When people find out you're Christian, they watch you a little more closely. Some people are just waiting for you to screw up so they can say, "Ha, I knew it. Hypocrite." Gives them some sort of perverted satisfaction. Don't let these people get to you. They don't have an understanding of the gospel and what Jesus truly did for us. He didn't die to make us perfect, he died so that we would be forgiven even though we aren't perfect.
2007-02-19 11:11:19
answer #1
answered by melissa 5
Because of God's word, Matthew 5:48
"Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect."
Christians are expected to be perfect because God both expects it and demands it. Jesus told the woman caught in adultry to "go and sin no more." Do you think He told her to do something He knew was impossible?
The Rich Young Ruler told Jesus he kept the commandments from his youth; Jesus did not say --- 'Nobody has ever done that you are a liar.' Rather, knowing what he said was true, Jesus, the Scriputure says, loved him and offered him a place among the apostles.
What is perfection? It must be in the spirit and can never be in the flesh. (This is critical. Perfection is not a not doing). All you have done if you stop smoking is drop a symptom of sin and not the position of sin. Once you get yourself separated from the world position, and know in your heart that God is able, the sins drop away. (Romans 8:10-15)
Perfection is living in the perfection of Jesus Christ and not your own. Those who are attempting to be finished with smoking, wine, women and song, etc., are still working to earn salvation whether they realize it or not. The harder you try the more you are drawn; and the draw is worse now then at any time in human history. This is a great added battle in the spirit for those who are called of God.
Certainly people are human and people struggle and we are a work in progress. Still we should not be struggling with the symptoms of sin. I suggest, short of the baptism of the Holy Spirit, that every Christian struggle to submit his or her entire life. Do not concentrate on a symptom at a time. Concentrate on the fruits of love, joy, peace, etc.
The chief sin is unbelief, thinking that God is not able. Is there something God cannot do? Yes there is! God cannot command the impossible and He commands perfection.
If you have a problem face up to the fact that you cannot handle it - period. My general prayer with regard to desire is, "Lord I cannot do this. You take care of it." And he does.
He takes care of it at physical, mental and spiritual levels but the physical and mental is really minor. One minor but real urge to smoke for me tied to sugar consumption. The mental tie can be related to positive or negative stress connected to work or some social situation; or simply not dismissing the act from your mind after God has removed the desire.
2007-02-19 14:16:04
answer #2
answered by Tommy 6
Sin is a religious concept that those who do not follow the religion do not need to live by. Saying you are a part of a religion, and often times, feeling superior, and that you're going to a blessed place after you die because you are that religion... and then not following the rules, is hypocritical.
I don't think anyone has a problem with an honest and respectful christian just trying to live a good life. However, when that person butts into the life of another, wants them to follow their ways, only they're not as perfect as they would have everyone else be... that's the problem. They're selling something they don't have, in that respect.
You can quit smoking. It depends on your will. And now, there are all sorts of aids to help you. I'm not going to say it's easy, but it can be done. It has nothing to do with God's will on that.
God helps those that help themselves.
2007-02-19 11:11:03
answer #3
answered by froggypjs 5
This was an important point that needed to be stressed. Many visit churches or meet with Christians expecting them to be holier than thou. Literally waiting to see how pure they are.
The only difference between a Christian and an Unbeliever is that we believe in God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, that Satan is the Master Manipulator, and trust that the Lord gave His life for our sins, and has promised Eternal Life for His faithful children.
We also understand the importance of Salvation and that we are to live our lives according to scripture in obedience to the Lord.
Some Christians are still rebellious or spiritually immature. Others are on the verge of backsliding. Thus, you will find liars, gossipers, adulterers, smokers, gamblers, fornicators, and worse in the Church. That's where sinners need to be. Amen!
So don't be apalled and shocked when you see them there!!
Christians can be more judgemental of Christians than Unbelivers. We must understand that only God knows the heart, and he doesn't need our help to determine who is worthy of being saved. There are many Christians who say and do the right things, but there hearts and spirits are cold and hard.
You will also find spiritually mature, obedient, Holy Spirit filled, Faithful, loving Believers, who have strong relationship with the Lord in the Church. Everyone is on a different level. This is why God is slow to anger, forgiving, and recognizes that we all have growing to do.
Although there are no PERFECT Christians. We should always strive to seperate ourselves from the traditions and sins of the world. That...is what makes us different from Unbelieers. Some of us just follow the example of Christ closer than others.
Great Question!! Thanks for asking!! Blessings, Miji
2007-02-19 11:24:35
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I hear what you're saying but after spending 10 years surrounded by Christians and being in their inner circles I can tell you that there is alot of finger pointing going on. This is certainly not all Christians but many I was around which caused me to wonder what the new creation in Christ was all about, perhaps this is what confuses others also. Peace :-)
2007-02-19 12:35:23
answer #5
answered by me 6
Christians will always be persecuted by those who are afraind or do not understand the Truth. Why? Because it threatens self-entitlement and living for today, living without rules, living for thine own self.. If they succumb to Jesus Christ's teachings it will somehow impair their self entitlement. The best thing to do is keep trying like you said, look at this way Jesus is on your side, if you ask him he will help....to me it is quite simple, some people feel they don't need the help, can go through tragedy, etc. but never will ask for it. Why, then their world turns upside down, they now are going to be happy of which they don't really want.
2007-02-19 11:12:04
answer #6
answered by St.Jeb 4
God expects us to be perfect because he is perfect. You are right, we can't be perfect. That is why Jesus had to live the perfect life we can't and die for our sins. Only in him can be be made right. That being said once we are made new creatures in Christ our sinful habits shouldn't be habits any longer. That isn't to say we will never sin anymore but that means we'll know it's wrong and be repentful.
2007-02-19 11:15:13
answer #7
answered by Matt 3
There are no perfect Christians. There is one perfect Christ. There will never be a perfect physical Christian. There is one perfect Christ. All Christians sin. There is one perfect Christ. Need I say more?
2007-02-19 11:10:33
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
We Christians are expected to follow God's rules not to be perfect. I'm far from perfect so I don't know what Christians you speak of. I guess some try to be but their efforts are futile because perfection is unnatainable while we thrive on this sinful Earth.
2007-02-19 11:07:19
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Christians MOST CERTAINLY are not perfect at all! The difference is God has forgiven us. We want to be more like God, but it is impossible for us to be perfect. If we could be perfect then why would be need God? We could simply get to heaven on our own. However, God gave us the free gift of life that we don't deserve.
2007-02-19 11:15:17
answer #10
answered by JustAskMe 2