sorted the same problem myself . i did it in safe mode seems fine now
2007-02-20 19:07:21
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Hello Dhaval P,
It could be something other than iTunes or Quicktime. I don't see how that could effect the speed of your Mac. Take it in to your local Mac dealer and have the tech guy look at it.
2007-02-21 00:19:07
answer #2
answered by rickrudge 6
Hi Dhaval P,
According to your description,there are some regsitry errors in your PC to cause "Computer slow".You need to clean you PC.
Every time you install and uninstall software on your computer and surfing online you create junk in the registry.You need to scan and clean your PC with registry cleaner to make your pc fater.Good Regisry Cleaner will improve your PC and Internet performance dramatically.It even can speed up your PC by 300% or more!
There are some comparison and review of
TOP 5 registry cleaners.
You can download and scan your PC for free.
2007-02-22 04:40:58
answer #3
answered by Jame 2
I found a free download of Quicktime here
QuickTime is a great media player!
2014-07-19 10:05:44
answer #4
answered by ? 2
hard to get rid of anything from apple. its still there and trying to run. not sure how you deleted them, but you need to finish the job, problem is they attach to system files. best to take it to a tech.
2007-02-21 00:12:32
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Try ''Disk defrag''and''disk clean-up''u can run these programs by going to ''start''->''all programs''->''accessories''->
''System tool'
I hope It will make your PC run slightly faster:)'
2007-02-21 00:24:08
answer #6
answered by LivTyler 3