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8 answers

If you met each other offline, then yeah you can fall in love.

But if you've never met this person in real life, then it's not really love. It's just your imagination. Its all in your head. You don't know how this person carries themselves, the way they move, the way they walk, the way they talk, how they eat, their manners towards others, the way you feel when he touches your back, the look in his eyes, etc...

2007-02-19 18:56:29 · answer #1 · answered by somegirl 3 · 0 0

Yes. However, the problems with online love include 1) distance, 2) and increased ability to decieve 3) personal biggotries.

Long distance relationships are always hard. If you meet online, unless you met at a site that was "specifically for (insert location) singles", chances are that you are far apart from each other. With a great distance between you, its difficult to be faithful and it is easy to become lonely; it is also easy to overidealize the relationship so, once you do meet, you have hopelessly high expectations.

It is much easier to decieve somebody on the internet, or across the phone, or through the mail, than it is in person. They can give you false information that, for most people in most situations, would be impossible to verify. They can send you false photos. They may not even be the gender they claim, or as serious about the relationship as they lead you to believe . . . without verbal contact seriousness is especially difficult to gage. In addition to this, people who seek love relationships on the internet are often (but not always) desperate, isolated, or have been recently jilted; this can lead them to being more eager to believe (and mroe easily decieved) as well as more eager to screw you over, intentionally or not.

Biggotry here is not neccessarily as bad a thing as it sounds like: everyone has personal tastes. Due to the fact that internet (along with other methods of long distance communication) is selective in the information we can gather, once you meet someone you may find a flaw that completely shatters your love for them. Maybe you met them on a Jewish dating site and, low and behold, they're not Jewish! You're religion is important to you, and they lied, so you dump 'em. If they had lied to you about their natural hair color you may not have minded as much, and they probably meant no harm by it (they may not have even lied . . . they may have been on the site because they have a Jewish fetish had never implied to you they were Jewish) but due to your personal biggotries and you unwillingness to be upfront about them (many adults won't come straight out and say "I don't date (insert trait here)" because it makes them seem biggoted or ignorant), in addition to the ambiguity that is par for the internet, your relationship has just ended quite painfully and awkwardly.

There is always a chance that an internet relationship can work out beautifully ... the odds are just stacked against it.

2007-02-20 03:07:13 · answer #2 · answered by leather0and0lace 1 · 0 0

I can think of three couples that I know that have met online and are now happily married. It is becoming very common. I myself have never met anyone online; however people are doing it everyday...just be careful and get to know them in person before you can call it love.

2007-02-20 02:57:13 · answer #3 · answered by Cynthia 5 · 0 0

yes people do fall in love on the internet, and some actually work. but the law of averages are very low.

2007-02-20 02:56:23 · answer #4 · answered by wongfiehung2003 6 · 0 0

i always wondered that question,
i guess you like them for who they are, their inside, not their outside appearance.

problem with nowadays is that, people use look as the deciding factor to pursue after the person or not, and eliminates the chance of seeing the true person inside them.

in this way online, can help eliminate that problem

but i still think online relationship is very skeptical.

2007-02-20 02:55:29 · answer #5 · answered by I LOVE YANKS & DESPISE REDNECKS 1 · 0 0

YES that is possible.MY gf fell in love . BUT watch out 4 the stalkers too.

2007-02-20 02:55:00 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

yes but then you find out that they are really 12 years old

2007-02-20 02:55:18 · answer #7 · answered by cookie monster 2 · 0 0

no,no, never.

2007-02-20 02:57:03 · answer #8 · answered by nooshinmohseni 1 · 0 0

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