You are over-thinking this way too much. I don't believe in God because the idea just doesn't make sense to me. The idea that we evolved over time from simple life forms makes sense, besides the fact there is documented evidence pointing in that direction. I don't go around trying to convince Christians their faith is wrong, but I will defend my beliefs when I'm challenged. And there is not purpose to my (lack of) belief. It just is. I mean is there really a reason for your belief? Do you have a motive for believing in God, or do your motives come from your beliefs.
Another question: Why the Christian God? There is just as much reason to believe in Thor or Zeus or the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Why not something else entirely. Your beliefs are some combination of what you were raised with and what makes sense to you based on your personal experiences and education.
While I think there is ample evidence to discredit the Adam & Eve version of Christianity, there is nothing to say God didn't start live on Earth or at least set the universe in motion. I just don't believe it's true.
2007-02-21 12:10:10
answer #1
answered by Justin H 7
My belief, and it is that, only mine.
Originated from my disilluisonment with the baptist church.
The purpose is to allow me to be free in my mind, and my actions, without malice or guilt.
The meaning of it, is to be free of chains that make me feel guilt for natraul human urges.
Behind my belief stand great men, great minds, and the ability to question Everything, even atheism.
So far it has taken me to realms of thought i would never have traveled while being a christan. I've experimented with heathen -heretical ( to use xtian terms) magic, for example.
The soul purpose? perhaps you mean sole. One needs some form of an ethical guideline.
What makes it so strong is i feel that freedom from an invisible tyrant is a good thing.
I feel the need to show others what freedom i have found. I'll not ask you to disbelive god, but i will ask you to leave religeon.
It is the only logical thing to belive ( if it doesnt act like a duck, quack like a duck, have feet like a duck, have any charecteritics of a duck, odds are... it isn't a duck)
Some of us, like some xtians get a little too caught up in their beliefs being the "only way". not one purpose, but many. . God is not merciful, else why would I have had to deal with the hell in my life. ( long story short - death, murder, rape, burning, torture) god is not merciful, god is not vengeful ( devote xtrian at that time.. the responsible parties are still free and rich, i'm poor), thus god is impotent, invisible, and as god can not affect anything nor be affected must not be.
2007-02-21 12:21:50
answer #2
answered by Tom 3
Atheism is not a belief; it is the lack of belief. We just think gods and devils are silly fantasies right up there with Santa Claus and fairies, but we don't waste time trying to 'prove' they don't exist. It might seem that way to believers though, who tend to be incredibly thin-skinned when asked to explain their faith in the unprovable. I guess you all long for the 'good old days' when you could string up or burn alive anyone who disagreed with you, is that it?
Atheists also read in the news every damn day how some fanatic of whatever faith murdered someone for being an infidel or something. Your actions really do speak louder than your words.
Atheists may not have beliefs, but we do have convictions based on experience. Atheists tend to be socially and politically progressive and hold that there ought to be such things as universal human rights, that science works and shouldn't have to waste precious time fighting off religious lunatics, that what consenting adults do behind closed doors in not the business of religious busybodies, that churches should be taxed like any other business and subject to auditing and anti-discrimination laws - and yet when believers hear this suggestion for equal treatment they howl "anti-religious bigotry" and stomp their spoiled little feet in protest, and that the earth should be cherished and protected instead of exploited to the point of threatening our very survival (one of many things in the xtian bible that has been utterly ignored by xtians for centuries).
2007-02-21 12:21:34
answer #3
answered by hznfrst 6
First, I need to state that I am not on a mission to convince anyone that God that doesn't exist. It is just my belief as I have seen nothing to the contrary to convince me that God does exist. I am not sure that I am right. It is just my gut feeling. I am fine with you believing. Why do I feel that way? I guess I was raised to have an open mind and not be afraid to question. My mother always told me that religion for the masses is a good thing, as it keeps people "in line". But, if it works for you and you are happy, then so am I.
2007-02-21 12:09:45
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
God is absolutely unnecessary. The mere existence of a god (not having been created by anyone) would prove that a creator is unnecessary for even very complex things. To say that nature could not have done all this on its own and that a human like being must have created it is a slap in the face of the simple science behind all of nature and shows a strong lack of knowledge and understanding of simple science. It also reflects the egotistical nature of humans.
I feel the need not to "convert" people, but to share knowledge. The various religions are based on a lack of knowledge or misinformation and bad science. I think it is important for people to truly understand how the world works, rather than holding on to man-made beliefs.
It isn't a belief. It is reality.
2007-02-21 12:07:22
answer #5
answered by Phoenix, Wise Guru 7
You are asking this in a diffucult way. Atheism can't be explained in beleifs because it is a lack of beleif.
I reached the conclusion of atheism because the scientific physical reality around me was far more convincing than the mythological ideas of theology. I stand by this because in my mind, the existence of God would over glorify the reality of humans which in my opinon are simply sophisticated emotional animals.
There is no purpose of my atheism and I don't try to discredit other's beliefs, I just don't accept that there is a spiritual creator who cares about me in particular. Maybe the real reason that I reject religion is because I hate to think that all the people who don't worship a certain way- like the rest of the world- are going to hell. Nor do I beleive that my creator, if there is one, would send people to hell for eternity if they are not baptized.
2007-02-21 12:09:55
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I'm more of an agnostic. I'm not opposed to the idea of God or a Creator. I just don't happen to believe in organized religion.The fact of the matter is, the Bible cannot be trusted. The various books of the Bible have been added, removed, revised and re-written at the whim of Popes who were more concerned about political control of an Empire than disseminating knowledge for its own sake.
Having said that, Christians are cool with me. They waged great Crusades against the Muslim hordes. We could use that type of thing now-a-days. Alas, we don't have much support from the Church. They are more concerned with "peace" and "turn the other cheek" nonsense it appears.
2007-02-21 12:06:46
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
OK here's a pin-point for ya:
There may or may not be a god or gods or invisible pink unicorns...I simply don't care. Moreover, I don't care what you do or don't believe. Do I think anyone that believes in the supernatural is foolish? YES! However,please continue to marinate in your own stupidity. Don't send your children to schools that teach good science and math curricula so that my child (who will have an excellent education in both) will grow up to make tons of money and be in charge. Also, please don't leave areas of the country where you are surrounded by people just like you--everyone is better off if you just stay there and run your state/county/town into the ground. I look forward to the day that all religions DIE a natural death--then maybe humanity will truly be happy and free!
2007-02-21 12:10:46
answer #8
answered by Elphaba 2
I believe that only the strongest things are left standing (evolution in a nutshell). My beliefs force me to focus on the here and now to make something of my life. I also feel free in having no one but myself to blame for my mistakes and no one but myself to be glad for when I succeed.
They also compel me to value human life above all else, unlike those who will die or kill for their gods.
I feel no need to attack the religions of others, and am rather interested in hearing them. I suppose I am seeking to some extent a definite truth...
My disbelief in God is just what seems logical. I cannot believe anything without proof, especially something of such magnitude.
I do not believe that there is so simple an explanation for everything that we do not know.
2007-02-21 12:07:46
answer #9
answered by (-_-) 3
Your question reveals the problem of religious people understanding atheists.
Atheism is not a belief in something, but the absence of belief in a fairy tale.
You've been brainwashed to think that there is some invisible man that listens to prayers, performs miracles, etc. And, that EVERYONE must believe in some diety, just a different kind.
Athiests have not succumbed to the brainwashing, so there is no comparable 'belief'.
There is no belief, just the absence of belief.
2007-02-21 12:07:10
answer #10
answered by Skyhawk 5