Al: A very interesting query by you. Firstly; to give my answer to your probe requires, that I supply you with some background on why Jesus was even, relevant to the human race.
Back to the Beginning: Jesus was the God of the Old Testament. He is the "logos" or Spokesman (see: The Book of John in the New Testament re: Chapter 1, verses 1 & 2 ), Jesus was the Being, who spoke the desires of His Heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit did the "creating" work, in the REformation of the earth's surface, to support human life. Adam was formed, then, later, Eve. After the initial sin committed by Adam, Eve as instigated by Satan - the Devil, God [Jesus] foretold of a time when He would die for all sin committed by mankind, and eventually (at His return to earth), take over the reigns from Satan -canbe found in the Old Testament (O.T.), in the Book of Genesis, Chapter 3: verses 14 & 15). Since sin is always against God, it requires God to reconcile humans to Him, as He [Jesus] was perfect and sin-free. God the Father would only accept nothing short of this as a sacrifice for human sin. Now; the onus is on humans to accept that sacrifice (Jesus death). It is not enough that He died on the cross but people must be receptive of that sacrifice, repent of their sins through baptism with water, and then, receive the gift of the Holy Spirit to enable that individual to abound in a relationship with Jesus called GRACE ( undeserved - unmerited "pardon" by God the Father for our sins). Since we are saved by grace, we perform works of love to both, God the Father and our neighbours (those who live in this world). The whole process is one of spirituality - NOT religion - as religion is man-made. ALL people have sinned, whether it be in the mind or enacted by those same thoughts and require the grace of God. When Jesus was singled out, beaten by the Romans and was to be released by the Roman Govenor - Pilate, the Jewish leaders wanted Him [Jesus] out of the picture, as He was a real threat to their positions of authority and their comfortable life-styles. Therefore, the Pharasees and the Jewish High Priest ensured that Jesus (who never sinned) was murdered on the cross. The bottom-line is this. Without Jesus willingly, going along and dieing on the cross, then, being resurrected back to life again, 3 days after the fact, the human race would not be relevant to God the Father. God the Father, had the whole plan worked out long before the earth or the first humans, Adam & Eve were ever created. God's Plan reaches into the future when the human race ends up in a nuclear war and will send Jesus Christ back to this earth to save what remains of the human race. Each and every human being ever, born will be given their individual chance to accept the sacrifice of Jesus Christ - ALL in their particular turn and time. The GOOD NEWS is we all WIN in the END !!!
2007-02-19 15:00:50
answer #1
answered by guraqt2me 7
I'd be skeptical of anyone that told me Jesus was some kind of god. He was God. Jesus=God. Without that, you may as well ignore the rest of Christianity. Jesus did not sin, and that is what made his flesh a perfect sacrifice. People that say you have to go to confessions are putting someone between God and the people. It is wrong, and they are on a power trip. Matthew "(50) Then Jesus shouted out again, and he gave up his spirit. (51) At that moment the curtain in the Temple was torn in two, from top to bottom..." The curtain here was what seperated temple officials from common people, because only a temple official could pass the curtain and live. Behind the curtain was where the official could talk to God on behalf of the people. When the curtain was torn, it showed that people can come before God on their own.
Jesus did not sin. He was the "unblemished lamb" who was sacrificed for human sin. The point of Jesus' death was to offer redemption to all people who would accept it. No person can go their entire life and be perfect, except for Jesus, as he was God. Jesus offers the ONLY path to Heaven. That is the point of his death. He made it easier to get to Heaven, actually. Before Jesus' death, a person had to make sacrificed constantly in order to keep themself pure in God's eyes. Now it takes a commitment to God to live for him, and accept the gift of Salvation.
Jesus could have taken himself off of the cross any time he wanted to. If he had, however, 33 years of God on Earth would have been wasted. Also, it would have been a sin. Jesus said repeatedly that he was going to die on a cross. Not dying on the cross would make a liar out of Jesus, and many Old Testament prophets.
2007-02-19 14:29:21
answer #2
answered by pish_01 2
Jesus didn't sin; he died for our sins. You really can't believe that Jesus was just a good person. He was either God, a liar, or insane. The only way we can go to heaven is because the perfect Jesus died in our place. Without Jesus, every human being would go to the place they deserve to go to: hell. Christians confess their sins because they let God know that they're sorry. They know they're not worthy of heaven, but through the grace of God, they can get there. Jesus said that "if you confess your sins he is faithful and just and will forgive your sins"-1 John 1:9
Jesus didn't choose to die-who wants to be killed brutally on a cross. He agreed to listen to his heavenly father's will and die for all the people of the world. He even said "take this cup from me God." God knew that the only way for his people to be saved was for the perfect lamb to be slain. The old testiment sacrifices aren't necessary anymore because Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice. He conquered death to bring us life!
2007-02-19 14:24:17
answer #3
answered by kmarie 2
This Jewish sect called Christianity was founded by Jesus the Nazarene, Son of God, human and divine. There are historical records that prove his existence and thousands of His followers accepted death in the 1st years of Christianity because they knew He had resurrected and that He was the true God. St. Peter knew Jesus firsthand and Jesus revealed himself to St. Paul after his Ascension. Im sorry if this answer isn't serious enough because it doesn't contain toadpoles evolving into humans or stuff like that.
2016-05-24 18:36:08
answer #4
answered by Inge 3
The point was that before Jesus' death, we had to go before God as sinners. It is impossible for us to not sin. But because of his sacrifice, we can have eternal life if we just believe.
Some sects of Christianity are misinformed in thinking that by confessing sin to a priest you will go to heaven. Yes, you need to confess sin, but first you don't need to go through someone else to do so and secondly, if you refer to the Bible, it is very clear that you also have to accept Jesus Christ. John 3:16 is a Bible Verse that a lot of people memorize. It goes "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever beleive in Him shall have life everlasting." You have to belief that Jesus is God's son and profess it.
John 1:9 also says that we should confess our sins to God. We don't have to go through anyone else.
Jesus also is not a sinner like us. This is probably one of the biggest proofs that he was God in the flesh. I have yet to go a perfect day--not that my sins are big, but I still sin. I'm human. Jesus was tested by Satan. He knows what temptation is and he knows what we go through every single day of our lives. Yet he still did not sin and he was probably tested more thoroughly than many of us. The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 5:21 that God made him who had no sin to be sin for us. In other words, Jesus was without sin and because of this was able to take on our sins. I just can't imagine that a normal man would or could go through what he went through during the crucifixion and then be able to ask for forgiveness for his tormentors with his dying breath.
As for believing that Jesus is God and one in three, well, I can't make you believe that. This is a choice you have to make yourself. I can tell you that I believe and that I have joy and new life through Christ. I have felt God's power and presence and have seen him move in my own life and the lives of others. If you are truly interested in more information on the subject, there is a book written by a man named Lee Strobel called THE CASE FOR CHRIST. Strobel was an athiest and began to research old testament prophecies of the Messiah to prove that Jesus couldn't possibly fulfill all those prophecies. He studied like 130 (forget exact number) points and by the time he finished his research was convinved that Jesus was in fact the Christ and became a Christian. It's a good book.
I'm sure you'll get a lot of good answers in this forum and I hope you find some peace. But most of all, I hope that you discover that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. And that you too have eternal life. God is preparing a feast for his believers. I'd love to meet you there some day.
2007-02-19 14:34:32
answer #5
answered by lorilou 3
Jesus is the Son of God whose whole life purpose was to die for the sins of all man. He was totally without sin. John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. This gift of salvation comes from God thriugh His Son Jesus. It costs man nothing-all we have to do is believe and accept this gift. He stands at the door knocking-will you let Him in. Just open the door and say "Come in, Jesus".
2007-02-19 14:22:12
answer #6
answered by Country girl 7
Well, I'll try to explain it the way that makes the most sense to me. Before Jesus, Jews presented sacrifices to God to ask for forgiveness of sins. I get your point of view why you say that Jesus' death was pointless, because they chose him over a murderer, however that helps fufill a prophesy about the Christ. Jesus' death was necessary, because it served as an ultimate sacrifice, because he was sinless. He was the ultimate sacrifice for all people so that we were able to be saved. It was all part of God's plan.
2007-02-19 14:19:14
answer #7
answered by Emily 3
You are on the right track in your curiosity over this matter. I am amazed at how so many intelligent people are conned into just accepting teachings from a flawed, man-made book. If Jesus was sent by God to die for our sins, this would imply that God owed a debt to another being....a being that demands human sacrifice. God, according to the man-made Bible is the creator of "everything". Who then is this being that he owed? Don't ponder that question too much as it is meaningless, since that whole "dying for our sins" piece of fiction is utter nonsense.
2007-02-19 14:24:07
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Jesus was without sin, so he didn't die for his sins. If you're a human being, you will commit a sin. That's a guarantee.
The point, of course, is that he died for our sins so that we could go to Heaven. Sin is dirty business and blood must be spilled to atone for it. Weird, eh? If you decide Jesus isn't your savior and you don't confess your sins, after you die you'll got to a place that gets pretty hot and painful, and is worse than New Jersey.
2007-02-19 14:18:36
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
The price of sin is death. Jesus had no sin, so he was able to die for others. If you accept him as your savior your sins are paid for by his death. So the story goes.
2007-02-19 14:17:06
answer #10
answered by MathGuy 3