Those oils are completely natural. They are actually good for your hair.
Did you know that in the 40s/50s they would go to the parlor to get their hair done in those fabulously perfect curls only once a week....they would only wash their hair once a week, right before they went to the parlor to get their hair done again!
Think of it this way....your body produces those oils. And the more you wash them away....the more heavy and faster your body works to keep pumping out the oil.
So in a way...when we wash out hair everyday...we keep our hair working in hyper-drive to keep up with the oil production.
So...yes it is not good to wash it everyday.
I would suggest going at least every other day. Give your head a chance to breathe.
2007-02-20 09:23:05
answer #1
answered by aslongasitrocks 5
My daughter is a stylists and she answers like this. Shampooing everyday is bad. It strips your hair of its natural essential oils. When you wash your hair, shampoo and then use a conditioner only on the ends (or from the middle to the ends). If you can wait 2 or 3 days inbetween, you are doing well. If you have damage now, like split ends, get them cut off. There is no such thing as a conditioner that gets rid of them, it's just waxy and makes them lay down. Brush your hair, especially before you go to bed, to distribute the oils. Have a happy hair day!
2007-02-20 17:26:08
answer #2
answered by Julie M 1
If you only wash your hair every other day then your scalp gets used to it, and it won't look oily as soon. It IS better for your hair to NOT wash it every day because the natural oils will penetrate the hair follicles and nourish them-making them stronger.
Also buy a boars hair brush (the kind with a million bristles) it helps to distribute the natural oils and makes your hair shinier and stronger!
2007-02-20 17:23:11
answer #3
answered by E 5
I wash mine everyday otherwise it gets oily and drives me crazy. I have very healthy hair...Generally if you are going to wash your hair everyday I recommend swapping shampoos. Like have a normal hair and an oily hair or an dry and an oily so your hair has a natural balance and doesn't develop "memory" such as producing more oil then it should or less. (Also in my experience makes for softer hair)
2007-02-20 17:20:39
answer #4
answered by Josh S 3
yes, wash it every other day. Washing hair everyday causes hair to fall out and its just bad for you
2007-02-20 17:22:29
answer #5
answered by Vin R 2
Its not bad if you use the right shampoo and conditioner. Itll usually say on the bottle
'gentle enough to use every day"
if your hair seems to get icky if you don't wash it then wash it
2007-02-20 17:21:55
answer #6
answered by ****Lily**** 2
yes it is bad because your hair makes good natural oils and when you wash your hair everyday that washes out the good oils
2007-02-20 17:30:39
answer #7
answered by cutie* 1
It's not bad to wash your hair everyday if you use a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner (if you have color, use 2, thats what I do. I mix Herbal Esscenses Moisturizing Shampoo with Frizz-Ease (or Color Me Happy) and it makes my hair healthy). I hope that helped ;-)
2007-02-20 17:28:42
answer #8
answered by babe32 2
I wash mine every other day. Once a week I use a deep conditioning hair mask.
2007-02-20 17:19:50
answer #9
answered by telenanher420a 3
Apparently by washing it every day you are getting rid of it's natural oils, but I don't think it damages it as such.
2007-02-20 17:20:11
answer #10
answered by metalsludgette 2