I met a nice, well-educated man online 2.5 yrs ago and at that time we chatted from time to time online and even shared some phone conversations. He seemed to be a very busy individual so I did not initiate further contact with him. We rescently have started talking again via online and the phone (beginning of January) and he is totally into me and says he wants to move to the state I live in and be with me. I am 34 and he is 37. He said he did this one other time with someone when he was in his 20's (met a girl one weekend and moved across country to be with her and was with her for 4 yrs). He is determined to get married and has made it very clear he wants to and wants it to be me! He is flying me out to meet him in person next month...am I crazy? He says if things go well with this meeting he wants to move to my state with intentions to marry me. On top of all this I just got out of a serious relationship less than 2 mnths ago. What do I do?? Any advise would be helpful.
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Family & Relationships
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He has already been telling me he loves me, etc. Granted it is a breath of fresh air to meet someone that REALLY wants what I do. WOuld it be crazy to allow him to move to where I live (and with me). I have a 13 yr old son. No, he does not HAVE to live with me..but he has made it clear if he moves here it is to be with me and wants to get engaged shortly after he moves here. He has the means to live on his own and is well -educated with a good job and has already been looking for work in the city I live in. He just simply wants to make a life with me and marry me. Just scared it is too fast and I would be making the wrong decision. My last relationship he moved out of state to be closer to his kids and keeps calling and textn and emailing me and doesnt want me to move on. That is pullin at my heart strings as well..but he really hurt me..but I still care for him alot. uuuuggg.I am very confused and I want to be happy and get married though???
16:06:51 ·
update #1