The definition of you drastically changes after you die. You lose all capacity of memory, you lose your ability to think. You lose your sight, your hearing, your sense of touch, your sense of taste, your sense of balance, your sense of proprioception and any other senses linked to a physical body. You lose your ability to process emotions. You lose your self awareness. There are a host of other things you lose as well which I am surely forgetting at this time.
So basically, you are without thought, input or output, emotions, and self awareness. You lose a lot of other processes required by the brain. These are all known to be part of the physical brain requiring neurons to operate.
Is there a life after death? I personally don't think so, but ultimately that is for you to research, and then come to a better understanding of exactly what life is.
The truth is not always as glamorous as we would like it to be. Honestly, no on knows. There could be millions of possibilities, there could be a duplicate universe where we continue to live, or we could be in a dream, perhaps something similar to the matrix, honestly though and realistically those do not make any sense. We need to fight death, instead of accepting it. We need to come to terms with it and then push it out of the way so we can live longer more meaningful lives. This excuse we all carry regarding death is just temporary is a band aid that does not resolve the real issue. I tell the truth because I value life.
2007-02-21 03:44:20
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I think this is what happens by all indications- you will impercetibly separate from your body without you even noticing it at first- you will feel very light and also, your senses will be sharp again.
Then you will be drawn into a tunnel and fly through it with some strange semi musical sound surrounding you. You will come out on the other side and there will be almost like an earthly plane and the diseased friends/realives will be awaiting you there.
There will also be a white figure there or even in teh tunnel,and depending on your religion you will see it either as Christ or Krishna or maybe Angel of Death, Jehova, etc. You will see all your earthly deeds unfold before you and feel either remourse or joy.
You will then be moved to a semi-earthly place which will be surrounded by people of the same character type as you and where the surroundings consist of a strange non-physical "matter" which is so fine that you can create things with your thoughts- it will obey you.
Then, after a long time up there, you will most probably be drawn back to another reincarnation -either on Earth or in some other world. You will be pulled back into physical existence because of unpaid karmic debts or desires that had not come true in past lives.
I guess you keep recycling like this for many many times until you improve and reach Nirvana and stay there forever.
Do not quite me on the above but that is the most probable scenario.
2007-02-21 03:51:54
answer #2
answered by MumbaJumba 2
So many people want the answer to the question. The answer is, you decompose. You don't go to Heaven or Hell. But, at the end of time, when there's an actual judgement, you go to Heaven or Hell. By the way, the whole Left Behind thing has no scriptural evidence. The bible doesn't even hint at it, and only seems to when taken sorely out of context. Hope I helped!
2007-02-21 03:43:38
answer #3
answered by campadrenalin 4
Read the Bible and you'll answer your own question. People always wig out over death because of the big unknown thing. If you read the Bible you get your answers. Believe in Jesus Christ, repent your sins, and chill out. Try to live by God's laws and the day you die Jesus will tell you "Well done faithful servant....welcome home!" Sometimes I wig out too cause I don't like pain but then I remember God's promise to be with me always! That always gives me peace.
2007-02-21 03:48:33
answer #4
answered by drewby1129 2
Very good question. Very tough one too. Life after death.... it is really the great work by the GOD. The athma leaves our body and finds another. Only the body has destruction and the athma doesn't. It cannot be destroyed. It finds another body, another & another till it reaches the final destiny...THE GOD.
2007-02-21 05:22:57
answer #5
answered by Madhan S 1
'Death'- according to the Holy Qur’an
In the Holy Qur’àn, interesting and varied interpretations have been made, regarding death, the study of all the aspects of which, shall become very elaborate, hence we suffice by mentioning a few of the beautiful and expressive interpretations, which have appeared in some of the verses.
1. Meeting with Allàh (God)
The Holy Qur’àn, in the last verse of the Surah Kahf, has expressed death as a meeting with Allàh and says:
“So whoever desires to meet his Lord, he should do good deeds and not associate anyone in the worship of his Lord.”
2. Return to Allàh (God)
Another interpretation which the Holy Qur’àn has and which makes clear the reality of death, is “return to Allàh”. However, the Islamic philosophers, regarding the manner of the creation of the entities (and amongst them, man) by Allàh and after then, their return towards Allàh, have subtle, profound and interesting theories. The Holy Qur’àn says:
“Verily, we are Allàh's and verily to Him shall we return.”
3. Seizing of the Soul
One of the beautiful interpretations of the Holy Qur’àn in the matter of death is(توفّى). This word means seizing a thing in its entirety. Hence, according to the verse under consideration, the reality of death is that the angels commissioned to take the soul, seize the entire personality of man at the time of death, and remove it from the captivity of the body. They, then carry it to the Divine Presence:
“Say: the Angel of Death who is given charge of you shall cause you to die, then to your Lord you shall be brought back.”
2007-02-21 03:48:40
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
If you die with generosity you can gift your organ like EYES and by your action you can light up two blind people to get vision that means you will live(see) through the other people eye for some more time.
2007-02-21 03:48:28
answer #7
answered by 3
There is no soul sleep of the righteous. Only the damned sleep in their graves. Those that have died in Christ now reside in heaven.
The spiritual bodies of the righteous will result from the joining of their heavenly natures with their resurrected bodies at the second coming of Christ at the final judgment.
Those that are damned will awake from their sleep to be judged and join Satan in their separation from God in Hell.
2007-02-21 03:42:28
answer #8
answered by Ask Mr. Religion 6
there is life after death, but there are those who erringly believe that once you die, you cease to exist until the resurrection. This is problematic for two reasons: First, it contradicts scripture. Second, if a person dies and ceases to exist, then he is in the same state he was before he was born: non-existence. Therefore, at the resurrection, it is not he who is raised from the dead. No, instead, a copy of the original person is produced. Nevertheless, the Bible definitely tells us that there is life after death:
Luke 16:22-23, "Now it came about that the poor man died and he was carried away by the angels to Abraham’s bosom; and the rich man also died and was buried. 23 “And in Hades he lifted up his eyes, being in torment, and *saw Abraham far away, and Lazarus in his bosom."
Note, this is not a parable or a mere illustration since it contains the name of an individual, Lazarus. Besides if it were a parable, then what is it illustrating if not life after death?
John 14:1, "And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also."
2 Cor. 5:8, "we are of good courage, I say, and prefer rather to be absent from the body and to be at home with the Lord."
Here we see that Paul is teaching that to be absent from the body (to be dead) is to be at home with the Lord. This could not be if we ceased to exist after death.
Phil. 1:21-23, "For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain. 22 But if I am to live on in the flesh, this will mean fruitful labor for me; and I do not know which to choose. 23 But I am hard-pressed from both directions, having the desire to depart and be with Christ, for that is very much better."
Rev. 14:11, "And the smoke of their torment goes up forever and ever; and they have no rest day and night, those who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name.”
This scripture is about the judgment of the wicked and how they will endure it forever in consciousness.
Therefore, we can clearly see that there is definitely life after death.
2007-02-21 03:41:08
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
The mental state fades away, there is no thinking or awareness, it is over, the body starts to decay and eventually is recycled by the Earth. Other than that, nothing.
2007-02-21 03:43:07
answer #10
answered by ? 6