As we approach the stressors in our life with optimism, we effectively deal with stress, anger, anxiety, depression, worry, etc. successfully. I take 15 min. early in the morning, and 15 min. in the evening to practice a simple meditation called the mindfulness of breathing. [I also practice Analytical meditation for 15 min. a day; spoken of later].
Mindfulness of Breathing exercises:
1) Be in a comfortable position, whether sitting
or lying down.
2) Have someone watch your other children for
about 15 min. [Increase in time gradually, after practicing for a month].
Then close your eyes, and concentrate
totally on your breathing.
3) At the end of your first inhalation of oxygen,
count one. Keep doing this until you get to Ten. Then start back at one. Remain patient with yourself.
4) Then focus your attention on breathing only
through your nostrils, which filter out all
the things, which are not healthy to breath
into your lungs. Be aware of the various
sensations through your nostrils, while you
continue the counting. When you get to
ten, start again at one.
5) When a distracting thoughts enters your mind
allow them to pass through {your mind], or judging them, or trying to fix them.
And then gently, patiently bring your full
attention back to your breath. Every time,
a distracting thought {any thought which
would take your attention of your breath),
comes to your mind, you need to use this
skillful, disciplinary method of bring it back.
Thoughts do come into our minds, especially
worrisome , or pressing thoughts
which indicate to us that we have an anxious mind.
Just be patient w/yourself, and keep practicing.
**"There is proven evidence of the
Success of The Mindfulness of Breathing
Exercises Proven by Dr. Jon Kabat-ZinnPhD
Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn PhD. has a book
out called, "Coming to Our Senses' which
teaches this. *There is also a book called, " The
Beginner's Guide to Insight Meditation"
by: Arinna Weisman & Jean Smith which is most
Excellent also.*” The Mindfulness of Breathing
greatly help us to clearly see things as they really are, in order to act and react in a healthy manner toward people, and situations in life.
I practice mindfulness of breathing to reduce stress and anger, and to cultivate Patience. I really enjoy the practice of mindfulness of breathing exercises. In Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn's clinic in Mass. he teaches the mindfulness of breathing to his patients to help them reduce pain, stress, anxiety, anger, depression, and worry. Many people establish the practice of mindfulness, as a way of life for themselves. For some, who are very Analytical, and might have a difficult time calming down their mind, "analytical meditation" is probably geared more for them. This method of meditation is excellent for effectively dealing with pain, stress, & anger. Training in Patience: The meditation of observing our stress and anger involves paying close attention to the storyline behind stress and anger. We note the blood rushing to our head, our heart pounding, the emotional pain of hurt feelings, disappointment, & unfulfilled expectations. Simply observing these, “but Not reacting to them by clinging to them or pushing them away, we experience them as they are in the present. In doing so, we watch them arise And Cease in their own accord.” Mindfulness is very effective in letting go of Negative emotions. “Techniques in which we re-frame the situation constitute most of this volume, and they fall in the category of 'Analytical meditation, in which we investigate our thoughts, feeling, and perceptions to discern if they are accurate and beneficial. Changing the way we describe and interpret situations subdue stress, pain, anger because we stop exaggerating and projecting negativities onto people, situations, and objects.' In this way, the external event, its meaning, & our position in it appear to us differently, and our stress and anger evaporates.” Meditation on love and compassion{loving-kindness meditation], (which many do as form of walking meditation) strengthens these positive thoughts and emotions in our minds and hearts, which are beneficial because these thoughts and emotions act not only as antidotes to stress and anger, but also as measures preventing them from arising. So for some, mindfully observing their Thoughts and emotions allow stress and anger to subdue naturally, while for others, a more Analytical approach is necessary. Through investigation{introspection), we see clearly that stress and anger are states of mind that misapprehends their object {either the person or the situation). But remember, subduing stress & anger, to cultivate Patience properly is a slow and steady process. Don’t expect them to always disappear overnight. Reacting stressfully and in anger are deeply ingrained habits, & like all habits, it takes time to unlearn. Practice Meditating daily. (Think about this, who really gives us the best opportunity to demonstrate patience, compassion, and tolerance? Not our friends, because they are nice to us. It is our enemies. Through having an optimistic attitude, we can clearly see that it is our enemies which help us that infinitely beneficial, wholesome quality of Patience. It is those who harm and offend us that actually give us excellent opportunities to cultivate Patience). “Meditation greatly helps us deal effectively with stress, and anger – to cultivate Patience and tolerance, resulting in Peace of Mind.
This “Patience” is the ability to remain internally calm, and undisturbed in the face of harm or difficulties. Through the situations in life which we are faced with, patience and wisdom are cultivated and stress-energy w/in us, and the anger-energy within us are slowly dissolved, resulting in peace of mind.
Thank You for Your Excellent Question,
Remain Optimistic.
2007-02-21 07:08:17
answer #1
answered by Thomas 6
I know where you're coming from. My cancer came back about a year ago, and I felt hopeless.(I recently had a bone marrow transplant, and I'm better now) I got mildly depressed. But like yourself, I really, really, didn't want to take a medication. What helped me, was simply not keeping my emotions bottled up inside. If you need to cry, by all means, let it out. It's a good release. Surround yourself by those that care about you. Have some "you time," go out and do something you really enjoy. Try to get enough sleep, because that's good for your well-being. And it's a good idea to take care of yourself too. It's not a good idea to let yourself go. One more helpful thing, would be to find someone to share your feeling with, whether it be a family member, a friend, or a therapist. I really hope this helps. Take care.
2007-02-21 08:25:03
answer #2
answered by IAmtheWalrus 2
Exercise is one of the key factors in treating depression. Try to exercise (walk, jog, aerobics...anything that gets your cardiovascular system elevated) at least 3 times a week. Exercise produces natural endorphines that are proven to elevate mood.
Do not isolate from people. When you are feeling like you are becoming depressed, force yourself to socialize. Go out with a friend to a movie or for a walk.
Get 7-8 hours of sleep a night. Do not deprive yourself of sleep.
Limit your caffeine intake. Try to avoid alcohol because it is a depressant.
Find some activity or hobby that you can occupy your time when you are feeling depressed. There are support groups for depression. Maybe talking to people who are going through the same thing will help.
Best of Luck
2007-02-21 07:10:10
answer #3
answered by crzynluv 2
There are a lot of differnent ways to naturally fight depression. Exercise is one of those things. And the poster that said Chocolate was right as well. I know you don't want to be on any kind of pills but if you wanted to try a nautural herbal supplement, you could try St. John's Wart. It works great on some but not at all on others. You'd have to try it to find out.
I hope this helps!
2007-02-21 07:07:27
answer #4
answered by Celtic Skye 4
Often there is a chemical imbalance that is causing the depression. There are so many different medicarions and doses. Talk to your doctor about adjusting what and how much you take to find a happy medium so you can function normally.
There are things you can consciously do, as well... However, if it is a chemical imbalance, you often won't FEEL like DOING those things when the time comes.
Best wishes and HANG IN THERE!!! ; )
2007-02-21 07:07:46
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
i am suffering from depression too. a few days ago, it got so bad that i started cutting. i don't reccommend it. it left me feeling even more alone. i was afraid to be around my friends or family because i was scared that they would hate me.
1) don't cut or do any other type of self-mutilation. even adults cut. it does nothing for your situation and nothing for you. all it gives you is a sore arm and a bleeding heart. don't do it.
2) talk to your friends or family or wife or whatever. TALK TO SOMEONE. being alone is when your most frightening thoughts show their faces. people can't help you unless you let them know that you need it. once you have let your good friends know what is going on, ask them to support you. surround yourself with them. they can act as a sheild whenever you need protection from yourself. if they are true friends, they will lead you out of the tunnel.
3) if you are fortunate enough to have the money, find a therapist. they are not a pill, but still helpful. you can talk to them without worring about losing them or having them judge you. it is their job to listen and help people like you and me. they won't kick you out of their office if you say something mean either.
i wish you lots of luck.
2007-02-21 08:14:08
answer #6
answered by happyinblue 3
sports are a good way. they release endorphins. usually when i go through my depression spells I do something that gets my blood flowing and eventually I forget about my depression.
But sometimes I'm just too depressed to do that kind of stuff so I stick to my hobbies. I got into doing magic tricks, drawing, writing, and then there's also the occasional surfing of the net or even video games. I've known people to have put their lives into gaming to get over ex-girlfriends etc.
It's all a matter of what is causing your depression, your interest, and how willing you are to get over your depression. There are a few stubborn people who say they want help, but aren't willing to help themselves.
2007-02-21 07:10:37
answer #7
answered by Jim 1
Don't Be Sad
by Aaidh ibn Abdullah al-Qarni
Live life as it should be lived… wholesomely, happily and productively.
Do not expect gratitude from anyone
Many people are shocked at the nature of ingratitude in others, as though they had never come across this verse and others like it:
“ And when harm touches man, he invokes Us, lying down on his side, or sitting or standing. But when We have removed his harm from him, he passes on his way as if he had never invoked Us for a harm that touched him. (Quran, Surah 10, Verse 12).
Hence, do not be in a state of agitation if you give someone a pen as a gift and he uses it to satirize you. So be at peace if you are requited with ungratefulness for the good you have done. Rejoice in your knowledge that you will be rewarded from the One Who has unlimited treasures at His disposal.
Grieve not over unworthy things
There is not a single worry or concern whose significance is not diminished when it is compared to the concerns of the Hereafter. What are the worries of this life? They are status, prestige, fame, income, wealth and mansions. They are all nothing when compared to the accountability before Allah.
If you really cannot do something, leave it
I used to give the Friday sermon in the city of Abha. Most of my sermons dealt with different aspects of the Prophet’s (Pbuh) life and this became something of a speciality with me and was something with which I felt comfortable. Somebody had asked me to give a sermon about the increasing tendency of extravagant dowries. I was loath to comply with his request because I felt more comfortable in speaking about the biography of the Prophet. Nevertheless, I gave an impromptu sermon on the requested topic. I quoted verses from the Quran and sayings of the Messenger of Allah. I was covering the topic in a desultory manner, and as I was speaking, I felt the sweat trickle down my forehead. After my sermon was over, I felt that I had done a very poor job in speaking on the subject and so I resolved to stick to what I excelled at.
Everyone of us should work in a field that he is skilled in. The Prophet (Pbuh) said: “ Indeed Allah loves for each of you, when he works at something, to perfect it.”
2007-02-21 11:21:19
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Exercise your body needs it doesn't work straight away and works without you actually feeling any different. It needs stimulation so oblige it. Your brain will concentrate on preparing your body for another round. How do I know because it worked for myself and everyone.I told and think whats telling your lungs to take in air without you thinking your brain will do the same with
therest of your body releasing endorphines
2007-02-21 07:09:19
answer #9
answered by froggerty 3
Old enough to drink? If so try tossing back a few cold ones at your favorite pub after work. Works for me and is truely natural. You will relax, the conversation will break the chain of being depressed, and you will meet new interests that will open doors to your future happiness. This has worked for thousands of years.
2007-02-21 07:09:54
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
i know how u feel every morning just felt the same and it semmed as though there woz no point in life, but than i realised im alive! im so lucky! i started trying to enjoy life to the full, go on holiday find a girlfriend, anything that makes u happy!
2007-02-21 07:08:02
answer #11
answered by Fran 2