Well, since you only upgrade, I'd say do it now. Since you're going to do it anyway, you might as well gain the benefits of upgrading earlier. Personally, I agree with you 100%. I don't see what the hype is all about, it barely differs from XP at all (although there is a nice window layering system now). Personally, I'm not going to upgrade. This computer is basically reaching the end of its life span (maybe 1 or 2 or 3 years to go) and I'll just get a new computer with Vista.
2007-02-21 03:05:27
answer #1
answered by Atomic Collision 2
I am in no particular hurry to upgrade. I'm running XP SP2, and it works tolerably well. Eventually, it will go off support, and an upgrade will be necessary. I looked at Vista to see what it wants in the way of hardware; 512 megs of RAM for the basic version, and double that for the fancy version. (My box has 512 megs now, and I imagine I could add more.) It also wants a lot of disk space, but that won't be a problem for most users. As for your policy of just upgrading your hardware, I would not carry that too far; hardware is improving at such a rate that by the time you upgrade all the pieces that have gotten a lot better, you've spent the price of a new box, and incurred all the hassle, to boot.
2007-02-21 03:09:08
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Microsoft will ultimately determine the bugs linked with Vista, despite the fact that it ought to take numerous years. Vista isn't being accompanied properly in any respect by potential of employer purchasers and that i essentially have faith Vista flow down in history like domicile windows Me did...a entire flop. whilst you're fairly delicate with XP, follow it. XP would be supported for numerous years yet to return after which you will anticipate an improve worth upgrading to. i in my opinion have faith you will see a sparkling Microsoft OS launched end of 2009/initiating of 2010.
2016-10-16 04:20:12
answer #3
answered by ? 4
Having used Vista, I'd say wait a few years.
First of all, it eats MASSIVE amounts of resources. Gaming on Vista is pointless, because even a top-notch system runs choppy with it.
Not to mention the fact that the security measure - asking you to "allow" or "deny" EVERY single thing it does - only has 2 modes: Always, and Off. So you have to decide if you want to click "Allow" 57 times a minute, or leave your machine totally unprotected.
Hopefully, it will become more streamlined (or a better Linux mod will emerge).
2007-02-21 03:08:13
answer #4
answered by Johnny Sane 3
I upgraded by work PC to Vista Business but I haven't found a compelling reason to upgrade my home PC running XP Pro to Vista.
I'm planning to hold off until the next Windows release.
2007-02-21 03:03:39
answer #5
answered by G.D. 2
Hold off until Service Pack one comes out
Since Vista has some severe resource hungry requirements, then you can choose your Upgrade options.
Broadly, I would look at 10 months, maybe 8, until you upgrade PC. Maybe the SP1 is out by then.
2007-02-21 03:03:33
answer #6
answered by Mictlan_KISS 6
I haven't even read your specs to be honest but I think you should wait because any new system has more holes than swiss cheese (ba-zing) anyways hold off for a few years before thinking about upgradin since from what I hear it's a shitty system an alot of artists who I talk to aren't gonna upgrade since XP it's not a big thing with them.
2007-02-21 03:04:05
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
You will have all sorts of problems upgrading to Vista, like compatability issues, lack of drivers, do not upgrade unless you're upgrading to a new computer or all of your software.
The only good thing I've heard about Vista is that is a lot faster than Windows XP.
2007-02-21 03:12:25
answer #8
answered by Sabine 6
support from microsoft t is crap hold off before you upgrade wairt for them to come pout with the service packs then wait 5 more months keep that vista at work only on test
2007-02-21 03:07:09
answer #9
answered by me and you 6
Personally, I believe in holding off upgrading operating systems and computers until it is determined that I have to have the upgrade. It saves me time and money.
2007-02-21 03:07:42
answer #10
answered by Anonymous