1. Muhammad never wrote down the Quran. It was written down by others. Muslims believe that, right? He came from a culture with a rich oral tradition. Of course he could come up with the language.
2. Poetry is different than normal speech so it would sound different. And stuff from his wives are probably included and said to have come from his mouth.
3. What is more true? How about believing in the saving grace of the sacrifice and resurrection of Jesus Christ?
2007-02-21 09:28:18
answer #1
answered by Love Shepherd 6
By the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
indeed he didn't wrote it its the God's words but most of people don't believe, infact the language of the holy Quran is a miracle it self, the Quran challenged and still chalenging people to creat one verse as the verses of the Quran, the Vatican has tried so many times but they couldn't do it.
furthermore, the scientific facts that the modern sciences discovered has been revealed in the Quran sine approximately 1400 years ago, as an examble This is an extract from Dr. Gronier, a French MP, who embraced Islam. Revealing the reason of embracing Islam he said, I read all of the Ayat (Quranic verses), which have a relation to medical, health, and natural sciences that I studied before and have a wide knowledge of. I found that these verses are totally compatible with and give a picture of our modern sciences. Thus, I embraced Islam as it was obvious that Muhammad revealed the Absolute Truth more than a thousand years ago. Had every specialist, artist or scientist compared those Quranic verses to his own specialization, beyond the shadow of doubt he would embrace Islam, especially if he has a sound mentality and goodwill to search for the truth and not a mentally defective person with the intentions of malevolent aims."
the life system which is described in the holy Quran has been proved as the best life system the humanity knew, the solidarity between poor and rich, the respect between men and women, the obedience for one creator and everything else, but most of them wont believe because they dont want to... Good Job man
peace be upon you
2007-02-21 10:03:11
answer #2
answered by nevermind_bana 2
Muhammad had contact with Aryan Christians which were shortly stated as heretical. The Qur'an is full of information that is backwards from the Bible. The stories that are in there are wrong because he only went by what he heard ~ he could not read or write anything and was unable to verify the information.
He knew the stories, but not as they really were. Read the Bible which was around 600 years BEFORE the Qur'an and see the flaws. The Qur'an was written by Muhammad's father in law ~ it is supposed to be the words of Muhammad. If Muhammad never wrote anything at all, then the people after him had to 'remember' what he said word for word and 'remember' what God had supposedly revealed to Muhammad to write it down. It's flawed and contradicts itself through and through.
I just read the Qur'an to study it, and it's full of false information regarding Christianity and biblical events, but Islam doesn't know that because they have only read the Qur'an.
Yes, it's an original book full of things such as angels and Paradise as you say, but the Bible was before the Qur'an ~ the two books are nothing alike. He went on what he knew about Christianity and changed it to form another religion that Islam follows today. The Qur'an is not a uniqe language ~ they only say that it cannot be translated, only read in the original language. They say this because when people point out the mistakes in it, they say 'well you just cannot translate it correctly, that's not what it says' but it clearly is what it says.
Have an open mind, don't follow the religion of your fathers just because it is what has been passed down to you as a belief.
2007-02-21 09:39:51
answer #3
answered by ajrackard 2
Are you telling me that Muhammad was stupid as well as ignorant? I Hold more respect for him than you do. I think he was very intelligent. I see a similar style in all his writings. Just as the prophets of the Old Testament recorded God's word in their languages in their own style Muhammad I assumed did the same. The way he wrote doesn't make his message true or false it's the message it's self that must be weighed. As the New Testament enhances the teaching of the Old any new revelation MUST be in harmony with the previous. The Quran in denying the Deity of Jesus Christ after He claims to be God in His own words is another Gospel, It teaches another way to God besides the Way the New Testament proclaims.. According to the OLDER revelation the Quran must be condemned.. Jim
2007-02-21 09:39:29
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Why do you think muhamad are beleive in God of Abraham not Satan/Iblis, why there is full of hate, full of violent against other beleiver including Christians/Jews/Catholics that are beleive in God of Abraham that he call Allah.
Do you think God of Abraham will give permission for man to have 4 wife, even at that time many man have more wife but still in Christians/Jews/Catholics there is only 1 wife will be permitted. So all the rapist/pervert/sex maniac/child molester cannot be a good man. But for sure with Satan/Iblis it is OK to have more than 1 wife.
Why in most muslim country there are too many torture, hate crime, discrimination again other beleiver and also there is no freedom of religion. Why in most Christians country there is no hate crime, discrimination again other beleiver and also have freedom of religion.
Why you never hear an christians/Jews/Catholics that do suicide bomb/hijack plane, train like all the jihadist/mujahidin/terorist doing, Because that what being told by Quran. Not by Holy Bible.
Full of hate, Full of violent, Full of Discrimination are not from God of Abraham.
2007-02-21 09:39:20
answer #5
answered by Op3nMinded 2
Dear friend ... theer are many historical stories about Waraqa Ibn Nofal and Buhayra Al Rhib. Some other stories about Salman the Persian. If you look at teh Quran it says: "The man who is talking to him is speaking a foreign language while Muhammad is speaking Arabic". Who is that man meant in that verse????
2007-02-24 17:52:14
answer #6
answered by Bionimetiket 2
He did write it - Just like Mary was a virgin. These are the mysteries of the Creator! hehe.
Honestly, it would be more worthwile to be a good (whatever faith you follow), than to squander your energy proving or disproving old and accepted truths! God bless!
2007-02-21 09:31:31
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
The Qur'an was by ALLAH. Man didn't write the Qur'an. It was revealed to Muhammed(PBUH*) during Ramadan by the angel Jibriel. Also the Hadiths are sayings of the Prophet(PBUH*) that were written down by his close companions after he died.
2007-02-21 09:38:12
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Muhammad (SA), faced many people in his lifetime who did not believe in him. They challenged him to produce a miracle to match those produced by other prophets in the past. He retorted that it was quite unnecessary, as the Noble Qur’an Itself was the supreme miracle for all times and all places.
Many Muslim and non‑Muslim scholars have proved, in various ways, that the Holy Qur’an is a miracle. This conviction is reflected in many books and articles throughout the history of Islam. They render a variety of sound and just reasons to substantiate this fact. As I have chosen to let the Glorious Qur’an answer most of the questions, I think it would be appropriate to continue the same technique, and see how the Munificent Qur’an Itself proves Its own miraculous nature.
Let us first define "miracle". The Arabic equivalent of miracle is mujizah, which is a derivative of the root "’A‑J‑Z". This root reflects the idea of being unable to, inability, impossibility. Mu’jizah (or miracle) means something that no one can do except Allah the Exalted (or His Messengers, with His Leave). What is the difference between magic and miracle? The difference is that the former can be done by a talented human being either out of his own creativity or by learning from others. The latter, however, cannot be done by mankind. Humankind is unable (‘ajiz) to do it on its own initiative, without the Will of Allah the Exalted. In order to perform a miracle, one must be empowered by Allah the Omnipotent exclusively. With this in mind, let us now see how the Precious Qur’an Itself proves that It is a miracle:
82nd and 83rd revelations, 9 years B.H.
Allah the Exalted challenges the enemies of Muhammad (SA), to produce a book like the Great Qur'an.
"33 ‑ Or do they say "He fabricated the (message)"? Nay They have no faith! 34 ‑ Let them then produce a recital like unto it, if they speak the Truth!" LII:33 & 34
118th revelation, 4 years B.H.
Five years later, the challenge is reduced to only ten Surahs, instead of a similar book.
"Or they may say `He forged it' say: `Bring you then ten Surahs forged, like unto it, and call (to your aid) whomsoever you can, other than Allah! If you speak the truth!"' XI:13
121st revelation in the same year
He confirms that the entire human race and the jimis cannot produce a similar book.
"Say: `If the whole of mankind and jinns were to gather together to produce the like of this Qur’an, they could not produce the like thereof, even if they backed up each other with help and support."' XVII: 88
131st revelation, 2 years B.H.
The challenge continues:
"Say: `Then bring you a book from Allah, which is a better Guide than either of them (the Tawrah and the Qur’an) that 1 may follow it! (Do), if you are truthful!"' XXVIII:49
160th and 161st revelations, in the 4th year A.H.
Now, after 13 years of frequent challenge, Allah the Omnipotent confirms again that people are unable to produce a Book like the Holy Qur'an. He now further reduces the challenge from ten to only one Sarah:
"37 ‑ This Qur an is not such as can be produced by other than Allah; On the contrary it is a confirmation of (revelations) that went before it, and a fuller explanation of the Book ‑wherein there is no doubt‑ from the Lord of the worlds. 38 ‑ Or do they say, `He forged it'? Say: `Bring them a Sarah like unto it, and call (to your aid) any‑one you can, besides Allah, if you speak the truth."' X:37 & 38
164th and 165th revelations, in the 5th year A.H.
Again, He confirms the invitation to produce even one surah similar to the Qur'anic surahs. For those who claim they can produce a similar book but in reality have not been able to do so, He clearly reminds them of the excruciating consequences:
"23 ‑ And if you are in doubt as to what We have revealed from time to time to our obedient, then produce a Surah like thereunto; and call your witnesses or helpers besides Allah if your (doubts) are true. 24 ‑ But if you cannot ‑and certainly you cannot‑ then fear the Fire whose fuel is men and stones ‑which is prepared for those who reject Faith." II:23 & 24
Therefore, the contestation continued for fourteen years during the lifetime of Muhammad (SA), with frequent reminders. Today, after over fourteen centuries, no one has matched even the smallest surah of this Book. I hope that the above passage illustrates how the Noble Qur'an Itself proves its miraculous nature (i.e. the inability of humankind to produce a similar Writing).
Some people have claimed that their writings are Divine or their books are comparable or even superior to the Glorious Qur'an. There are also people who believe in these claims without either having assessed these writings in the original text (excerpts, translations, interpretations and commentaries are unacceptable for this assessment), or having realised the perfection and glory of the true wahy from the Miraculous Qur'an. I hope this and the next sections of this book can provide a basis for the examination of such claims.
2007-02-21 09:30:38
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I agree with ur second point. Its needs to be given projection. Cuz Mohammd has nothing to do with Quran.. there isnt a lot of mentionings of him in Quran either. His book is Hadith. And its full of stupidities.. it clearly shows how disrespectful he was for many reasons.
I am sorry.. I converted to Islam.. by never keeping him in my mind.
2007-02-21 09:30:09
answer #10
answered by ManhattanGirl 5