It would take a lot to convince me that "each according to its kind" excludes the possibility that "kinds" are immutable, unchangeable.
Yes when you plant a corn seed, it produces a corn plant. Evolution does not say otherwise. But it is also quite easy to show that we can alter the characteristics in a *very* short time (just a few generations) to produce a very different corn plant ... in fact, there is considerable evidence that corn itself is the result of selective breeding by native americans of a different plant called teosinte.
Another example, a fruitfly will always give birth to other fruitflies. Evolution does not say other wise. But it has been demonstrated repeatedly that if you keep two populations of fruitflies separated, they will within 30 or 40 generations, produce offspring that are no longer able to interbreed. One species ("kind") of fruitfly is now two species ("kinds").
That is full blown speciation in about 3 years. Why is it so hard to imagine what can happen in 3 *million* years? Much less 300 million?
In other words, people who try to separate "micro-" vs. "macro-evolution", by saying that the BIble allows for the change of "kinds" but not the creation of new "kinds", is depending *way* too much on a specific interpretation of the word "kind" that is unsupportable by strict theology, and directly contradicted by scientific evidence.
An interpretation more compatible with the scientific evidence, is that the creation of "kinds" by God, is equivalent to what scientists call "taxogenesis" by evolution. God can certainly create "kinds" any way He pleases, and can certainly continue creating those "kinds" today. As the process we see today by which new "kinds" can and do arise, is simple natural selection, there is no reason to exclude that from God's way of doing things in the past.
In other words, the question you are asking evaporates if you see evolution as the very *method* God uses to create new "kinds".
Evolution can be seen as evidence that God is never done creating.
2007-02-20 12:36:32
answer #1
answered by secretsauce 7
Not exactly.
The Bible says every seed produces after its own kind. When you plant corn, corn grows. The offspring of a dog will always be a dog. Millions of years from now, the offspring of a dog will still be a dog. One type of animal will never give birth to another type.
Now over time, animals may change some. The average man may be taller, but he is still a man. (No more or less human than his father and mother.)
A certain species may develop longer legs. This is because the environment may be such that the ones with shorter legs get caught and eaten more often and more long-legged ones survive to reproduce. But, these animals never change to the point that they are something else.
A long-legged rabbit is no more or less of a rabbit than one with shorter legs.
2007-02-20 12:13:17
answer #2
answered by JoeBama 7
The Bible says that there is three kinds of flesh. Birds, animals, and mankind. It is impossible to mate any of these with any of the other ones. God made everything and declared that there isn't anything new under the Sun!! In Genesis it says that things can only come from their own kind. After their own kind, and only by their own kind. We will never see a dog giving birth to a goat, God didn't design it that way.
2007-02-20 11:50:22
answer #3
answered by michael m 5
You're confusing evolution with natural selection. God created the originals, but time and humans created different different types. Like humans and dogs.
2007-02-20 11:44:18
answer #4
answered by yaabro 4
In a way, yes. In Gen. 1:21, it says that God created life "according to its kind." That means ducks will not produce chickens. They will only produce other ducks. Seals can only make other seals. Dogs can only make other dogs. Humans can only produce other humans. Everything "according to its kind."
2007-02-20 11:51:42
answer #5
answered by LineDancer 7
Creationism allows for Micro evolution.
2007-02-20 11:48:04
answer #6
answered by Holy Holly 5
Absolutely nothing brother.
2007-02-20 11:43:21
answer #7
answered by dtwladyhawk 6
I never saw that, and I do not know of anyone who believes it.
2007-02-20 11:42:17
answer #8
answered by Randy G 7
2007-02-20 11:42:53
answer #9
answered by chris p 6