · answer #4 · answered by Drick 3 · 0 0

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