Are you are looking here for further examples of arguments against evolution which reveal the cluelessness (to avoid more offensive terms) of the asker?
Here are more:
- Evolution is just a theory
- microevolution exists but not macroevolution
- the fossil record is put there by god (alternatively satan) to confuse us.
- no missing link fossils have ever been found/Archaeopteryx was a fraud/there are no transitional forms
- the human eye is too complex to have evolved (especially fun if a proponent of intelligent design says that. If something is not intelligently designed it's the human eye, compare with octopus eye)
- there are no beneficial mutations
- no new species have ever been shown to have evolved
Just hang out here on yahoo answers, especially in this forum, and you get to see them all.
2007-02-22 03:03:58
answer #1
answered by convictedidiot 5
* Evolution takes millions of year for a new species to develop but you can watch metamorphsis which is a type of evoulution. Frogs, butterflies...etc.
* Humans didn't descend from monkeys, real evolutionist know that.
*The earth is "so old" fossils prove that. I honestly don't understand what you are saying about the magnetic field.
*Because it is a fact, studies prove it! Fossils prove it, bones prove it, and forms of it take place during you life time.
* Because bones and fossils decay over the years it not protected from rock and soil. but there is enough links to prove it. Such as Lucy, the first missing link between humans and apes. It is the first known skelton to should and ape walking up right.
*No Darwin never said that, it's a lie.
Oh yeah I don't know how many times I've already answered these questions on here. Next time look your questions up in the previous questions log. Or try looking some of these up on other web sites, they can show you pictures and better facts than I can. Who know it might actually open your eyes if you are really interested in learning about evolution. But if you are someone who is just being an asshole and are trying to prove evolution wrong good luck with, it's going to be quite hard.
2007-02-20 10:45:40
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Point: Anybody who has observed animals in the wild has seen species evolve (its a very slow process).
Point: Humans did not evolve from monkeys, humans and monkeys evolved from a common ancestor.
Point: Why would the earth's magnetic field degrade over time?
Point: Evolution is a scientific theory just like the theory of relativity and gravitational theory. It is as much a fact as the force of gravity and the speed of light.
Point: There are a many transitional fossils but if you're looking for a fossil record of every stage in a species evolution then you can stop looking because the world is a big place and we can't dig everywhere.
Point: No, Darwin did not renounce evolution on his deathbed. This is a myth supported by Christians (in support of their own myths).
2007-02-20 10:24:14
answer #3
answered by boukenger 4
Ummm... new species evolve all the time, there are monkeys because we evolved from a common ancestor, the magnetic field anti-evolution argument is unscientific and against facts, evolution is as close to a fact as the law of gravity (and has evidence to back it up, unlike religion...), there are transitional fossils all over the place, and Darwin did not renounce evolution on his deathbed. These are some of the more blatant errors of the ID argument...
I suggest checking here for all the answers...
And Fireball2 (below): it is a theory in the scientific usage of the word, not the common usage. Please investigate the difference, and you will avoid embarrassing yourself on these forums.
2007-02-20 10:22:30
answer #4
answered by Blackacre 7
Nobody has seen a species evolve because evolution takes millions of years.
There are still monkeys because humans evolved separately.
How do you explain dinosaur fossils if the earth isn't as old as we think it is?
It isn't a fact. Its a THEORY. Just like creationism. There is no proof either way.
There are gaps because we haven't found all the links.
And NO, I don't think Darwin renounced evolution, EVER.
2007-02-20 10:21:29
answer #5
answered by *Cara* 7
The cane toad has gottten bigger overall and has grown longer legs since being introduced to Australia in the 1930's. It seems things evolve when there environment changes...
Common ancestor, we have similar genetic makeup.
The magnetic feild weakens then reverses, this has happened many times in the past, north becomes south to a compass. Birds adapt real fast to this i'm sure, or else they wouldn't be here today.
Keep on digging. If an environment changes then a species changes or dies out. Say 1 out of 100 changes the rest die, the environment drasticly changes every 100 million years, those fossils would be hard to find.
No, but i'll renounce him on mine, just in case.
2007-02-20 22:36:13
answer #6
answered by Woody 2
1. Dogs & cats - Ppl breed them, but it still proves a point.
2. Evolution from one species doesn't equal the desappearance of the orginal
3. ?
4. It's a fact and theory, some stuff can be proven, while other stuff is still being worked on.
5. I think they're doing a great job finding fossils. It's not easy.
6. No he did not ! That lady lied because she wanted to make a name for herself.
2007-02-20 10:22:18
answer #7
answered by lilith 7
see blackacre's answers, but also, nobody ever said humans descended from monkeys, we descended from a common ancestor. That would be like saying if chickens evolved from ducks, why are there still ducks...see how stupid it sounds?
also, we know Darwin didn't renounce his theory, but we also know he was just the first scientist to pick up on evolution, his theories had a long way to go to be as refined as today's theory of evolution.
2007-02-20 10:25:06
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Nobody has ever seen god.
If there's a god, why did he never answer my prayers (any of them)?
Why does he send people to hell when he loves everyone?
Why does he care if we worship him is he's so powerful?
If he knows the future, then he already knows who will murder and rape, shouldn't he just send those people to hell already before it happens?
How come there is absolutely no evidence that the stories in the bible actually happened?
If we came from Adam and Eve, why are there blacks, Asians, and whites? Shouldn't we all be one color?
Why are the dinosaurs never mentioned in the bible?
You know, I could go on forever, but I actually STUDY my Biology book and do my homework, unlike most people here.
2007-02-20 10:26:25
answer #9
answered by Alterna 4
What I fnd most facsinating is that Darwin said that in order for his theory to hold merit, they would not have to not only find one transitional fossil, but 1,000's showing the same type of transition per incident. Yet many say oh what about this One fossil or that One fossil. Do they not understand even their own science? Besides you are right, all the fossils they have claimed to be evolution were not evolution at all. And even if they were by any means. The claim would still be null unless thousands were found within the same species showing the same transition. But, it doesn't exist.
If you are going to thumbs down me, than atleast e-mail me and I will show you where in Darwins own book he said it! Then you can go buy it and look it up for yourself. K?
2007-02-20 10:25:49
answer #10
answered by Stacey B 2