i know i am having this massive crush on this guy..and god knows that he doesnt know that since i am invisible to him..though he talks to me only there is 3rd party...but when i brought up this question on crush in Y! answers..people started telling me its LOVE....is it?..i like this guy yes!..i feel happy when he is around...i feel sad when he is not.i even felt happy when i saw he featerued me as one of his frens in frensta ( i know its dumb).i felt sad when saw few days later that i m not featured anymore (i know its really really dumb)...and i sort of miss him now sisnce i wont be able yo c him for a week..and i keep on browsing my frensta to know the last time he log in..only to know it has been 5 days he didnt log in ( really stupid rite?).. like him? yes.i want to be freindly to him? yes.i want to be like other frens of his? yes
but why i miss him?why i want to near him, do i love him?cuz i dont think i love him.maybe if i dont see him for 3 or 6 months i wont feel like this
10 answers
asked by
Family & Relationships
➔ Singles & Dating
i know him for 3 years..and only now i feel like this...
17:33:57 ·
update #1
ok..i am sure its not lust..i dont lust over him...i am more platonic
19:33:57 ·
update #2
If he is not diggin you then honey you should move on. You seem like a very passionate person and when you are interested in someone you are ready to give your all. that type of affection and energy should be spent on someone who likes you back and is willing to give you the attention you deserve. So the bigger picture is not weather or not you like him or love him, it is weather you like yourself enough to go out and get what you deserve instead of standing at the sidelines dreaming.
2007-02-19 17:33:45
answer #1
answered by hey.goodlookin 2
it's only lust or infatuation.
Love takes time to develop - and for love to happen, there has to be a relationship - and you can't be in the Cloud 9 stage of love where everything about the person is perfect. Love involves caring for the person deeply, their faults, their quirks, their bad habits, etc. If there is something that you can't accept, then there is not point in going on.
If you haven't even started a relationship with this guy, then it is definitely not love. It's only lust or infatuation.
2007-02-20 01:33:40
answer #2
answered by ~Z~ 3
well to me this sounds like love if u really don't want to love him so much then it is for sure that u love him don't be worried that he has not logined in he is probly real busy just give it more time and if u still care for him then this is love it will take time to get over him ,but only if u really want to!!!
2007-02-28 00:41:11
answer #3
answered by Michelle V 1
Doesn't sound like love. Just a MASSIVE crush. Talk to the cutie :D
2007-02-20 01:29:04
answer #4
answered by Manny 4
An infatuation is a feeling simile to love. Somtimes it is missunderstood. If this is a real love, you cannot live without this person.
2007-02-20 01:30:07
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
well, idk... i think maybe u just got crushed... bad! or you are a stalker. jk. i liked a guy like this too... and it has taken me almost 6 months to get over him... just i guess... make sure that you can talk to someone about him all the time, and just ride it out, you will be done crushing eventually
2007-02-20 01:29:32
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
the worst that could happen if you talk to him is you freeze up and cant talk and he laugh at you. or you can get up the nerve talk to him and he date you and yes it is love
2007-02-20 01:32:18
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
personally, i think it's that stage between crush and love.... it can't really be love b/c you don't really know him that well....
2007-02-20 01:32:30
answer #8
answered by Metallico 3
You love him. Go ahead and tell him.
2007-02-20 01:29:28
answer #9
answered by Kimora Miranda 3
too long to answer sorry
2007-02-20 01:28:06
answer #10
answered by Anonymous