Though a lot of these answers are quite true and very funny I will have to point my answer in another area since everyone else has covered the other areas. The fat ones you see are the older officers with more seniority. Most police departments in large cities and in the surrounding areas have health standards and fitness standards. You get the smaller departments that have a hard time getting people on their staff will do away with the fitness standards and end of keeping the fat ones. They cannot pay good salaries to the younger more fit ones to stay, so they must stick with the fat older ones. The majority of officers will not get caught dead with a dounuts.
Most of your state police, state trooper, and highway patrol have very strict fitness standards and they maintain them throughout the officer, trooper, and patrolmen’s career. I am a police officer and I will tell you that you can get pretty fat off all the free breakfast and discounted meals that merchants give you. I just choose to live a more healthy lifestyle and workout so that I will not be a fat lazy cop, cause they are out there.
2007-02-21 03:40:35
answer #1
answered by The Rubber Duck 1
I wasn't going to answer the question because I don't feel like cursing you out right now, but I figure I just won't stoop to your ignorant level.
I am a police officer and the majority of officers I work with, in my entire department are not fat at all. We don't eat donuts. That's a myth that was started on tv that ignorant people believe. The officers I know actually work out all the time. The older officers who are about to retire kind of let themselves go because they know they aren't going to chase anyone and they have enough skill to know what to say and do so they don't have to fight anyone.
2007-02-21 11:16:52
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Its not just cops, in any profession there are fat people, and I have seen fat celebrities, fat lawyers, fat judges, fat teachers, fat fire fighters, fat agents, well the list can go on and on, but just like there are fat people in all forms of jobs, there are fit people too,,,and short people, and tall people and people of all colors and genders and ages,,well I hope you get the idea,,???
2007-02-21 10:47:41
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I don't know where you live but where I come from most cops are lean mean fighting machines.
2007-02-21 16:53:05
answer #4
answered by Tom M 3
The same reason over half of the country is overweight.
2007-02-21 12:27:39
answer #5
answered by baalberith11704 4
They finally realized that chasing criminals was against their best interest since the laws protect the criminals, not the law abiding citizens and law enforcement.
2007-02-21 11:01:07
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
where do you get your information? TV? You are correct that there are some officers that are overweight, but there are more that are not........your question lacks merit.
2007-02-21 11:45:46
answer #7
answered by NolaDawn 5
Same reason you are rude and ignorant.
2007-02-21 10:49:05
answer #8
answered by rico3151 6
Because of the free breakfast...
2007-02-21 11:08:00
answer #9
answered by roadwarrior 4
Donuts really do help improve law enforcement!
2007-02-21 10:45:31
answer #10
answered by Kilroy 4