I saw a program on how to train your cat to use the toilet.
The only hitch was that you can never train it to flush.
Serious about that.
2007-02-20 14:12:39
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Litter boxes are the worst part about having a cat. But if you can't deal with them, then maybe you should reconsider getting a cat. They can go outside, but if you don't have a litter box inside, they will go on the carpet or wherever is convenient. Once that starts, it's a hard habit to break. Also, cats are pretty hard to train, and they don't respond to discipline like dogs do. I am a huge cat lover, HUGE lol, and I am always happy for cats to find a home, so I hope you will be able to get accustomed to a litter box. If it's cleaning it out that bothers you so much, I highly recommend crystal litter (I use Fresh Step or Tidy Cats). It's a little more expensive but there is so much less to clean up. Clumping litter will clump around urine, but crystals help dissolve urine so the only thing you scoop out is poop. This makes a huge difference as most of the stuff you scoop out with clumping litter is urine.
2007-02-20 14:17:20
answer #2
answered by Lady 2
Cats will naturally 'do their business' out doors, as they did while they were wild. A cat will let you know when it wants to go out and come back in. As for disturbing gardens, I've never noticed that any of my cats have ever done much (if any) damage to my gardens. Besides, any deposits can be considered free fertilizer.
You don't say why you don't like litter boxes. If it's the odor, use something like Feline Pine, which consists of pellets that disintegrate into sawdust, and which neutralizes odors quickly after it's been used. Advantages include a lack of clay dust and being much lighter than clay litter. Also, putting the litter box in an out-of-the-way place, like the cellar or laundry room, would also help.
If it's cleaning the solid waste, well, there you may be stuck, as I hear the self-cleaning ones don't work as well as they might, getting jammed, and so on. You'd probably be better off with a bag and slotted spoon.
If you're going to have a pet, you have to learn to take the rough with the smooth.
2007-02-20 14:33:00
answer #3
answered by JelliclePat 4
Perhaps you kitties that are doing the improper elimination just are not happy with the TYPE of litter that you are using in the box. You may want to try and switch. Get a second litter box and try a new litter right along side the other litter box with original litter brand in there. I agree with the rest of the answers where they say indoor cats are best. Don't forget to get them spayed or neutered or you will have more than 4 real soon.
2016-05-24 00:34:42
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
YESS, they totally can. both my cats are trained to do this. one is more of an indoor cat that goes outside for about 30 min in the morning and about an hour around 5:00. The other likes the outdoor and will spend all work day outside and come in to sleep at night. especailly in the summer time the cats like to sleep in the sun. Dont worry that they will run away either bc cats are born with the sense of always returing to were there is food (meaning your house) they have been this indoor cats for about 2 years then indoor outdoors for 3 more since.
the only problem is sometimes when there a little off schedual and stay out longer then you want or think, your always worried where they are, but mine have thankfully always come back within time
2007-02-20 14:14:58
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Yes, but if you keep the cat indoors for any length of time, it will need to get out to go. You could install a kitty door. But before you let the cat out, is your neighborhood a safe one for cats? An unsafe neighborhood is one with many cars, dogs and unfriendly neighbors who hate cats. The cat needs to be old enough to go outside too, kittens cannot. So, you will need a litter box for a while. There are many new litter box products that are good, one I recently used is crystals that really helps with smell and does not need to be changed often.
2007-02-20 14:14:34
answer #6
answered by MadforMAC 7
It is more natural and preferable to let a cat out rather than use litter trays - they get overfilled and then the cats will find it difficult to bury waste matter and will continually try to bury what can't be buried (very noisy at 3 in the morning!), possibly leading to stress for the animal!
First you need to get a catflap in your kitchen door and if your upstairs flat or something, a means for the cat to safely get downstairs and to the outdoors. For the kitchen door, a three-way locking catflap is best so that you can lock it from the inside, outside and from both sides - this then gives you complete control over how the catflap is used and will stop stray cats coming in; but do get you cat ID chipped (which is a subdermal (goes under the skin) chip which is read by a scanner - a bit like a metal detector, because if you're cat goes missing or is in an accident - be it a car a fight with another cat or whatever - vets are required by law to check if they have been chipped to reunite pets with owners.
It is also possible now to get a GPS transmitter for you cat to put on it's collar - so you can keep track of them via the internet and mobile phone. This is a fairly new technology but like most things is improving in design and getting smaller all the time.
When you first get your cat, it is adviseable to keep then in for while using a litter tray to get the accustomed to their surroundings - a cat like us and any other creature wants to feel safe - so don't unlock the cat flap for at least a month or so - by which time they should know where home is.
You may want to get a cat neutered once it reaches puberty - if it's a boy because it will get into fights and get hurt by other cats and will spray urine everywhere and if it's a girl because you'll soon end up with kittens - believe me CATS DO NOT WASTE TIME REPRODUCING WHEN THEY ARE ABLE TO !
Best of luck - look after your cat - feed them food they like and they will be there for you and always make sure they have plenty of fresh water available - they're urine is quite toxic to them and their kidneys need to get flushed out regularly.
Look after your cat and they'll always be by your side - especially when you're sad - THEY KNOW !
Don't look after your cat and they will leave you for someone who will !!!
2007-02-20 14:37:41
answer #7
answered by baitersspaced 1
Yes, they can but if you don't want your kitty to become road kill then try using a electronic litterbox. You won't have to do any scooping for it is automatic and all you have to do is dump once a week or when full. It also helps eliminate the odor for it is contained.
A cat is much safer inside and it will reduce the cost of many vet bills that accumulate because of illnesses and injuries they get from being outside.
2007-02-20 14:39:33
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
You can toilet train. I have this book. It's very concise and informative. I am going to start toilet training my two cats soon.
If you can handle a litter box until they are about 5 or 6 months, and then about a month of training, you could have a toilet trained cat for life! You just always have to leave the top up and the door open.
2007-02-20 14:33:14
answer #9
answered by broot 1
yes you can train them but if you are going to let them go outside make sure you get feline lukemia vaccines for them. also, if you let them outside (especially at night) there is a risk of something happening to them. One of mine got carried off by an owl. And yes I'm serious.
have you considered one of the automatic litter boxes?? I know they are more expensive then regular, but it saves daily cleaning and you don't smell the box. you put carbon pads in where the waste goes and just remove the whole thing once it's full. It's sealed so you don't have to smell it.
2007-02-20 14:16:01
answer #10
answered by tigerfire2002 3
Cats to me are the most resilient pets to own, as a cat owner myself, a cat would rather do their business outside than in the house, cats are also a lot more dependant than dogs are. And may I ask what you would be feeding your cat? I can also suggest the best type of food for your cat too.
2007-02-20 14:45:40
answer #11
answered by Anonymous