Muslims believe--Those who hide aught of the Scripture which Allah hath revealed and purchase a small gain therewith, they eat into their bellies nothing else than fire. Theirs will be a painful doom.--Qu'ran 2:174
And, when we open their books, the following quotes show what they really think.
Qur’an 8:60 “Infidels should not think that they can get away from us. Prepare against them whatever arms and weaponry you can muster so that you may terrorize them.”
Bukhari:V4B52N260 “The Prophet said, ‘If a Muslim discards his religion, kill him.’”
Qur’an 5:51 “Believers, take not Jews and Christians for your friends.”
Sahih Bukhari V6B61N577:
I heard the Prophet saying, "In the last days (of the world) there will appear young people with foolish thoughts and ideas. So, wherever you find them, kill them, for there will be a reward for their killers on the Day of Resurrection."
Bukhari [4:52:177]: Allah's Apostle said, "The Hour will not be established until you fight with the Jews, and the stone behind which a Jew will be hiding will say. "O Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, so kill him!"
Bukhari, V1B4N234: "A group of people from the Oreyneh and Oqayelh tribes came to the prophet to embrace Islam, the prophet advised them to drink the urine of the camels. Later on when they killed the prophet's shepherd, the prophet seized them, gouged out their eyes, cut their hands and legs, and left them thirsty in the desert to die."
Fight and slay the pagans wherever you find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem of war. Surah 9:5
The punishment of those who wage war against Allah (blasphemy) and his Messenger, and strive with might and main for mischief through the land is: execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides, or exile from the land: that is their disgrace in this world, and a heavy punishment is theirs in the hereafter. Surah 5:33
Quran 4:34 "(as to those muslimah’s) on whose part you fear desertion, admonish them, and leave them alone in the sleeping-places and beat them;"
Check this out--
A Proposed Charter of Muslim Understanding
By Sam Solomon
Foreword by Gerard Batten
UK Independence Party
Member of the European Parliament for London
December 2006
Article 9
We the signatories request all Islamic institutions and all of its
associates, affiliations and outlets in co-operation with the
signatories to this Charter:
a) To discard all texts that discriminate with impunity against
Christians and Jews by describing them as Kaffirs,
apostates, polytheists, the children of apes, and swine, and
prohibit any inciting, insulting, and all discriminatory
references based on their religion
b) To abandon the practice of Takffir (infidel) against
anybody, be that a Muslim or a non-Muslim. (Once a
Muslim leader declares anyone as such, it is for the faithful
ones to see that person eliminated.)
c) To prohibit and abolish the practice of Takkiya (Islamic
doctrine of legitimate lying and deception of others) to
advance the cause of Muslims and Islam.
This insulting, inciting, discrimination, and deception is not to be
upheld or practised.
Here is a British man trying to get the violent, fundamentalist Islamanazis to moderate their self-destructive behaviors, and they aren't having any of it. What Mr. Solomon still hasn't accepted is that FANATICS of ANY flavor CANNOT be negotiated with--they are ideologically incapable of adjustment to a changing world--that's what makes them fanatics! THEY WILL NEVER STOP! They are locked into their course of action. Islamunists kill people who try to convert to another religion and philosophy.
Not ONE Islamic nation's government supports this peace proposal!! They don't want it. They want world homogeneity, as defined by them, and brought about by reprehensible actions in the name of 'religion'. This is EVIL!
Unfortunately, there aren't too many EFFECTIVE ways to deal with homocidal fanatics. Why waste time, money and lives on INEFFECTIVE appeasment? It just delays the day of Jihad.
Islamic terrorists KILL INNOCENT PEOPLE! Now, I love peace and freedom as much as the next guy. But sometimes it's necessary to pull our heads out of our 'idealss', and put foot to hump for all mankind.
PLEASE, think up a different solution that includes my life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, without my living in constant fear of a terrorist act killing or maiming my little girls. Even if it costs a little more money than nuking the evil 'tards that want to violently overthrow everything I believe in, if it will save other human life, I'll agree to it. Just remember, it MUST be EFFECTIVE. Also, remember that Palestinian Islamanazis won't even recognize Israel as a legitimate government. They support the extermination of all Israeli Jews, and actively practice Jihad. So, once again, tell me how to take care of this problem.
2007-02-21 04:28:38
answer #1
answered by Dorothy and Toto 5
In a way yes, but also no, the teachings of the book do not inspire violence. Extremists are the reason some Muslims are violent. The problem is not the Quran, but those that interpret and teach it to the masses.
Was the bible responsible for the witch trials? The Catholics carried them out in Europe, and so did the puritans in America, but the bible teaches against such violence. The people who educated the masses were responsible for the violence that ensued.
2007-02-21 04:32:23
answer #2
answered by Vantado 4
The Koran does not seem to hold other religions in particularly high regard, requiring conversion, taxation or death on the part of the unbeliever, but your contention that Islam's eradication is a solution is a trifle.... um... off.
Islam is going through a major shift. The ways set down in the Koran put the faithful at such an incredible disadvantage economically, in terms of health and in their ability to understand the technology that is shaping the world, they must either make a seismic change and embrace it, or (as the radicals seem to be attempting) stop the world and force it to conform to their beliefs.
It's not going to happen.
I will go so far as to predict a major military operation with as many as a million dead, but no more.
Muslims are not fools. Just a religious people in trouble.
Best wishes!
2007-02-21 04:32:02
answer #3
answered by HeldmyW 5
Yes they are inspired by their religious system as instructed in the Quran.
But. Eradicating them would be a worse violence by far. Preemptive hate is still hate. Preemptive violence is till violence. Notice that most Muslim violence is against other Muslims.
I kinda wish we would quit mediating, but eradicating Islam is not possible without great acts of violence and violation of free will. This is simply not an option.
2007-02-21 04:30:18
answer #4
answered by Wind Chime 3
No, and I don't think eradicating the world of Islam will change anything either. There are radicals in every religion, not just Islam. You shouldn't generalize or blame the problems of the world on one religion.
2007-02-21 04:49:48
answer #5
answered by ♥ terry g ♥ 7
No!----- even though --the Quran, does not have the explicit teachings of peace and the true history of Christ's Christianity, it does not allow for the extreme violence that those who claim to follow its teachings, carry out! It would be wise before we condemn an entire book, to make sure what we have is THE dominant attitude that it conveys.
--Even though I do not believe the Quran is in any great measure the written word of God, please allow for some of its truth, even though they may be minimal to be distinguished!
--HAVE NOT-- haters of the Bible, tried to do that, with the God of the Bible, Jehovah--painting him as a warmonger of the worst kind?
--HAVE THEY NOT also tried to link Christ & his Christianity to one of the worst of perverters of Christianity, Constantine with the atrocities he carried out?
--In the same way the Bible, in its entirety, gives absolutely no support to the so-called "christian" Crusades and the " Inquisition, and any of the modern day wars, that the so-called christian nations have carried out. A-- LABLE of Christianity does not change the disposition of a person, group or nation!
--My father was a non-practicing moslem and I as one of Jehovah's Witnesses am sensitive to how easily people want to blame a book or a writting for thefir own perversions of ideas--that they easily twist and carry out!
--This is what leads to the violence, in any form you wish to describe:
(James 4:1-3) "4 From what source are there wars and from what source are there fights among YOU? Are they not from this source, namely, from YOUR cravings for sensual pleasure that carry on a conflict in YOUR members? 2 YOU desire, and yet YOU do not have. YOU go on murdering and coveting, and yet YOU are not able to obtain. YOU go on fighting and waging war. YOU do not have because of YOUR not asking. 3 YOU do ask, and yet YOU do not receive, because YOU are asking for a wrong purpose, that YOU may expend [it] upon YOUR cravings for sensual pleasure."
2007-02-21 04:56:45
answer #6
answered by THA 5
No. Violence and cruelties in Muslim countries are inspired by political leaders who twist the words of the Qur'an to their liking.
Think about this:
Christianity pre-dates Islam by about 300 years (from the Council of Nicea to the teachings of Muhammad [pbuh]). Where was Christianity 300 years ago? Burning people at the stake who were accused of witch-craft. People were abandoning their homes in Europe for fear f being killed from religious suppression. Where is Islam now? Killing fellow Muslims who don't quite follow the same ideas of true Islam. Abandoning their homes for fear of being killed from religious suppression.
Is it really so hard to imagine why Islam is now at this stage?
2007-02-21 04:30:41
answer #7
answered by Maverick 6
The biggest threat to the world is Iran because that idiot president wants to kill everyone. No I don't think that violence in Muslim countries is inspired from the Qur'an.
2007-02-21 04:54:19
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Do you believe that violence and cruelties in Muslim countries are inspired by Quran?
No more than I believe that violence and cruelties in Christian countries are inspired by the Bible.
Funny how that sword of judgement you just wielded came all the way back and sliced you.
2007-02-21 04:37:47
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I disagree. I believe the ones who are the problems are zealots, and those will appear in any religion. What is needed is for non-Muslims to prove that we are trustworthy, which we have not been for some time. First, we tried to wipe out their people wholesale during the Crusades. We colonized them, treating them as inferiors. After WWII, we divided them into separate nations, without either consulting them or taking into account the natural boundaries of their people (ex., the Kurdish region was divided up between Turkey and Iraq). And then we kicked them out of part of the land they considered the most holy, and declared it Israel. I can understand why they would consider us to be enemies.
2007-02-21 04:34:36
answer #10
answered by cross-stitch kelly 7
Yes. It says it in the Quran.
Whoso desires another religion than Islam, it shall not be accepted of him" 3:85
9:39, Unless ye go forth, (for Jihad) He will punish you with a grievous penalty, and put others in your place; but Him ye would not harm in the least.
5:33, The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger, and strive with might and main for mischief through the land is: execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides, or exile from the land: that is their disgrace in this world, and a heavy punishment is theirs in the Hereafter; [Anyone who disbeliefs in Islam and speaks against it is considered to be waging war against Allah and his messenger]
This is all in the Quran. Muslims and others can go and check out the following verses.
2007-02-21 04:33:37
answer #11
answered by cynical 6