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Prove that God does not exest and give me sorces. Tell me how the world was created. Tell me how matter was made and formed. Tell me every thing you know to help me understand why u think that God is not real!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-02-19 12:55:40 · 22 answers · asked by blue_orange_broncos 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

22 answers

Based on how you spelled God I believe you are religious like I. I may not be a atheist but i am quite the debater when it comes to religion. Since I always argue with Atheists I know their arguments.
The one I am yet to come up with an answer to is, If God was perfect, why would he create such an imperfect race??? Plus there are many possibilities that this world was created differently. One way I think they would like to believe the world was started was by evolving. It all makes sense and their is evidence. One thing comes from another. Another question I found difficult to answer but did is, why did God create starving children in Africa? Or if this world is so screwed up and God is so powerful why doesn't he just come here and fix everything??? I also want to add that most Atheist weren't born in a Christian home and most people live by the religion they grew up with. People in the Islamic religion can be just as into their religion as us but it doesn't mean it is right. If our religion were to be fake I must say it is the best most well thought out one. But remember if you grew up with Scientology (Which in some ways might be a religion) you would most likely be asking "Why Don't you believe we were created by Aliens?"

2007-02-19 13:09:31 · answer #1 · answered by Ugly Duckling 3 · 0 0

I cant prove that god doesnt exist any more than you can prove he does.

I dont know how the world was created, I dont know how matter was made or formed, but I dont think its necessary to know that either, and I sure as hell am not going to believe in an imaginary father-figure (no offense to christians) because I cant explain where I came from.

What is it with humans that makes them need to know how they got here? Thats why religion is so popular, because it gives answers (though not very convincing to me) to the questions that are hardest to answer. It also gives meaning to life which any realist will tell you doesnt have meaning. Meaning is a human invention. You dont see animals concerned with their souls, or where they go when they die, or what "the purpose" of their life is, do you? Humans evolved more intelligently than animals, and therefore could take care of their needs more efficiently (food, water, shelter etc) and that gave them time to sit around and wonder. They asked questions, and because there were no answers at that time, they invented gods and spirits and such to explain their world for them. To me, believing in god because I dont know how matter was made is the same thing as old tribes believing in their many gods because they couldnt explain lightning or rain.

Today we can explain lightning and rain, and one day we will be able to explain how matter was formed and how the world began. I dont believe in god because I think its a bronze-age myth.

However, I dont care what you or anyone else believes, as long as their opinions are not forced on me.

Hope that helps.

2007-02-19 13:29:12 · answer #2 · answered by Jesus W. 6 · 0 0

> Prove that God does not exest
I can't. I can only suggest that an imperfect creation would not be the expected result from a perfect Creator.

> Tell me how the world was created
A long time ago, there was the Big Bang, which released our kind of matter, an started the spreading of our kind of space. The initial universe was clumpy, and gravity gathered together masses into enormous star-like objects. These were unstable, and a few millions of years later, exploded as "hypernova." This made elements heavier than hydrogen.
Flash forward billions of years, and gravity again has acted to gather together matter... our solar system!

2007-02-19 13:02:37 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

OK, but remember: YOU ASKED FOR IT:

First, you have to define the term "God." The problem with most
theists is that this term is a moving target.

In addition, because there is no evidence either for or against the
existence of God, you cannot use deductive logic (a+b=c; therefore c-b=a). You can only reach a conclusion by inductive reasoning using the balance of evidence (90% of A is also B; C is B, so the chances are 90% that C is also A).

So to begin with, I will assert (and others may shoot this down) that the only RELEVANT definition of God states that he intervenes to circumvent natural laws.

If God circumvents natural laws, then it is impossible to understand natural laws. All scientific findings would have to include the stipulation, "it is also possible that these results are an act of God, a miracle, thereby making our research meaningless."

However, since we have been able to expand our knowledge of natural laws (evidenced by every appliance in your kitchen), the scientific method works in this discovery. And the likely conclusion is that God, at least the intervening kind, does not exist.

Additionally, if God is defined as all loving, all powerful, and all knowing, then it is impossible to explain suffering. Either God is not all loving (he acts sadistically), not all powerful (he cannot prevent suffering), or not all knowing (he created suffering by mistake because he didn't know the consequences of his actions).

If God is less than these and/or does not intervene in our existence, then he is either non-existent or irrelevant. The classic Bertrand Russell argument is that I cannot prove that a china teapot is orbiting the sun between the earth's orbit and Mars. But while I cannot prove this is not true, the evidence against it is compelling.

The evidence against God is equally compelling, and while it is not possible to prove beyond any doubt, it makes enormously more sense to live your life as if there were no God.

It is more compelling to me that humans have invented God (a) to help people deal with the pain and fear associated with death and loss, and (b) to reflect the thoughts of the ruling powers in a particular time. Because humans are always looking for reasons, when none were found, it was the natural inclination to declare the cause to be "God" (or gods). As the faith grew, miracles (coincidences) and laws were ascribed to this Divinity, and an orthodoxy grew up around it.

Now it seems unhelpful to believe in such superstition. The only matters that aid in our ongoing well-being are work, location, health, sustenance, and pure, blind luck.

Regarding the scientific questions:

150 years ago, we didn't know about bacteria. No clue. It wasn't understood until Louis Pasteur determined that germs caused disease.

You are asking the same questions that scientists ask. You have, however, asked this in the Religion & Spirituality section, where we are mostly humanities majors, not biologists or physicists. Would you come to R&S to find out what opus number was Mozart's 40th Symphony? I think not. You're asking us to play to our weakness. Quite frankly, you're being unfair.

So let me suggest two things:

1. If you are serious about wanting to know the current evidence-based understanding on the origins of the universe and on evolutionary theory, there are excellent descriptions found at http://www.talkorigins.org .

2. Consider that you are proposing (not so subtly) that anything that is not explained is a place for God to be discovered. This is commonly referred to in ontology as "the god of the gaps" theory. It typically assigns God to any blank space that science has not yet reached useful conclusions. Remember what I said about disease? Before bacteria were discovered, it was assumed God was punishing the ill, or that they were demon possessed, or some other supernatural phenomenon caused sickness. This is the same god of the gaps.

Science never assumes, and should never assume, anything is supernatural. The purpose of science is to discover through measured observation, testing, and repetition what natural causes lead to our natural world. If you impose a statement "God caused it," then this stops the search for knowledge, because God is ultimately unknowable. This is the reason that the "god of the gaps" theory is discounted among learned ontological academicians, and is ignored by science.

2007-02-19 13:00:30 · answer #4 · answered by NHBaritone 7 · 5 1

I don't believe in God because people will say, "salvation, salvation" and "god can get you through this" and "he is guiding you all the time" He is NOT guiding you all the time. If he was, where was he when my father was raping me? Where was he when my mom and I were fighting? If he is so great, why is the world such a f*cked up place? People are starving and there are so many orphans out there. What about the tsunami or hurricane katrina? Why would he let that happen?

2007-02-19 15:41:42 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Prove to me that god exists... oh wait you can't. You see this question is loaded, you want us to say something that will give you a reason to say oh yep they're wrng look what they said. Well I could ask the same queston to you to prove the existence of god and the only answers i would get would be things like look around gods everywhere. Those are some of the stupidest answers to give, they make no sense they aren't even answers they are blind assumptions, ha I shouldn't even call them assumptions they are more like hopes. I'll tell you this I don't have to prove to you that gd doesn't exist you should hae figured it out on your own already, and even if I did give you a reason you would't believe it. Because that would go against your faith, and we all know faith is what matters most, nt proof or knowledge.

2007-02-19 13:04:34 · answer #6 · answered by Satan 4 · 3 1

You can't source a lack of evidence. If you have some, show it.

There is no evidence that there is a god. It isn't rational or reasonable to believe in things without any evidence to back it up. You would be stuck with hundreds of thousands of gods and everything else that human imagination could come up with since they have the same evidence.

Not believing in god is the same as not believing in Odin, Zeus, Ra, Hera, Bacchus, The Great Spirit, Osiris, The Flying Spaghetti Monster and all the others. I would be no less surprised of evidence of Odin was found than I would be if evidence of your god was.

2007-02-19 13:00:51 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

I do not need to disprove something that has't been proven in the first place.

Can you disprove the tooth fairy? If you cannot, why don't you believe in the tooth fairy?

If nobody knows how the earth came to be (notice I do not assume creation as you do), does it make sense to assume that god must have done it? What is the evidence that supports that assumption?

One thing I have come to understand to help others is to encourage them to start thinking critically for themselves, and to start questionning.

Good luck.

2007-02-19 13:08:02 · answer #8 · answered by CC 7 · 1 0

I'll make you a list of sources.... start with ...

Einstein for Dummies (I like this book, it's not meant as an insult)
A Briefer History of Time by Stephen Hawking
Athiesm: The Case Against God by George Smith

Also visit these websites:


This information will not threaten your faith, and will explain to you in basic ways why so many people do not believe in god.

2007-02-19 12:59:46 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Burden of Proof. You have made the claim of a god, you must prove it. What you are saying is like me call you a murderer and then you have to prove you are not. I don't have to give any proof on my side, but if you cannot prove that you didn't kill someone at anytime then I guess your screwed.

2007-02-19 13:01:55 · answer #10 · answered by Magus 4 · 2 1

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