Yes, he would. But it's unlikely that he'd convert to being a Christian.
2007-02-20 23:25:13
answer #1
answered by C J 6
It is important that before a person is judged, he is given a fair hearing. Both sides of the argument should be heard, the situation should be objectively and fairly analyzed and the reason and the intention of the person should be taken into account, and then the person can be judged accordingly. While there can be no justifiable reason for killing innocents, it is also patently unfair to accuse any of killing innocents without a fair trial and process of justice.
Regarding Osama bin Laden, one does not know whether he is good or bad. I have not met him personally nor do I know him. I cannot give my opinion based on the reports of BBC or the CNN. Most of the news on the international media is tailor-made to suit ulterior motives and suited to project the image what they want.
The Qur'an says:
“O you who believe! If a wicked person comes to you with any news ascertain the truth lest you harm people unwittingly and afterwards become full of repentance for what you have done.” (Al-Qur'an 49:6)
With regards to the last part of your question, Islam forbids killing of innocent people. The Qur'an says:
“ … If anyone slew a person unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land it would be as if he slew the whole humanity: and if anyone saved a life it would be as if he saved the life of the whole humanity.” (Al-Qur'an 5:32)
Killing any innocent human being, whether Muslim or non-Muslim is not allowed in Islam. Even in the circumstances of war, this aspect is not to be ignored. The first caliph of Islam, Abu Bakr As-Siddique (R) is reported to have commanded Usama ibne Zaid (R):
“I command you to do ten things: you must not kill a woman or a child, or an elderly person; do not cut down trees, or vandalize homes, or wound a sheep or camel except if you must eat it; do not drown a palm tree, or burn it, do not be treacherous; do not be cowardly; and you will pass by people who have devoted themselves to monastery life: leave them alone with their devotions.” (Tarikh At-Tabari, V.3, p.210)
Thus killing children or innocent people are not allowed in Islam. And Allah knows the best.
2007-02-21 02:38:04
answer #2
answered by PeaceKeeper 2
I'm appalled at everyone who is all right with this.
Osama Bin Laden is a religious terrorist responsible for the deaths of millions because of the events of September 11th, and yet I find people here saying that as long as he 'accepts Jesus', he'll be fine and dandy.
This man is responsible for such a heinous act, and all of you are worried about whether or not he'll convert to a god that he already subscribes to?
People disgust me.
2007-02-20 23:52:48
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Nobody gets saved by accepting Jesus as one's savior. If anything that would only be one of the first steps and it would only be one step of seven. So saying yes to your question would be wrong.
The doctrine that all it takes is accepting Jesus as a personal savior is Pauline teachings and is not what Christ taught himself.
Actually the fact that Christ brought a teachings shows that not enough to just accept him as savior. If it was enough then why bring a teaching? It just doesn't make sense.
Paul was a false prophet. Only those who don't understand what Christ taught will think that Paul's teachings is the same as Christ's teachings which they are not.
2007-02-20 23:34:11
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
An anglican church in new south wales, australia thinks so. They had a billbord out front which said
"Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you."
The Bible says God loves everyone – even Osama bin Laden is included in that. All we are doing is sharing the gospel. They went on to say that even though jesus preaces universal love, he does not have to approve of things that his people have done.
Check out the sign.
2007-02-20 23:32:59
answer #5
answered by Samantha W 2
Well, by most Christian doctrine, bin Laden's acceptance
of Jesus as his savior might save his soul from eternal
However, it would do little to his corporeal being on
Earth. Even if he was found as a monk in a monastary
with a few miracles to his credit, I expect he would
be assassinated, or at least jailed for life.
2007-02-20 23:29:47
answer #6
answered by Elana 7
If Osama Bin Laden truly believes in Jesus Christ and turns from his sins through repentance and faith then yes he can be saved. Anyone can be saved no matter how bad they are.
2007-02-20 23:26:12
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
No, he will NOT be saved.
Jesus said the ONLY way to be saved is to LOVE EVERYBODY UNCONDITIONALLY. Osama Bin Laden HATES too many people worldwide.
You do NOT have to accept or even know Jesus.
You just have to LOVE EVERYBODY.
Quite frankly, I only know a few gay people that love everybody unconditionally. Otherwise everyone else I know hates either individuals or groups of people with a passion. So heaven must be full of gay people, and the rest of the world is going straight to hell.
2007-02-20 23:29:18
answer #8
answered by MrKnowItAll 6
certainly !
Romans 10 v. 13 for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."
2 corinthians 5 v. 17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!
2007-02-20 23:29:10
answer #9
answered by schwarzeneggerchia 2
Why would you think of him as being lost and in need of your idea of salvation?
He is neither good nor evil he just is. The Good and evil that you see don't even exist in reality, at least not outside of the mind that believes in them. They are only judgments passed by the individual from their own unique perspective. What one person sees as bad or evil may seem to be the only logical thing to do from some other perspective. The ideas of both good and evil are point of view specific. This is why people like bush and bin laden are either loved or hated. Bush is seen as good by people who share his fear based thought system. Those who have a compassionate concern for all of mankind often see him as evil.
Bin laden is much the same. He is a villain in much of the western world, but he is somewhat of a celebrated pop star on the Middle East. There are T-shirt shops that sell items with his picture as though he was Jesus. It all depends on your point of view or perspective.
To sum it all up good is the name we give to people who do things that we think we like.
Evil is the name we give to people who do the things that we don’t like.
This is of course based solely on our particular point of view.
Love and blessings
2007-02-20 23:30:58
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
I believe he would be saved. God forgives all sins. He says so in the Bible. Remember Saul who later became Paul? He was, as he described himself, a persistent persecutor of the Church. Until God talked to him and now we know him as one of the great Aposltes. Once you confess your sins and accept Jesus as your personal saviour, you are saved, doesn't matter what your sin is.
2007-02-20 23:48:50
answer #11
answered by crimson 2