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Does anyone with a diabetic child notice behavior problems when blood sugar is high? My son has gone through every test possible at the psychologist office, but nothing. A friend suggested that the behavior problems may be due to diabetes. I have it, and so does the rest of my family. My son's blood sugar's have been high the last 3 days (150-180), but I have to keep checking for at least a week before we go back to the doctor. Does anyone know if these blood sugars could be causing his outbursts of temper and aggression? Please help, I am desperate.

2007-02-19 15:56:11 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Grade-Schooler

11 answers

My 5-year-old has Type 1 diabetes and the answer is yes, high blood sugars can cause irritability. However, my son's blood sugars run higher because he has Type 1 (not Type 2) and usually doesn't act irritable unless he's over 300. I would discuss these issues with your son's endocronologist and pediatrician. Maybe they can suggest a behavioral specialist to work with to help your son deal with how he feels when his blood sugar is running higher. Good luck!

2007-02-19 19:17:38 · answer #1 · answered by Jennifer C 3 · 0 0


2016-09-12 20:03:45 · answer #2 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

My son is 3 and has been Diabetic since just before he turned two. We notice major changes in his behavior anytime he's really out of range one way or the other. Irratibility is definitely a big symptom for him when his BGs are high along with a tummy ache. However we don't see any behavior issues when BG between 150-180. Ofr him he's most affected if he gets over 300. Have you spoken to your child's Endocrinologist? If they don't believe it's related to out of range BG then you must conclude that your son has anger issues . This may still be related to Diabetes in that he feels different, and he constantly, poked with lancets and syringes and must watch what he eats. It's all pretty stressful for a child. I highly recommend checking out "The Parents Place" message board on the ADA website. The link is below. Very helpful parents who have been through a lot and can help.

2007-02-21 09:06:47 · answer #3 · answered by Ella727 4 · 0 0

I'm a 45 year old woman and was recently diagnosed as being a borderline diabetic. My doctor prescribed some medication, but before filling it I decided to do some research on the internet which led me to the methods. After reading this ebook and applying the methods, my scepticism turned to 100% belief. I noticed that my energy levels increased significantly and I felt more rested in the morning, my symptoms started going away.

I am very happy to tell you that I have been feeling better than I have felt in years and my doctor informed me that he will be taking me off my prescriptions if I keep this up.

I recommend you use the Type 2 Diabetes Destroyer to naturally reverse your diabetes.

2016-05-17 04:08:11 · answer #4 · answered by Gwendolyn 4 · 0 0

Yes high blood sugar can defiantly cause temper outbursts.You kno how when someone has chocolate they are hiper, well same thing exept for with blood sugar.I am diabetic myslef and when i have low-blood sugar i am "moody", but when i jhave hig-blood sugar i cna have a bit of a temper.The older you get the less of a temper/moody you get in you diabetic hig/low blood sugar problems.Maybe have your son put that anger and high blood sugar into sports, it could make him good.WHen i was a little bit younger playing sports helped me release all that high blood sugar/energy.Good Luck!=}

2007-02-20 17:04:55 · answer #5 · answered by Mommy_of_4 2 · 0 0

I would say that your fears are true.

My father is a full diabetic and when he was high, he was a......
not nice guy.

I was taking care of a infant cousin and he got low and got mad because the child made too much noise.

To this day, I don't speak with him.

Look, YOUR THE PARENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Regulate the blood sugar!

Why is that an issue? If the BS is high it's....who's fault????...
humm......He doesn't get insilun from anyone else but you?

YOU FEED him right?

If your wanting him to be docile, give him too much insilin and no food. That way, he will be in shock and perish!

Then you will be guilty of murder!!!!!!

Heres an Idea, regulate him!!!!!

screw it...I don't care about points on this.


NO CHOICE. Get your head and butt toghther and follow your Doctors instructions.

I bet if you regulate him your issues will solve themselves.

The answer is so clear.

2007-02-19 16:53:59 · answer #6 · answered by welder guy 2 · 0 3

yes they can. actually everyone tells me i am a bi**h when my blood levels are too high. just try to get him on a diabetic diet now and see if that makes any difference having his blood sugars at a normal consitant rate.

2007-02-19 16:01:36 · answer #7 · answered by jjsoccer_18 4 · 1 0

Yes...My daughter that's now 19 still can be out a line...A few things I have noticed over the years...She can get real strong and aggressive. Say's thing's that she would normally not(sweet kid). I have compared it to a obnoxious drunk person if that makes sense?

Good-Luck :)

2007-02-19 16:07:50 · answer #8 · answered by sparksgirls6 6 · 0 0

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