If you have already taken out a Stafford loan to pay for your tution, you can also take out an Alternative student loan to use for educational/living expenses. Students are allowed to borrow funds over the cost of their tuition. You need to speak to your financial aid office to find out how much you can borrow. As long as your tuition has already been paid in full, any additional loans that you borrow will be reimbursed to you after they are paid to the school. Keep in mind that alternative loans are usually based on your credit score, meaning they may or may not approve you depending on how good or bad your credit history is. You may need someone to cosign for the loan who has good credit and current employment. Pay attention to the interest rate you are being offered and how long they will grant you to repay the loan. There are many lenders who offer different student loan programs, including Sallie Mae, Citizen's bank, Bank of America, Wells Fargo. Many reputable banks offer alternative student loans. be careful when shopping around.
2007-02-21 04:31:54
answer #1
answered by jasmine540 2