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ok my class jsut finished reading the book Tex by S.E. Hinton, and we are writing a paper worth 55 points (papers in this class are usually only worth about 10) if you have read this book please help me with an opening sentence! we are writing whether or not this book is appropriate for middle schoolers. thanx so much! ♥

2007-02-20 13:33:57 · 1 answers · asked by Gurlie.23™ 2 in Education & Reference Other - Education

im writing about how it is appropriate..some of the factors being argued are swearing, sexual references, and drugs, for those of you who have not read the book. pleasse help me!!!!!!!

2007-02-21 07:22:32 · update #1

1 answers

I might start something like this:

On a daily basis, today's middle school age children are exposed to a constant barrage of sexual content, profanity, and drug references from movies, television, radio, the internet, and grocery store magazine racks. This type of exposure is rapid fire and doesn't offer much time for reflection. Exposure to the same content in the storyline of a novel affords the teenage reader the opportunity to think about what they are reading. The reader might even draw the conclusion that the behavior described in a novel is inappropriate or damaging.

And now you can go on about details and examples in the book you are writing your report about.

Good luck with your writing.

2007-02-23 06:49:29 · answer #1 · answered by exbuilder 7 · 1 0

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