a few weeks ago i felt i was on top of everything but since then i feel like im having a nervous breakdown,im in huge debt with bills coming from everywhere,i broke up with my boyf broke up with me last night even though he was the one in the wrong and i caught him out i thought we could work through it but he says he wants to be friends and take it from there,i feel so low im in a place where i dont know anyone,all i do is go and work and come home,i have no friends here,i do speak to my family back home and my friends but they have no idea how i feel,i feel lost and depressed and feel i cant cope,im givivng up on myself and its not me,what can i do.
11 answers
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Family & Relationships
➔ Singles & Dating
I would talk to a doctor about depression. It seems you may even have a bi-polar problem based on how I interpret your email. I am a doctor. Feel free to email me if you want any other information. Everything works out. Good luck.
2007-02-19 22:01:40
answer #1
answered by E-Razz 4
I wouldn't go to a doctor if I were you. I went once when my mother died. They just made things worse.
Try and focus on the positive issues like; you have your physical health, a job and inevitably a future. I've travelled all over the world and seen situations far worse than you could possibly imagine. I appreciate that you have problems and they're your own problems which is everything right now. Some people I have met who are dying and starving still remain positive about everything possible. I know one guy who was HIV positive, his brother died that year and the government destroyed his business. I was mortified for this kind, generous individual who told me that 'wherever there is life there is hope.' This is true with yourself. You're young, intelligent and have money coming in. The debts wont last forever. Even if your were bankrupt you could still have a perfectly happy and prosperous life. Forget the boyfriend there are 2 billion people on this planet there is someone out there right for you who will love, care and appreciate you as a human being. You have a future; who knows what the future holds for all of us. Things will get better and the rollercoaster of life will gradually gain an upward momentum . Is there anyone at work you could confide in? Could you spend a weekend with your family?
Spring will be here soon, try to get out and just talk to anyone, you'll be surprised who you might meet.
If you do go to a Doctor take the medication he gives but don't listen to his bullshit.
2007-02-19 22:49:44
answer #2
answered by swilliams1106 2
OK, you need to assess your priorities. If you are in debt, this is the most important issue you need to face. You don't want to end up bankrupt or in jail. So, work out a strategy to address the debts. Perhaps a financial counsellor? These are quite often available in the community for little or no fee. Don't despair, take it one day at a tme, and don't be afraid to ask for help. Talk to your doctor, there is probrably free counselling available to you under a mental health plan. Good luck!
2007-02-19 22:05:35
answer #3
answered by ( . ) ( . ) 2
the first thing you need to do is get yourself to a doctor who can prescribe and antidepressant medication. Then you need to just look at your life with a different perspective. you say you have debts, do you have a job? If so, call the places you owe money to and explain your situation. Many creditors are willing to lower payments temporarily to help you out, some will even drop intrest off the debt if you are willing to work with them. As for the Boyfriend, you can't help who you love, but he also can't help it if you aren't the one for him at this stage in his life. You need to allow him to be your friend or risk losing all contact with him. Invite people from your work to go to a movie, or come over for dinner. Let people know you are available. Coworkers may know people that you could become friends with. don't just sit home and wait for life to come to you, go out and get it. Become a volenteer at a nursing home, library, elementary school, etc.
2007-02-19 22:08:50
answer #4
answered by penelopejanepitstop 5
Ur at a low level in ur life now, so u gotta focus on the positive things. U see there are alot of things we take for granted in life. just think about doin watever makes u happy. The more positive u r in life the better, & dont even think bout gettin into another relationship at the moment cause u ll b attractin alot of miserable guys, thats wat happens... So just try 2 look on the brightside n dont give up!
2007-02-19 22:03:30
answer #5
answered by Nicole T 1
well start going out with your work mates for starters and get to know them a little. join the local gym the exercise will make you feel great and again you will meet new people. tell your family how you feel they will be there for you. and get a pet maybe a cat so you dont feel alone in your house
dont give up sweetie it will get better soon
2007-02-19 22:01:42
answer #6
answered by crunchymonkey 6
please dont despair. try talking to your friends or even someone in your family, a problem shared is a problem halved. as for your debts try to sit andwork out how much you can afford a week ormonthly.i also have debts but if you can o
pay them off slowly and at an amount you can afford this will seem easier. feeling isolated isnt nice , pherhaps you could try moving??? good luck.hugs.xx
2007-02-19 22:09:55
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
i felt like that for a while but the best thing for it iis to join a club (i.e i joined a athletics club ) or thing keep getting bad make whole life change like move,but for me joining the army was the best thing i could of done is the only place i have felt accepted in my whole life i fit in there hope you resolve this cause be depressed aint good
2007-02-19 22:20:40
answer #8
answered by kezz247 2
U really need a friend buddy.try to concentrate n ur job for now cant love cant pay bills.if u really need a friend then contact me n suparna143@yahoo.co.in
2007-02-19 22:02:52
answer #9
answered by sherry 3
Just know it will pass, we all go through the same things in life, you arent alone.......just hang on, be positive.....it WILL pass.
2007-02-19 22:00:41
answer #10
answered by snicks 2