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I have straight shoulder-length hair and wear it like that most days. Sometimes I like to take advantage of my GHD's and curl my hair.
Trouble is.... It is such a pain because I can get the sides of my head fine but then I go to do the back... especially underneath at the back it is really difficult to get right. I just can't get it to curl. Its the angle cos i'm trying to reach it. Sometimes I have to go over a section a few times and it's gotta be really damaging.
Won't ask my boyfriend because he really wouldn't have a notion. I always spend ages trying to get it right and end up getting frustrated and tying it up.
Anybody got any ideas which will make it easier?
Also, anybody care to share their GHD curling styles with me???Would be nice to have a choice.
Thank-you guys in advance!

2007-02-21 11:24:11 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Beauty & Style Hair

KiaSister - a GHD is a hair straightening/curling/flicking tongs! Yeah it makes sense, Thank you : )

2007-02-21 11:53:51 · update #1

2 answers

What is a GHD?

I have the same problem. You can get a mirror and hang it on the wall directly across from the big mirror in your bathroom- that will allow you to see the back.

I have learned recently to style my hair in sections. I take most of the hair on each side, and clip it up with a butterfly clip, then I style what is not in the clip, then take a section of hair from the clip, and style it, and just do that until it is all styled. i have found that by using this method, with the back, I can get it styled easier. I hope that makes sense.


Thanks, I don't think I have used one. However, you can use the straightener to give your hair a bit of curl as well. You just do it straight until you get to the end, then you either flip the ends under to give a little curl to the ends or you flip it up.

2007-02-21 11:36:29 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

go to" YOU TUBE" videos put in ghd styles theres videos showing you how to straighten/wave/curl with ghd,s. i usually prop a mirror on my bed so i can see back of head in mirror on wardrobe doors.takes a bit to get used to but after a while it,s easy.

2007-02-22 00:31:17 · answer #2 · answered by smiler 4 · 0 0

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