My boyfriends Bday was on Saturday. I planned a big party and we all got pretty smashed. WE had initially said we would like to go home early. I ended up getting too drunk, he put us in a cab, takes me home and then leaves again! He doesnt call all night and never comes home. He didnt call till 10am the next day, I asked him where he stayed and he said at this girls house (who is his friends mistress) He swears nothing happened, and I trust him, but I cant get over the fact that he has no consideration for my feelings. I broke up with I being too dramatic?
15 answers
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Family & Relationships
➔ Singles & Dating
I think you can see just fine. First and foremost if his friend has a mistress and he thinks that's fine...what would be the difference then if he had a mistress behind your back. You should never stand for your man to kick it with fools that are are the company you keep. That means if you kick it with association a whore you are as well. Kick him to the curb, because he doesn't respect you. If you take him back, you are saying ...hey I don't respect myself, so lets all stomp on my feelings together. Stay strong and know that AIDS does not discriminate... show him that you do not need the D R A M A in your life.
2007-02-19 16:14:46
answer #1
answered by aprildin 3
No not really if he had something to hide why would he tell you where he was he was not hiding anything from you he told you the truth he was staying at his mates mistress house should you be worried no but I think he mates wife should be and she needs to know but that's not up to you now is it have a chat with the guy and give him a break we all make mistakes and we learn from them, see what he has to say good luck
2007-02-19 16:15:22
answer #2
answered by yah yah sisterhood 2
Most likely not sounds like ur bf was a having a bday one night stand. I mean he could of called you or something instead of banging his friends know she has no morals to be a mistress in the first place.
2007-02-19 16:12:02
answer #3
answered by Danielle 4
You did the right thing to protect yourself. Under no circumstances is his behavior acceptable! He has shown you what he is made of and it isn't much! He had total disregard for you, your concern for him and your relationship. You were not a priority for him even after you went out of your way to make sure HE had a great birthday. How ungreatful! Furthermore, if his friend has a "mistress" and your ex stayed with her, you have no reason to trust either of them together.
What a jerk... A total jerk out for himself first!
I'm glad to hear there are strong women like yourself!!
2007-02-19 16:28:14
answer #4
answered by troyaj1972 2
No. Your instincts are probably right about him cheating. I don't know...I wouldn't trust him if he went over to another girls house to stay the night. If he was under the influence of alcohol, I'm pretty sure something ensued. For your sake, I hope I'm wrong.
2007-02-19 16:13:52
answer #5
answered by AmandaHugNKiss 4
Ooooohhhh Im like you, thats happen to me. But I think you just have to trust. It will destory you. I ended that relationship a little while later. The suspense was killing me. I still dont know if she had done anything tho. So dont do what I did be trusting
2007-02-19 16:23:30
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Sounds like you have Trust issues with this guy and it may have been a good thing to end. I find the whole " nothing happened" very suspicious. His idea of nothing and your idea of nothing could be 2 different nothings.
2007-02-19 16:14:16
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
girl u did the right thing ...shoooo he shouldve stayed with you since your drunk and instead he with another girl ands thats a big thats the good thing that u broke up with him...he could slept with that girl all nite long and not takeing care of you
2007-02-19 16:13:47
answer #8
answered by asian senorial 3
Nope. Sounds fishy.....that nothing happened line. See the warning signs now, like you did, and avoid a lifetime of hearing those stories and denials and being treated unfairly. Run....don't walk now.
2007-02-19 16:13:46
answer #9
answered by georgiagolfer72 3
No, your not being overdramatic, but apparently you cant completly trust him. Untill you can, you should not be in a relationship with him.
2007-02-19 16:12:02
answer #10
answered by azº 4