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Whenever i try and edit my buddy info on my AIM, the program freezes up and shuts down. I have been able 2 change it before, idk y its doin it now. I am using Triton. Help would be greatly appreciated. thanks

2007-02-21 01:54:46 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Computers & Internet Software

4 answers

Isn't Triton still in beta or alpha? That's probably why - beta and alpha programs can be buggy and have problems like that. You should probably wait until it's out of beta or alpha, and go back to the basic AIM.

I recommend that you get Gaim though, the free open source alternative - you can manage all of your buddies from Yahoo, AIM, Google Talk, etc. all in one simple application without any of the annoyances of AIM.

2007-02-21 02:00:17 · answer #1 · answered by Austen S 2 · 0 0

In this case you'll need to Manually Delete your profile.
The profile is stored in a common.cls file, the problem is that in order to access it you need a SQL Database reader. If you can follow these steps you should be able to reset your profile.

1. Download http://sqlitebrowser.sourceforge.net/
2. Navigate to this folder. means your Windows User Name. is your Screen name. Some folders are hidden so please activate hidden folders.

If you are Using Aim 6.0
C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Application Data\AOL OCP\AIM\Storage\data\ \ localStorage \common.cls

If you are Using Aim Triton
C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Application Data\AOL\ UserProfiles \ \ \cls

3. Keep that folder open.
4. Open the Zip File for SQLite Browser and open the File.
5. With that common.cls folder open, copy and paste the folder path inside SQLite Browser.
6. Make sure your Aim 6.0/AimTriton is closed
7. Click on Browse Date then Preferences in the drop down.
8. Scroll down to Key: aol.aimcc.general.profile
9. Double Click the Value Next to it.
10. Delete everything except the top 4 lines and apply changes
11. Save the Database and close
12. Open Aim 6.0 or Triton.

Also You should Upgrade To Aim 6.0 as it would reset your buddy info anyway.

2007-02-22 12:43:52 · answer #2 · answered by Aim Talk 2 · 1 0

Try downloading it and installing it again, there seems to be something wrong that a reinstall might fix.

2007-02-21 09:57:57 · answer #3 · answered by Yoi_55 7 · 0 0

send me an IM at ForbiddenEarth2 and I can help you there live.

Otherwise, try reinstalling it.

2007-02-21 09:58:18 · answer #4 · answered by Kyle 3 · 0 0

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