Please get kitty to the vet. Worms can be cuased by the following:
Be on the lookout for these common health problems in your cat:
Fleas. Fleas can easily invade your home, particularly if you have a dog or if you let your cat outside. Fleas can cause such health problems in cats as anemia, allergies, skin infections, and tapeworms.
There is a vast array of flea-fighting products that are highly effective and safe; consult your veterinarian for advice on products to use and an ongoing flea control plan. Avoid using pesticides and over-the-counter flea remedies—they are unnecessary given today's arsenal of safer, veterinarian-prescribed products—and never use flea products on your cat that are intended for use on dogs because such products can be fatal to your cat. Flea collars are not effective against fleas and can even irritate your cat's skin.
Tapeworms. These internal parasites are picked up by ingesting rodents or raw meat or fish, or from adult fleas that are carriers. Tapeworms are passed through the cat's feces. Often you can spot tapeworm segments in your cat's stool or under her tail—they look like small grains of rice. If you see signs of tapeworms, bring a fecal sample to your veterinarian to get worming medication for your cat. You may need to start a flea control program at the same time. Never use over-the-counter worming products. These are usually ineffective and can cause unwanted side effects in your cat.
Coccidia. These internal parasites are picked up from the infected feces of other animals. Symptoms can be nonexistent or quite serious; they include mild to severe diarrhea, weakness, depression, loss of appetite, and weight loss. Your veterinarian will need a fresh fecal sample to diagnose the problem and prescribe medication for these parasites.
Roundworms, hookworms, and whipworms. These internal parasites cause symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, a pot belly, and a dull coat. The symptoms become more serious and debilitating if your cat's condition is left untreated. Your veterinarian can diagnose these parasites by examining a fecal sample under a microscope. The various treatments may involve several doses before these parasites are eliminated.
2007-02-20 08:20:41
answer #1
answered by GRISCHAT 3
Your cat has worms, not a good sign. Can be cured easily with a trip to the vet. You say it is a kitten. This is not at all uncommon. Unfortunately a lot of times people get kittens with worms. You are supposed to take a new kitten to the vet as soon as you get the kitten and this is one of the things a good vet should check for immediately. Don't worry, it will get cleared up quickly as soon as you visit the vet, but do it quickly as the worms as basically eating up all the nutrition in the food that the kitten is getting.
2007-02-20 03:37:08
answer #2
answered by lochmessy 6
Then your kitten has worms,and needs to be treated for them. Take a stool sample to your vet and they will find out what kind of worms your kitten has and treat it for the worms. A lot of kittens have worms, but they need to be treated for them to be healthy. Don't buy over the counter de-wormer, as you need to find the correct type to give.
2007-02-20 07:18:15
answer #3
answered by Kitty Mom 4
I would take your kitten to the vet, and get a de wormer, worms can kill your precious kitten, if not treated quickly, they will slowly kill it, Im sorry I had to put it like that, but thats what happens
2007-02-20 03:17:32
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
your kitten has worms and must be taken to the vet for treatment A.S.A.P Worms can be fatal to cats if not treated. it's fairly inexpensive, but if money is tight than check with your local animal shelter for programs that assist peolple financially.
2007-02-20 03:32:52
answer #5
answered by portarico2007 2
Must be treated. Take the stool sample to the vet, have them test it and let you know exactly what kind of parasite it is (tapeworm, hookworms, giardia) and they will give you mediation.
If it's tapeworm, chances are your kitten has fleas, that will need to be treated at the same time. Fleas cause tapeworms.
2007-02-20 03:17:04
answer #6
answered by BVC_asst 5
Worms are not normal. get her to the vet.
2007-02-20 03:14:54
answer #7
answered by KathyS 7