To get rid of the ant problem you need to bring your cat inside where it is safe. They live longer and healthier and much happier. Why are you keeping it outside?
2007-02-20 09:04:14
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I don't know about the cat/ant dangerous thing but you could try drawing a chalk circle round the cat bowl, ants won't cross chalk. I suppose though that when you let a cat out you can't control then whether your cat is around ants, if you see what I mean
2007-02-20 16:30:03
answer #2
answered by greenbean 6
If the chalk doesn't work for you, here's what I have done in the past when I had ant problems. I got a heavier bowl with the cat food in it and I set it in a shallow pan of water, perhaps a cake pan size. This makes it hard for the ants to get to the food and your kitty will be fine.
Oh, and yes, the ants will sting him just like they do us, so you might have to change the location of his food bowl until the spilled food is gone or cleaned up.
2007-02-20 16:41:45
answer #3
answered by rugbee 4
I agree with the shallow water thing. It was the best thing that worked for me when I had an ant problem. Well until my daughter and cat thought it was funny to take the food out of the bowl.
2007-02-20 17:42:22
answer #4
answered by Dustin P 1
You need to get rid of the ant problem. You can get ant traps that you put outside. It wont hurt your cat.
2007-02-20 17:01:03
answer #5
answered by bratty brat 4
Cats should not be kept outside. Although, inside they have their paws in their litter boxes, then they get on your counters and tables and sometimes your food. That's just filthy. I wouldn't have a cat.
2007-02-20 17:19:44
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Set the bowl up higher and keep changing places.
2007-02-24 05:20:56
answer #7
answered by msprissysmom 3
ants won't cross chalk.
2007-02-20 16:34:46
answer #8
answered by page starshiine.™ 4
They can bite cat. And bites hurt so cat will be hurt.
2007-02-21 11:54:55
answer #9
answered by M♥R 3
you should probably kill yourself you mexican lover
2007-02-20 16:31:26
answer #10
answered by Anonymous